Jamai Raja 9th November 2016 Written Update

Jamai Raja 9th November 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Jamai Raja 9th November 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Mahi telling Payal that she is her Mahi, and asks her to believe her. She says Aleena’s face just resembles me. Payal pushes her and says I know this girl is fake and you are real Mahi. Mahi is shocked and asks why did you do this? Payal asks her to stop it and says I know you are real Mahi. My sister Ria and Neil’s daughter. you are the leech whom I have bear since 21 years, you are the leech who have sucked my blood. I let you do this so that you can name property on my name once grown up…Mahi cries and says Mamma. Payal says enough and asks her not to call her Mamma. She says I am tired of hearing this word. I don’t want to hear this and is tired. Satya asks her not to go in jungle else snake will die after biting her. He says you have ruined her life
just for property. you have played well. Payal says you have started again, and asks him to thank her for not kicking her out of house.

She says I have poisoned Neil’s mind against her so that they don’t get together. She says I didn’t kick her out when Neil died, just for property. She says what did you think that I will make you splashed water on my planning, and says see I have changed truth face, and can’t escape from my clutches. She says I will smashed you and will throw everyone out one by one, and then all this property will be mine. She laughs and says I can’t believe this. Mahi cries and says no. She gets a call and says she will come in sometime. Mahi cries and says Mamma can’t do this. Naina consoles Mahi and says I tried to make you understand, but you didn’t understand and came to know about her truth now. She says Satya is with you naa, don’t try.

Satya comes to Aleena’s room and says it is enough of the drama. Aleena hugs him and it is revealed that she is real Mahi. Mahi says Satya…how can my Mamma be so evil. Satya says I know how much pained you are. I don’t have any other way to bring your mamma’s face. Payal says why did she do this? She made my father hate me and says I lost everything in this greed jungle. She says you asked me to join you in your plan that day. A fb is shown, Satya tells Mahi that Payal is doing all this. Guards beat him and make him leave. Satya comes to her room late at night and asks her to give 1 week so that he can expose her. He meets Aleena (present Mahi), and asks her to help him. Aleena sits in Mahi’s car with fake burnt mask. She asks Mahi not to worry and call Payal. Mahi calls Payal and tells about her car break failed. Then the car falls down. Mahi hides, while Satya acts to save her and takes Aleena with him to the hospital. fb ends. Mahi tells Satya that Payal never loved her and just loved her money. Satya asks her not to cry and says this is the bad time and will go soon. He says bad time is over now, your mum will be punished now for her sins. We will punish her.

Later Mahi looks at Payal’s pic and recalls what Payal had said to her. Satya comes to her, and tells that when he was small, he got very high fever and then his mum sat beside him and prayed to God. He says this is called Maa, who can sacrifice her life for her child. He says this is not Maa and have snatched everything from you. She has snatched all rights from you. She never thought about you, but you are thinking about her even now. Satya lights his lighter and tells Mahi that there is a strength in fire and it burns all bad things. He asks her to burn Payal’s pic and all the memories which is connecting her to Payal. Mahi burns the pic and throws it down. Satya says you have cried a lot, today you have made a new start which will be peaceful and happy. Mahi asks what to do Satya? I have relation with her since 21 years and I don’t believe that she has done this with me. She hugs him crying.

Satya tells her that Payal have been using her as a puppet and never shared with her like a normal mother-daughter relation. He tells Payal has taken a decision, and says I love you very much. I won’t let her touch you. He hugs her. Payal calls Aleena and thinks where did she go? Aleena sees her and thinks she might be searching for real Mahi and if she sees Satya and Mahi together. Payal goes to Aleena’s room and sees Satya hugging her.

Satya sees Payal going to Basti early in the morning. She meets someone there.

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