Jodha Akbar 10th April 2015 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 10th April 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 10th April 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jalal ask Salim to say sorry to Murad, Salim ask i dont? Jodha gets worried, Salima says to jalal that Salim is elder or Murad, let it go, dont ask him to say sorry, Jalal says this is my court and decision will be mine only, he ask Salim to say sorry or else bear punishment, Salim says give me punishment, its nothing new for him, you have always given me punishment, i have always bear it and will bear it now too but i will not say sorry at any cost, Jalal says if you are habituated to punishment then bear it, Jalal says your punishment is that you are not high level minister, your salary is halved and you are not allowed to go to that dance bar again, you will not bear that dancer because of whom you slapped Murad, Salim is shocked, Jalal leaves the court. Daniyal thinks that i wont let any dancer snatch Mann bai’s right, she has right over Salim, Jodha is sowrried.
Birbal thinks how to solve problem between two sons, Shama comes there and ask where is haidar these days? Birbal says i dont know.
Jodha comes to weighing balance, she recalls how priest Badri said that son-father is written in Jalal’s fate, Jalal comes there and says seems like storm is coming, let go inside, Jodha says storm has already come and nobody can stop it, Jalal says but.. Jodha says your words cant give me peace, you promised me that you will act as king and father both then what happened? where is balance between fatherb and king? you said that nothing will happen to you r family because of politics, cant you see both brothers are standing against each other, you didnt give justice to anyone, Jalal says i will set everything right on time, Jodha says when will that come? when one will kill other, when they will go totally against each other, Jalal says i know i did mistake but dont cry, i cant see tears in your eyes, he hugs her and says i promise i wil answer the one because of all this is happening.
Salim comes to dance bar, soldier stops him and says its Jalal’s order that you cant meet Anarkali, Salim says nobody can stop me, he goes inside, Anar opens door, he smiles looking at her, they share eyelock, he is about to come inside, anar closes door, Salim says open it, i wanna talk to you, he cries, Anar says i cant go against Jalals’s order, please leave, Salim sys dont do this, only you are with me, all have betrayed me, dont do this, i wanna talk to you, please for god sake, open door, she doesnt, he leaves in tears. Zil comes to Anar, anar says i cant see Salim in pain, she hugs her, Zil says we cant do anything, he says is king’s son and you are just dancer.

Scene 2
Voice over says that Iran’s king had strong personality, he was respected by all countries, his one order can make anyone die, Iran’s king says to his soldiers that i am Jalal changed his decision and didnt make Salim new king but he didnt make India the Islamic nation, he has given opportunities to hindus, one minister says that Jalal has collaborated with other countries against you, ambassador says Jalal is so much afraid of you that he changed his decision, he will never go against Iran, king says i know and i will make sure, he is our control.
Ruks comes to SAlim and says dont worry, i will talk to Jalal, Salim says dont talk to that egoistic king, Ruks says i am your mother, i cant see your pain, i wanted you to be my son, i didnt give birth to you, i am not your mother, Salim says dont say like this, you have always been there with as mother, Ruks says if i was in Jodha’s place, i would have changed my religion for you, i will talk to Jalal, you dont worry, she smirks and things that Jodha is gone now.
Murad says to Daniyal that i still remember that slap, i always respected Salim and what he did.. Rahim comes and says you didnt do good, you could have solved matter with Salim, you should have not gone to Jalal, Murad says he slapped next king, Rahim says that Saim has right on this throne? Murad says why i cant be next king? i have fought war too, i work hard more than him, Rahim says but he is elder son of Salim so he should be king, Murad ask are you jealous with me? Salima says comes and sys Murad you are wrong, you should know that he elder and he has right to become king, Murad says you always take Salim’s side, make him learn respect too, he leaves.
Salim is drunk, Jodha comes there, she says you did by coming here, Salim says where can i go, Jodha says i know what Jalal did was not that good, i talked to Jalal.. Salim says great, when wife hurts then husband comes to cover up or vice versa, i dont need all this, you wanna show that you cant bear my pain, that you love me alot but if you have loved me enough then you must have changed religion by now for me, you must have accepted Islam, Jodha is shocked.

PRECAP- Jodha says to Jalal that there is difference between young and old men, you cant win, Jalal says if i win then what will give me? Ruks thinks that i have to win the prize.

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  1. mano
    April 11, 11:38 Reply

    i hte salim how he behave like that with his mother father fo anar he is so disgusting hte hate hate salim

  2. Pialy
    April 11, 08:58 Reply

    Jalal specifically said why he did not want Jodha to conevert to Muslim. Its because it will send a wrong signal to awaam. He did not want anyone to be forced to accept Islam. I am with Jalal here. His decision is correct. Tomorrow someone else can come and do the same. he should not be dancing to any ones tunes, he is King and he needs to stand up for it.

    Coming to Salim, yes Jalal should have discussed this with Salim. That said Salim always projected himself as someone who wanted and wants the best for awwam and treat them equally. Instead of sitting and blaming his parents and being sympathetic and getting brain washed by his step mother Ruks, why could he not think to why Jalal would have done this. Could he not go talk to his Father. In fact Jalal explianied to him and why cannot Salim understand . He only wants to listen to what he wants and thinks. Salim needs to grow up.

