Jodha Akbar 14th May 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 14th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 14th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jodha is coming on the carpet. Jalal is moving towards her too. She recalls when they were getting married. People are roaring Jalal’s name. Jalal smiles at Jodhna. Jalal does the adaab. They smiles at each other. Jodha does the arti of Jalal. She recalls when she said to him that she will only come bvack she wants to. Jalal says come with me. He extends his hand and Jodha holds it. Ruks is in tears and is angry to see this. She leaves and so does Adham Khan. Jalal and jodha smile at each other. Jalal takes Jodha forward. They are moving together, in the castle. Rest of the people are following them. Jodha is happy to see that Jalal has made a mandir for her in there. Jalal says you took your Ghana with you so I planned on welcoming your Ghana back too. Everyone is smiling.

Pandit says all the arrangements have been made for the pooja.Can we start now ? Jalal nods. Pandit ji says you both have to sit along as a couple for that. Jodha says Pandit ji we both are always together. Pandit ji asks them to take their places. They sit together. Salima says to jodha that I am so happy to se that jodha and jalal are back together. Hamida says mee to Salima. First Hindus gifted Quran Pak to the mughal king and now mughal kings is doing pooja for his hindu wife. A new combine culture is about to start. Its a new beginning where the two are meeting together.
Jodha and Jalal does the pooja rituals. Pandit ji says the asthampna is done.
Jodha says shahenshah I wanna say something. Jalal says I have to so much to talk about as well but you are tired now. Go and take some rest we will talk later on.

Scene 2
Hamid says to a servant that all the things are good. Jodha comes to Hamida’s room. SHe says parnam to her. Hamida says Jodha.. Jodha asks how are you ? She says I am better now. But when you left me without telling me I was so low. Jodha says please forgive me ammi jaan. She is in tears. Hamida says i can’t still see your tears. You don’t need to say anything. I can understand your emotions. hamida syas that a small kid cried and tells all the problems to his mom and you tolerated all the alone. I think there were shortcomings in my love. You didn’t even think that you are not just jalal’s wife, my daughter too. Jalal had to be punished. What was my fault and Salima’s ? The small Rahim thought that his choti ami has left because he asked for stories. He came to me and said bring my choi ammi back I will never ask for stories. Why you punished all of us ? Jodha says please pardon me. I took too intense step in emotions. Hamida says you will be punished to for this mistake. From today you won’t go out of Agra. You won’t go out of this castle without telling me. Jodha says I accept his. Hamida says If you hadn’t left jalal would never had realized his mistake. The human inside that kingv would never have come out. First time I saw jalal working as his heart directed him. He respected others’s emotions. I am grateful to you that you e him his heart back.

Scene 3
Jodha tells all the story to Shivani. She tells that he kept on sking for his pardon then i realized that it was too much. Shicvani says you have done wrong to him. He left his empire to look fro you and asked for pardon but you never said yes. I could see some special life on his face when he heard that you are coming back. he asked everyone to start arrangements for your welcome. Shahenshah loves you a lot. Jodha says not as much as you love tejwand. Shivani says please don’t tease me. Jodha says you can say everything. sHe asks are you happy with tejwand > Shivani sasy yes I am so happy and this has happened because of Shahenshah. How is everyone in amir ? Have mom and dad forgiven me ? Jodha says you are their daughter how can’t they ? You gave them reason to be angry. But when Jalal forgave you and tejwand, I could see peace on dda’s face.
Shivani says such beautiful decorations.

Scene 4
Ruks says you will never win jodha because the game of heart and mind is still left. She looks at the painting and says wow its so good. She gives gift to the artist, Ruks says this haram has been ruled by the one who has been ruling jalal’s mind. You came and changed all the rules. This is now game of jalal’s heart. First time someone gave me a tough competition.

