Jee Le Zara 21st November 2013 Written Update

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Jee Le Zara 21st November 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Jee Le Zara 21st November 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with Saanchi rushing to the hospital with Nani, Aaji and Dhruv. Aaji prays for Advait’s well being. Nani comforts her and says everything will be fine. Saanchi cries for Advait. Doctor tells them that he was found unconscious on the road. He had an accident with some tourist vehicle. He lost lot of blood but he is not critical. He is young and can fight. Dhruv asks Saanchi to sit. Saanchi cries a lot. Dhruv asks her to relax and says Advait is going to be fine. Saanchi says destiny wants to say us something. Two times we wanted to talk with aaji and nani and something happened. Dhruv says you are stressed. He says no one can change their destiny. His says he will win them also. He asks her to think positive for everything. Saanchi says she is very afraid. Dhruv says he has a medicine for this and comforts her. Saanchi rests her head on his shoulder. She looks at Advait on the hospital bed and cries. Dhruv tells the grannies that Advait will be fine. Aaji says they will take him home. Dhruv says he needs to stay at the hospital for now. aaji says they will go home after he wakes up. Dhruv asks them to go else they will get ill. Nani and Aaji leaves.

Saanchi looks at Advait and cries. Dhruv comes back and tells Saanchi to be strong and not cry. She hugs him and cries. Pradeep comes home and gets scared. He wonders what will happen if anything happens to Advait or anybody saw me. He calls the hospital and asks about Advait. He is shocked to know that he is critical. deepali hears him and asks him to come to the hospital. Pradeep says they won’t go there.

Saanchi says it is 3 hours now and his condition is same. Dhruv says Doctor said 24 hours and he will be fine. He is stable. Inspector comes to take Saanchi’s statement. They asks whether she has any suspicion on anyone. Dhruv says he is her family friend and says she can’t give the statement right now. Dhruv goes to get the medicine. Saanchi comes to the ward and sits beside Advait’s bed. She takes his name and asks him to get up. She holds his hand and urges him to wake up. She talks about the flying school and says she found a better flying school. She says she is thinking to take the admission there. she says she won’t leave me. You are like my baby. She asks him to wake up. She continues to cry while the song Tumse hain judi har khushi plays in the background. She recalls the moments spent with him.

Next morning, Prachi and Sunil come there. Saanchi tells them about Advait having an accident. Sunil says he will help them if she needs any money. Saanchi says doctor asked us to wait for 24 hours. Sunil says they will take him to a big hospital and says he is ready to bear the expenses. Doctor takes Advait for the tests. Dhruv comes and says he will go but Sunil insists to go. Dhruv and Prachi asks Saanchi to eat something. Prachi says she will get something and asks Dhruv to be with Saanchi. Saanchi tells Dhruv that may be she had a bad eye on him. Dhruv says you can’t and he will be fine within a week time. He will be seen doing the decoration for our marriage. Saanchi is surprised. Dhruv says, we will agree the grannies by then. Saanchi prays for Advait’s recovery. Prachi comes and tells Saanchi that Advait got consciousness. Saanchi cries with happiness.

Dhruv and Saanchi are romancing and talking with each other. Ulka kaki comes and sees them together.

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1 Comment

  1. arti
    November 21, 13:24 Reply

    oh god- the precap. worse person to find out first. lol. whole village will now know.

    pradeep should be ashamed of himself. thats his own brother he hit and run.

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