    A coin has two sides. Mistakes happen, the point is to find out a solution and move on rather than sit and brood.

    Salim is so confused. two days back he told his mother he did not want his mother to change religion, today he reverted and questioned his mother to why she did not change her religion.

    Salim also needs to learn and look from others shoes rather than self sympathizing himself. Parents make mistakes, its not intentional, it happens. Same goes to children. What benefit if one sits and blames others.

    After how he spoke to Jodha I have no sympathies for Salim. As parents JJ have flawed, but cant blame them entirely. Salim needs to own up his mistakes too.

    Lastly if a husband does not stand up to his wife and support who else will. Their only son is getting brainwashed by step mother, not willing to think from parents POV and pitying himself. This is not acceptable at least to me.

  3. Pialy
    April 10, 14:43 Reply

    I don’t understand what jodha jalal did wrong to him
    jalalas father shehnsha and husband balancing

    jodha as wife meh muz mother balancing and as individuals to
    they trying everything to make him understand

    if sometimes father is harsh doe tha mean he hates you if sometimes your mother is in two minds does this meam she is not worthy

    Salim attitude is suck

    he only think from one pov thats is his pov

    he can pray for anarkali father in dargaah but he just cant pray or ask him mother who fought for her life u ok

    if see jodha akbar are only there for eachother in such tough times and the only saving grace after leap is akdha
    love there faith authority bond is beautiful increased which is sign of good fortune

    But they didn’t deserve son like salim such useless fellow

    for him avaam parents family nothing comes

  4. Pialy
    April 10, 14:41 Reply

    Parents cannot be blamed for everything that goes wrong.

    A selfish, self sympathetic person can never understand this.

    Salim please spend some quality time with Salima Ammijaan and your Grandmother,

    if not for your parents. Leave Ruks ammijan and dont dance to her tunes..You will do nowhere.

  5. Pialy
    April 10, 14:39 Reply

    anardaan’s dead father is salim father and his own father is like a trash to him with whom he misbehaves all the time

    salim don’t give respect to his father.

    salim said for him love is every thing. but where is his love for his father and mother?

    salim want respect for anardan. but not for her mother and her religion.

    jodha n jalal don’t deserve such a child not worth how can he ask jodha to convert

    always things can’t act according to him he should respect jalal as shehnshah

    atleast this shows what respect he will hold for people after becoming shehnshah who can’t understand his own parents can never understand his awaam

    want dis salim ruks and anar 2 b chunwaofied in d deewar and dey shold die der tadap tadap ke dn only I wil hav peace of mind he is such an obnoxious son of akdha d most selfish self obsessed creature on d earth…who wants 2 hear only those thngs whch is in support of him abd rest he jst shows deaf ears at d xpnse of his parnts brothers..

  6. Pialy
    April 10, 14:34 Reply

    Salim I want power and no responsibilities.whatever I want I should get I don’t want to listen to my well wishers and insult my parents but always believe and listen to people with double tongue as they tell what I want to hear. This is what I could make out from the reel character of Salim.

    salim is really sick or psycho

    Today I will not listen to my father insult him and my brother why because he is Shahe shah and not me.

    I listen to my Ruq ammijaan and ask my MUZ to change her religion

    I want my father and mother to bow down before Shahe-I-ran so that I can be a Shahshah and have my power and position

    Murad also seems to have the same qualities like Salim..power corrupts and absolute power
    ,corrupts absolutely

    SALIM want his mother change religion.

    but my que is if on the place of jodha if Anardan there so salim also do same with Anardan?

  7. Pialy
    April 10, 14:29 Reply

    What exactly has the leap achieved. Salim has sunk to such depths that nothing can redeem him. Who the hell will want to see the romance of this selfish idiot. I guarantee, almost nobody. Then what was the purpose of the leap? Who the hell wants to see the squabbling of brothers portrayed by some of the most inept actors in Indian TV ? Again, nobody.(Although the person portraying Murad impresses me)

    Also there is too much negativity. Ruqaiya has never been punished and Salim is a worse wretch than her.

    More than anything, the last few episodes have shown me that Ekta seems to have lost faith in our lead pair. They were not able to resurrect the ratings disaster which she herself created, so she has given up on ratings and is proceeding with her usual Salim focussed track. She knows that ratings will sink further but she does not care. Why should we?

    suggestion- One helpful soul should clip the relevant Jodha Akbar related scenes and post for all, so that others are spared the torture of watching through the entire episode to get to the good parts.

  8. Pialy
    April 10, 14:26 Reply

    last time Salim only said ki he doesn’t want jodha to convert her religion and now since ruks said he got brainwashed. Hadd hai!! No mind of his own.

  9. Rohini
    April 10, 13:40 Reply

    Jalal got such a big ego
    He is a very good husband and lover but a horrible father
    He can actually destroy his sons life for his wife

  10. LIDA
    April 10, 12:56 Reply

    f jalal thinks as a king first than father and husband ,than tell me why didnt this great king punish ruka for killing that maid ,why didnt he punished ruka for bring that woman by force to take care of jodha twins and lying about her being pregnant now dont tell me please that jodha did not let jalal to punish ruka if he listen to jodha why he is not listening to her now he KEEP PUNISHING THIS POOR GUY FOR SMALL MATTERS.HE IS NOT KING OR A FATHER JUST SELFISH MAN.