Scene 5
Jodha asks how this painting came in to my room moti ? Moti says Shahenshah have got it for you. When you were not here Shahaenshah used to stay here whole nights. I never saw him sleeping. He always used to look at your picture and kept on talking to your painting for hours. I felt like he has lost himself. He was broken even after being a shahenshah. I have seen him crying. He nevr met any of his wives after you left. I have seen love for you in his eyes. Shivani says jiji you lost in his thoughts ? There is time left in the night. Jodha runs after her. Shivani says I am sorry. They hug each other.

Scene 6
Jalal is in his room and recalls Jodha’s arrival. He smiles. He recalls jodha holding his hand. A man comes and tells him that jodha has come. Jodha comes in, jalal feels confused.
Jodha says shahenshah I wanna say something.. Jalal says thank God I heard those words again. I was dying to hear them. Please stay I am coming in a moment. He takes out a hunter from trunk. He says that I deserve punishment as well. I know that my words did hurt you. I want you to hit me with this. Only then I will be able to look in your eyes. He gives the hunter to jodha.

precap-Jalal hugs jodha. They are in tears.


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  1. Neetu
    May 14, 12:56 Reply

    I feel injustice is being done to Ruks char to potray Jodha nice like in a typical Indian movie fashion , They have to show someone bad to make the herione good.
    Like in movie they hsold completely stop showing Ruks, if they just want to concentraate on Jo JA. Frankly speaking it is not right on Hamida or a kings part to Welcome ojust one of the begums with so much pomp. Its not like she won a war or she came out of death bed.
    Since its a matter of love, yes jalal can shower her personally with whatever gifts Jodha wants but this is not fair to Ruks since she is also khaas begum and she always stood by Ja , more than Jo. She loves ja but Ja just likes her not love. Its not her fault . He shold treat both equally. In India we are so used to just makinmg the lead chars godesses and miss everything else. No offence to anyone. Just voicing my opinion.

    • rekha
      May 14, 13:37

      Well, Ruks only loved her position never Jalal as a person. Only when she started completing with Jodha, has she tried to infuse love into it. Jodha didnt even try that…its her natural way…think back Ruks always valued her position more than anything else. So what is she complaining about now….when she needed to care, she didnt bother….all these years she couldve brought out Jalal’s heart, but she didnt cos shes a selfish person deep down, unlike Jodha or Salima who love being good and doing good for others irrespective of their status

    • Hemu Raj
      May 14, 13:38

      Ok yaar let ruk’s also save Ja on some thing and go to Kabul and come back, she also will be treated the same. But one diff. that Ruk neverever tolerate Ja’s anger like Jo. Just think how many times as Jo says in her words like ” bar, bar…..” he mistaken her, but she always be so polite. This is not fair.

    • sanvi
      May 14, 13:49

      Agree rekha

    • M@hi
      May 14, 13:50

      Hey Neetu. There is prejudice in this soap taking into consideration they are using actual names of the real persons but what can we do…absolutely nothing. I do not agree with some things in this soap for example Jalal is being too hard on himself and she’s standing there looking like Yep you were wrong all along. Its their soap anyways. They are never going to change Ruks character because who will want to watch their soap when Jalal will have to share his love equally. Most people wants to see the one favourite wife and the one jealous wife. Don’t think too much about it just wastes your precious thoughts because the way I see it they would never change it.

    • M@hi
      May 14, 13:52

      Most people love to see it but if they were in the actual situation they would probably do worst than Ruks.

      I’m not judging but we cannot say until we are in someone else’s shoes walking.

    • mahann
      May 14, 15:32

      Ruks, let feel the heat,she used to bully and nagging all Jalal`s wives,love on the air,……..she was told but she kept saying no one can take Jalal`s heart.

      she is a bully,!!!!Do you remember how she made Jodhar to sleep outside on sack alone?!!!!!the harsh words she said to Jodhar?what happened,Jalal left her on bed?(16/17th February episode 2014)
      she also said she care about her position,she was not ready to look like a common person.

      give me some break.Have you ever been in love????Jodhar is biwi camon

    • mahann
      May 14, 17:22

      look how she is selfish,why she run away,!!!!!what she wants to do with Jodha`s painting,how silly she is,she is just thinking only how to rule Jalal`s mind instead of how to win his love back,selfish, me me me me luck of love that`s why she keeps calling jalal friend!!!!!!!!!! I wish if she can do something nice for herself

    • M@hi
      May 15, 08:20

      Which is my point PREJUDICE.

