Jodha Akbar 11th March 2015 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 11th March 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 11th March 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ruks is working, she thinks that why i brought Jalal here, in palace i used to enjoy Hukkah and here i am working like servants, her hand gets burned, Jodha comes there and says that your husband praised your food so i want to taste the food you are making, Jodha tastes it and says what kind of food is this? you have put so much spice in it, why you are making food when you dont know how to make it, just deny making food, head says to Jalal that you said your wife make good food, Jalal says husbands like food cooked by wives, head says i will make food from now on, Ruks angrily leaves from there, Jalal says now i will have to pacify her.
Ruks is crying in her room, Jalal comes to her, Ruks says Jodha didnt do good, i am royal wife, nobody talks to me in loud tone, how can she shout on me, i will not tolerate this, Jalal says Jodha cant disrespect you, Ruks says i was helping her only, Jodha comes there and says yes i disrespected you and for purpose, she should know why i did this, i did this so that you can get free from all this work, i am sorry for misbehaving with you, if i didnt do it then you would have to work here, Ruks says i thought you wrong, you were helping me only, thanks, Jodha leaves, Ruks says to Jalal that i was wrong about Jodha.

Scene 2
Salim is preparing for war, he says soldiers are only 4000, it is very much less, Birbal says i have one idea, we should use defense policy, let them attack first then we will do our attack, Salim says send letter to Amer’s king and send letters to other kings that we want their soldiers, i want to win this war at any cost.
Shama comes to haidar, Haidar says this mad girl is behind me, Shama is little deaf and doesnt understand him, Haidar ask him to go, i wanna sleep, Shama says why you wanna cry? Haidar says its my mistake that i got you, he runs away from there.
Birbal comes to meet Jalal, birbal says we got to know that Mirza is going to attack Agra, Jalal says it was my mistake, i was lenient with him, Birbal says dont worry, Salim is going on war, he will be leading, Jalal says i am proud of him, send message to Salim that i will join him in war, he ask Birbal why government didnt send grains and medicine here? Birbal says we had send things for this village, Jalal says but it didnt reach here, find out if other villages are not getting it too, Birbal says ok and leaves, two persons are spying on Jalal, they say this man is weird, his acts not good, what he is upto, we have to spy on him.

Scene 3
Jalal is working when he finds stamp of Mughal saltanat on grains carton, he says Jagdev said mughal Saltanat didnt help this village, what is matter, i have to find ut.
Ruks is washing utensils, Moti comes there and scolds her to work fast and she has to wash clothes too, it turns out to be ruks dream, Ruks says what time has come that i see Moti ruling over me too.
Jalal tells about Stamp to Jodha, Jodha says i will find about it. Jagdev comes there and says to Jodha that i prayed for this village and has brought Parsad, he ask Jodha to eat as he has specially brought it for her, Jodha says i eat it or people is same, she ask worker to distribute in people, Jagdev says they are lucky that you are with them, they cant even celebrate holi this time, Jodah says we should celebrate it, Jodha says can i ask one thing? he says yes, she says i found mughal stamp on grains carton, you said Mughal saltanat is not helping us so how did stamp come on it, Jagdev says i bought it from market, maybe government i selling it in market, i didnt see it, he leaves, Jodha says i dont think he is involved in it, Jalal says someone is doing corruption , i will find out.

Scene 4
Salim is getting ready for war, Arama comes there and says i am angry with Hamida, i asked her to let me go on war with you but she denied, Jodha had also gone to war so why cant i? Salim says ok i will take you on war but you need sword, he gives her one sowrd but she cant lift it as it is heavy, Salim says i will take you on war when you become strong, i promise, he says you have to take care of people here, Aram says yes, i have to handle everything here.
soldier’s wives does their aarti, one dasi says to soldier that we will wait for your return and if you dont comeback from war then we will drink poison, Salim comes there and says it will not be needed, he says throw poison bottles, i will not let you use this poison, you lower our confidence by showing this poison, we are not going to lose this war, we will rturn soon.
Jalal finds one injured person in jungle, he ask man how did you get injured, man says i want to send one message to Jalal, i am worker of Maan, tell Jalal that Maan is not betrayer, he ran away from Jail as he got to know about attack of Mirza, he wanted to stop Mirza, tell Jalal that Mirza is not alone, Sharif is involved with him, Sharif attacked me, there is one more person in palace who is with Mirza, Jalal ask to tell name but Man dies, Jalal says i will not let Mirza run away this time.

PRECAP- jalal finds spiritual soul and runs behind, he ask who are you? Spiritual soul comes in one godown and vanishes, jalal comes in godown and finds lots of grains cartons, he says this much grains are stored here?

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  1. Pialy
    March 11, 23:55 Reply

    The plot is progressing towards Jalal’s realization about the power of the almighty via visions of the little boy. The precap led me to understand that Jalal’s dream leads him to the secret place where the grains sent from the palace is stolen and stored.

    Jodha and Jalal dealt with Rukaiyya like parents of a petulant child. Rukaiyya’s behavior did not match her claims of addressing herself as a ‘paadshahi begum’ at all. I dread to think of any begum those days behaving like Rukaiyya does. D’ohTotally undignified and un-royal. I try to ignore her as much as possible. I simply cannot understand why the Creatives are determined to portray her with scant dignity.

    The scene between Aaram Bano and Salim was endearing.Smile Love the little girl playing Aaram Bano. She is adorable. Liked Salim’s changed attitude towards the safety of the Sultanate. His words of encouragement to the wives of the soldiers were positive and uplifting. Akbar was one proud and happy father, to hear from Raja Birbal about Salim setting off to fight for the sultanate, against Mirza Hakim, in his absence.

    Haider and the new actor playing the ‘so-called’ comic relief got on my nerves. They have no role to play. Haider is better off being a full fledged villain. I do not understand the purpose of those scenes. They are anything but comical.

    The shrewd Jalal has suspected something fishy about Jagdev and shared the matter with Jodha. The two of them together, I guess, will unearth the identity of Jagdev. This may lead to Jodha’s kidnapping and subsequent release by Jalal. This situation also makes me wonder if he will be able to join Salim in the battle against Mirza Hakim at Thaneshwar.

    March 11, 17:41 Reply

    the precap is awesome i hope it renews jalal faithin god

  3. Pialy
    March 11, 13:31 Reply

    The truth of Mansingh Akbar hearing from a third person is good. everything is clear now. Ruq’s scene is also filler scene and to show how jo ja care for her. the scene shows the maturity levels of jo and ja’ characters. anyway Jalal cares and loves much for Jodha. it need not be proved time and again i feel.

    Precap is excellent. as akbar realized his mistake of equating him with God Allah started helping him. tomorrow jagdev’s crime will comeout i feel. Though the shows airing time is increased by 4 minutes all the useless characters are eating up that time.

  4. Pialy
    March 11, 13:30 Reply

    that simply means she sees herself as greater than the (Akbar) whom is the emperor.

    ruk was doing tantrums n says to jalal how cud jodha insult me even shehensha dint talk like the way she talked..Well though the dialogue has been given to her by the writer it is clear that she in her own world undermines the authority of her husband and sees herself above him and not the other way around. And yet the writer has made her husband (Akbar) on aware of how she think of him and he is at her beck and call.

    Will Jodha is made to apologise to doing her a favour to spare her from too hard as a servant on a mission job. So what the HE.. is she doing out there.

  5. ummi
    March 11, 12:38 Reply

    Excellent episode jodha akbar is becoming it’s old self one more

  6. mahi
    March 11, 11:52 Reply

    Awesome episode
    Thanks for the written update Atiba di

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