  11. Anna
    April 10, 12:53 Reply

    I find it is interesting how will the MU n fight between the boys be solved by Ja. Ja have created a monster out of issue. I felt like saluting him when he said he will cause Shah Iran ” the one behind this is big problem to pay” I can c a revengeful, witty cunning Ja is get into action. As of now I can only pity Jo who is torn between son n father. One thing I hate Salim can listen to Ruqs but refute n refuses anything Ja or Jo tries to him. If only he had listen to Ja when he explain to him on the one of previous epi than this would have not happen so big problem.

    I always knew Murad will compete with Salim not only now but know since his childhood. He is ambitious. How will bribal help in this matter. Shama another irritating woman besides existing Ruqs.

    Jo at tarasu trying to find justice n Ja came to assure her. SHe beats him when he hugs her,. It was so sad to c thst.. zit was well done by Jo with the voice that was broken in tears. CONSOLING jA IS also such a soothing scene to c.

    Besides that I find the Shah Iran acting was good. He presented himself as a powerful ruler filled the scene as a strong opponent of Ja. I appreciate his acting really looked like a great ruler.

    Precap is interesting wat game was is tat……….

  12. Pialy
    April 10, 12:51 Reply

    Salim and ruks deserve each other,one wants power for the sake of jalal’s love and other wants power for anar’s love!! And just cause ruku said that if she was her mother she would convert her religion and like always salim got trapped in her words. And that’s the would be king who gets brainwashed so easily, jalal too believed in maham words but to an extent where he knew that maham loved him and maham has done wrong deeds too and jalal knew the difference between it but this salim his world begins and ends with anar. Just waiting for the end of sanar now

  13. @
    April 10, 12:40 Reply

    Salim is becoming infuriatingly insolent, he even has the outrageous nerve to tell his mother to change her religion(he should learn to pay attention instead of just ranting). Akbar should’ve heard him, a tight slap was much needed.
    I can bet my last buck, if anarkali was in a similar situation there’s no way in hell he’d demand that.

    Overconfidence aye…good, I’m confident in jalal and his cunning brain (most of the time). I wish they’d focus more on this imminent war(I’m guessing here,not sure about history) or something else, instead of Salim and anarkali so called love story, which by the way I don’t get why it was such a big fuss as its nothing but obnoxious.

  14. LIDA
    April 10, 12:31 Reply


    • @
      April 10, 13:34

      Lolz…are you serious?

      firstly,Akbar didnt make murad power thirsty, salim drove him to it due to his(salim’s) inability to deal with a defeat. When salim was walihad everyone treated him which much respect,now why can’t he do the same? Is it just because he’s elder to murad…

      As for changing religion…if that’s really your thoughts then I pity it..everyone was given the gift of life and complete choice and responsibility to do what they wish. No one should be forced.
      I know you’ll be curious that if the above is true then why didnt akbar allow Jo to change when she asked…. if a religion change was what Jo really desired,she’d have done so even without permission from Akbar. Its not like she has never acted against his will before.I’m sure if someone was forcing you to act against your desire you’d want your spouse to support you.

    • Tani
      April 11, 22:15

      well said @.
      @Lida why should jodha do something she doesn’t accept with her heart?
      why shouldn’t jalal support his wife?
      which law states that its a crime to want the best for your love ones?
      jalal is balancing a father king and husband well.
      the donkey here is salim.

  15. LIDA
    April 10, 12:12 Reply

    tell me who is reason of murad become addict for wine and Afeem.
    murad will end up dying , its all because of dear king akbar he is the reason
    for the death of murad and he should be punish than,jalal is
    using for his own reason both salim and murad because jalal
    doesn’t want jodha to convert ,his love for jodha overpower
    his fatherhood forward his sons.

    • Anna
      April 10, 12:30

      how can anyone blame the parents for one becoming a addict to bad habits. i.e salim it was not JJ. Howcome Ja wasn’t addicted to such thing. He struggle alone to achieve success after he was left with nothing by his father Humayun. He is strong will, ambitious n had a goal. He should not be blamed Y not his sons be like him. All the prince have been given a good upbringing but he chooses to flirt than how come it’s Ja fault. Yes he does love Jo so much n he didn’t want her to convert. But in a larger view it is also his nation has a mixed crowd they have supported him in thin n thick. How could he force them. If Jo the head change so it will aplly to his people so it is unfair

    • Pani
      April 11, 04:02

      Well responded @Anna.

      Jalal should have sent him away but he didnt. This punishment is mild.
      Jo syop putting pressure on your hubby no amount of affection or justice will get Salim to value you both. Let jalal be king only to Salim. The father figure Salim had chosen to expunge.
      So Ruqs forgot all they shared because of MH title?
      Will she ever be caught?!!!
      This aspect of Ruqs versus Jodha is overly taxed.

  16. LIDA
    April 10, 11:36 Reply

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