  2. anu (jodha begum)
    May 14, 12:54 Reply

    Hemu: I hope someone outside stops rukaiya if she’s gonna walk in.. saying he is with jodha begum. and from jealousy she walks away lol
    welcome! After the separation, jodha won’t think about rukaiyas thirst in becoming mariyam uz zamani.
    jodha’s completely in love with him now after the long separation. the love birds won’t be able to keep away from each other for too long. but yes, I don’t think the consummation scene will be tomorrow. it’ll take a couple of more time.. Probably someone will disturb them by walking in.

  3. Ammita
    May 14, 12:53 Reply

    In mahrana pratap they are always abusing jalal while they are praising pratap,while in jodha Akbar they are not abusing pratap why?its very annoying me i swear,why are they abusing the muslims?i love faisal when he is in DID but now i hate him because he is a muslim and he is abusing the muslims

    • sanvi
      May 14, 13:25

      Cool chill girl its just a soap …n they r doing 4 the purpose of money.
      As like other profession acting is too1 of here it won’t bother weather sm1 is belonging 2 particular caste religion etc etc.

    • Hemu Raj
      May 14, 13:29

      I have doubt whether it is a true story or not. They’re exazzerating the story very much but no one is opposing because they r praising the lord like Maharana Pratap. I am so sure that pratap and Jalal never would have met in their young age like in their teens. Since we don’t have the novel or story written by anyone,it is not right to misuse the history. That too they didn’t give any warning like Ekta who is giving in beginning of each and every epi’s. is that because they r praising the Hindu culture? as a Hindu I am not supporting this kind of attitude in our democratic India.

    • M@hi
      May 14, 13:55

      Ekta’s “warning” in the beginning is totally useless in my opinion.

  4. anu (jodha begum)
    May 14, 12:40 Reply

    And yes I was too expecting jodha to touch jalals feet when they both walked to eachother! but the cvs didn’t do that!

    • sanvi
      May 14, 12:46

      Yes I also expected it.

    • SJ
      May 14, 13:18

      Yes yes I felt that too like jodha might touch Jalal’s feet she didn’t do that

    • Jaya
      May 14, 14:15

      Lol me too! I actually hoped she would lol

  5. tanni
    May 14, 12:36 Reply

    why was no promo shown for such amazing episodes of dis week?? they shud hav shown promos so dat TRP increases..

  6. tanni
    May 14, 12:34 Reply

    sanvi: i was so sad yesterday dat i cud not come bcoz of network problem.. i was cursing d network for not being able to increase d likes of such a mindblowing episode of yesterday..

    likes hav crossed 75 in so short time.!! yippee

  7. Ammita
    May 14, 12:33 Reply

    Wowwww i loved the episode,but I’m angry they are always showing us that jala is doing the hindu religon,but they are not showing jodha doing his!why so? Is it because the director and the producer are not muslim?i just hope they will soon show us jodha acceptng jala’s religon ℓ☺ℓ

    • Jyothi
      May 14, 12:54

      Even I feel the same . Since most of the viewers are I believe college going kids they might not look into these aspects with so much importance . Love scenes brush off all these mistakes which cvs show . It’s wrong to show JA personally embracing Hinduism . He was tolerant to Hindu religion as a king but here they are showing too much . It’s always about rajvanshi pride . In those days it’s odd to see king holding his begums hand to walk her inside the mahal . That was another too much . I’m pretty sure Akbar might not gave done all this.

