Jodha Akbar 10th March 2015 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 10th March 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 10th March 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
lady says to Jodha that Jalal is alleged for roaming around tent of ladies, Jodha thinks how to tell he came to my tent, one man says that we are working here day and night and this man is flirting with girls, one man says that we were sitting outside when we saw him coming out a tent of a lady, they ask Jalal what he was doing near ladies tent.. Jalal is silent, Jodha says he came to my tent, all are shocked, Jodha says he came to tell that his wife s having pain, he wanted to take medicine from me so he came my tent and took medicine from me, man sys okay we forgive him this time but dont do this kind of mistake again, Jalal says yes this will not happen again, he leaves, man says that he is lying something.

Shama is finding Haidar, she stops Birbal and introduces herself, Birbal says i am Birbal. she says you are Bharmal? father of Jodha? he says oh she have problem, he thinks to leave fast else he will get mad with her questions, he leaves, shama tries to find Haidar.

Jalal is working, Jodha comes to him and ask him to work fast, she stealthily says that see you were about to get caught, Jalal says so shoul i stop meeting my wife? se how you saved me, you are clever, Jodha says now be careful, dont come to meet openly, you will not come to me like this again, Jalal says i promise that if nwo i come t meet, nobody would be able to see me, Jodha leaves, Jalal smiles.

Scene 2
Sharif says to his man that i will go to Agra myself, Maan’s men are everywhere, u dont want any mistake to be done, i will become ill person so that they allow me to enter Agra.

Jalal wakes up in his tent and says why i am feeling hot suddenly, he comes out of his tent, he looks in sky, a strong light comes on earth from sky, Jalal is shocked, sky starts lightening, Jalal ask what is this, what miracle is this, he tries to touch the light but gets hurt, he says what is this thing, he finds other people not able to the light, Jalal ask what kind of storm is this? spiritual soul says storm is in your heart, when that storm is finished, this storm of sky will go too, you were given duty to help people, you were send to people as angel but what you did? you demeaned angels, Jalal ask who are you? suddenly light from sky goes off, Jalal ask what was that? was i seeing a dream, he ask a man that storm came here now, Man says what storm? no storm came here, you have to work, go, Jalal says i dont do work. Man says are you thinking yourself as king? we are common people not king, we have to do hard work to get food. come with me, Jalal goes with him.

Scene 3
Jalal is making food, he thinks that God took everything from me so i can see how people love, he made me learn how to work, how to earn food, now i will work hard, Jodha comes there and finds him working, other people are praising Jalal for his hard work, Jodha says to Jalal that leave the work, Jalal says i am common person, i will have to work hard to earn something and i have you with me to take care of me, Jodha smiles, head comes there and ask Jalal to make food fast, do you wife make food this much slow too? Jalal says my wife make such a good food in palace, head says palace? Jalal says everyone is king in his house and every house is palace for family, head says ok i will call your wife(ruks), she will make food, she leaves, Jodha says what was the need to say that your wife make good food, now ruks is in problem, Jalal smiles.

One person Jagdev comes to village, he starts distributing grains in poor, he meets Jodha and says that you are doing great for people, Jodha introduces Jalal to him, the head of village(lady) says to Jagdev that the grains you have brought is very much less for people here, Jagdev says our king doesnt care for us, i went to his manager and asked them to give us some more grains but he denied, i brought these grains from my house, Jalal thinks who it can be? he says to Jodha that i had send grains for this village then why it didnt reach here, he thinks who is the one doing this? who doesnt want to help people. one man ask Jagdev that you seem to like JOdha thats why you come here, Jagdev says are you in your senses to demean a lady like Jodha.

Scene 4
Soul Talk- Jalal’s soul says that we were trying to help people, we were busy in restoring people and otherside there was Mira Hakim who was ready to attack Agra.
Ministers are discussing about Mirza’s attack, Minister says that Mirza knows about all the ways to palace, he is dangerous, Birbal says its time for war, he ask Murad and Daniyal to lead the war, Haidar says they dont have experience of war, Salim says i will go to war, i will lead it as i have learning and experience too, one minister Fazal says that you cant leave palace, you are needed here, Salim says i am heir so i will decide it, he ask Birbal to prepare for his journey, Haidar smirks.

one man comes to Jalal and informs him silently that Birbal will come to meet him.
some minister(face is not shown) comes to godown, all the grains are stored there, he ask many cartons of grains are stored here? Man says 310, he says okay.
Jalal is lying in his tent when Jodha comes there, he says you should have not come hree, anybody can see you, Jodha puts cream on his wound on his hand, she says i am telling you to leave from here, people here hate king Jalal and if they get to know that you Jalal then they will be dangerous for you and also i cant see you in pain, Jalal says i came to meet you but now i feel good to work here, also i wanna know that who is the person who is not letting grains come here from palace, Jodha says in tought times people changes their opinion but you are firm to help people, Jalal says soon good time of people will come, but i wanna know when i sent grains to this village then why it didnt reach here, Jodha says it seems like someone is behind all this, Jalal says i will soon find out who is behidn this conspiracy.

PRECAP- Jagdev comes to Jodha and says i have brought Parsad, Jodha thanks him, Jalal looks on, Jodha ask worker to distribute it in people, Jagdev says to Jodha that will you not eat it? i have prepared this Parsad specially for you, Jalal stares him.


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  1. Pialy
    March 11, 09:11 Reply

    now we will see jealous n possessive jalal

  2. sayantika kar
    March 11, 08:47 Reply

    Awesome epi..lved it..hope aftr all dese awesome epis ja regain its posn in trp chart..

  3. Pialy
    March 11, 02:01 Reply

    Loved the precap.. cant wait to see jalal getting irritated but not being able to do anythg coz he cant claim jodha as his wife there.
    Liked the epi but somehow i felt the scene of divine intervention could have been shot better. It seemed too NR the way theu showed him having that vision. It could have been shown as his dream…
    I also like the scene bet jalal jodha n that other lady when jalal is praising jodhas cooking n the lady misunderstands that ruqqaiya is a good cook n plans to make her cook. That was hilarious just the thought of ruqqaiyas cooking reminded me of the burnt roti in badal kajri track..

  4. samantha
    March 10, 17:46 Reply

    love how d show is going keep it up guys this is what we want to see jala and jodha love jala looking jealous this is d jodha akbar we know and want to see

  5. Anna
    March 10, 13:32 Reply

    Woo…ooo can smell the jealous Ja. It felt good to c him smoking in jealousy n possessive over his beloved wify. Can wait for the processing of this epi.

    So we met the new admirer of JO. He thinks Jo is unmarried and trying to woo her. It will be interesting to see that. A young mum with the hubby around been tackle by another man. It will hot n spicy if he gets to know it is not a ordinary woman but queen of Ja.

    I saw the Ja’s eyes staring at the man. yeah!!

    I felt the pain of JO in teary eyes seeing ja working. I loved their teasing talk and Ja comment his wife cooks the best. This put Ruqs in hot soup eventhough he meant JO.

    Finally someone can beat bribal the funny lady for haider.

  6. Tina
    March 10, 12:39 Reply

    Awwww.. SOOO cute .. Jalal looks soooo cute when jealous <3

  7. ummi
    March 10, 11:23 Reply

    Jealous jalal, looool how awesome. It was a good episode .glad the story is now revolving around the people the show is named after JODHA AND AKBAR,I hope there won’t be any unnecessary deviation.

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