    • sanvi
      May 14, 13:13

      Though she didn’t convert herself to muslim religion she never disrespected other religion. As we saw her learning khuran once 4m raheem n reading shahnama, praying in durgha, myriad example s we can give of her’s so in my opinion she was not wrong, yes I expected her to bow in front of her hubby but its cv’s who didn’t create that scene. He must accuse d as he was biased btwn them portraying their roles .. .

    • Jaya
      May 14, 14:18

      I agree sanvi. She never disrespected Islam so I think it was fine if he did a puja with her

  8. tanni
    May 14, 12:32 Reply

    jodha was blushing so much when shivani told her dat night is yet to come.. paridhi gave a wonderful expression here.. unconsciously she was comparing their love with shivani-tejwant love.. LOL 🙂 🙂

    when priest asked ja-jo to sit together, jodha replied- we r already together.!! so CUTE

    how wil i wait till tomorow.. precap is d best precap till now..!! Jodha Akbar is d best show.. Love it a lot.. likes r increasing fast.. dis episode deserves 500 likes

    • sanvi
      May 14, 12:44

      Yes tanni I agree with u 4 all paridhi’s eyes r so expressive that no need of words to explain her feeling s those r enough 4 her.

  9. tanni
    May 14, 12:27 Reply

    OMG.!! OMG.!! what a SUPER-FABULOUS episode.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really cant find proper words to praise dis episode.. this week is d most AWESOME week in dis show.. one after another superb episodes r mesmerizing viewers

    d way jodha was looking at jalal with tears in her eyes, dat expression was superb.. jalal looking at her with so much love and passion.. my heart skipped a beat.!! ja-jo walking towards each other with memories of their wedding- dis is d BESTEST scene of dis show.. Ekta has done d best job of her life in it.. HATS OFF to d whole Jodha Akbar team.. HATS OFF to best actors Rajat-paridhi.. LOVE this show a lot.. my fave show JA ROCKSS

  10. arshi
    May 14, 12:25 Reply

    jodha’s hair is in front when she came…….inside jalal’s room …

  11. tanni
    May 14, 12:25 Reply

    OMG.!! OMG.!! what a SUPER-FABULOUS episode.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really cant find proper words to praise dis episode.. this week is d most AWESOME week in dis show.. one after another superb episodes r mesmerizing viewers..

    d way jodha was looking at jalal with tears in her eyes, dat expression was superb.. jalal looking at her with so much love and passion.. my heart skipped a beat.!! ja-jo walking towards each other with memories of their wedding- dis is d BESTEST scene of dis show.. Ekta has done d best job of her life in it.. HATS OFF to d whole Jodha Akbar team.. HATS OFF to best actors Rajat-paridhi.. LOVE this show a lot.. my fave show JA ROCKSS

    • sanvi
      May 14, 12:29

      He tanni thank god u came. y were u absent for 2days.
      Anyway s well said dear.

    • M@hi
      May 14, 13:57

      This week TRP charts are sure to rise.

    • sanvi
      May 14, 21:53

      Agree mahi lol…it has 2 b

  12. Priya
    May 14, 12:14 Reply

    Superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr episode……………..:-):-)

  13. anu (jodha begum)
    May 14, 12:04 Reply

    jodha and jalal have hugged before but unknowingly and in serious situations, such as; when jalal was attacked by tiger, and she was alone trying to get him back concious and ended up hugging him, also the attack when they were going amer for sukanya’s wedding and they got attacked while they were in the boat, they ended up hugging eachother unknowingly, and when she was day dreaming that there’s people coming to attack jalal (during benazir track) but this time, their hug is full of love, soul and passion.
    I really hope the consummation scene is tomorrow..i don’t think so but I wish it’s tomorrow.. Very very happy!!
    I loved how jodha was recalling the mu dikhai and how they did kanha’s stapna again.
    it reminded me all the wedding functions they had.. the song the played first, was the song hamida bano got the Hindu baandis to sing for jodha when she came agra for the very first time.
    It was a very emotional episode but wow loved it and thank god it wasn’t a dream that jodha’s back in agra. Finally She Is Back Guys!!! 😀
    Just want to see their love.. Soul talk toh banta hai kal ka episode mein!!
    I agree if anyone was in rukaiyas place they would be jealous as well, but what is she doing with getting some picture done by that painter? I hope she’s not the second maham atm.
    I hope jalal tells jodha about what maham did and then they both end up consummating.. Tomorrow should be the most AWAITED and AMAZING episode of all.
    Cannot wait <3

    • Hemu Raj
      May 14, 12:47

      Please wait some more time for their consummation. Because Jo’s condition is still questionable for her love (because she never think about herself, she definatly think about ruk’s thirst to become Mariam-uz-zamani). She never wants to hurt anyone’s feeling. Thanks Anu for remembering the welcoming epi in Agra with Ja with Dimak, now he is her husband with DIL. Yes of course the background score is awesome that none other serial can give this touch to the viewers’ DIL. No words for this wonderful epi. For precap before she hugs her shehenshah some one definately going to disturb them, most probably Ruku, poor Jalal he will be thinking that Jo is not ready to accept his love. Still more days and ways to go to prove their pure love.

  14. Ria
    May 14, 11:58 Reply

    The hunter scene was little too much. Couldn’t they think of anything else, king asking queen to hit him with hunter

    • SJ
      May 14, 13:27

      Yah I felt that is pretty silly

  15. JA 1FAN
    May 14, 11:56 Reply

    no words again…to praise dis marvellous epi..each nd evry scene,dialouges,actng,expressions…jst fabboulous nd wonderful cast dey done grt job or akdha to h hi the bestest…nd precap i thnk d nite is coming…wowww amazing m gonna faint omg!!!koi bachao mujhe… jalal luks super sexy today so hott!!!!!ja rocks

  16. ummi
    May 14, 11:51 Reply

    Beautiful episode,Masha Allah

  17. sanvi
    May 14, 11:50 Reply

    OMG!!!!!!!! What an amazing episode.
    I have ever seen before.
    Jodha n jalal’s confrontation, their eyes exchanging their feelings? , smiley jalal tearful jodha god!!! They r competing each other in acting.
    Im just biased to choose btwn them that whose the best.
    Jalal mesmerizing acting while gazing at jo, his anxiety when he heard jo’s arrivals in his room.n in Precap the way he embraced jo my god!!! I couldn’t make out weather its just acting r real.
    Hat’s off rajath. .
    Entirely beautiful episode. .
    Big thanks 4 all actor s directors etc.

    • Hemu Raj
      May 14, 13:10

      I agree, particularly his expressions on the arrival of Jo in his room after soooooo…… Many days or months. And the dialogue of his queen’s ” I want to talk to u”. Excellenttttttt……

  18. Jyothi
    May 14, 11:43 Reply

    Good episode but felt like the cvs copied the wedding atmosphere . Also, as usualtoomuch importance given just to rajvanshi culture. When they could put tilak on shehenshah why can’t they show touching his feet or she accepting Muslim culture. Most of the time it’s Jalal who is shown accepting Hinduism and going out of the way personally also towards Hinduism. This feel is favoring rajvanshis. It looked filmy decorTing her too somuch

    • sanvi
      May 14, 11:56

      Yes I too noticed it.n I was expecting jo to bend n touch ja’s in hindus we have culture of respecting elders by bowing ourselves by touchinf their applies 4 husband tooo.but we didn’t see here as such. in rajavanshi’s this custom is not in cluded?

    • Hemu Raj
      May 14, 13:13

      Don’t worry! Sooner or later definately u r going to see those epi’s too. Because in real life too she accepted all of the Muslim customs.

  19. Sany
    May 14, 11:32 Reply

    Waiting for next episode

  20. Hemu Raj
    May 14, 11:28 Reply

    Hi friends
    Fantastic awesome episode. Hats off to the director, great Rajat and Paridhi. In acting both r competing each other.

    • Newshi
      May 14, 11:02

      don’t know
      i don’t think i know u

    • Newshi
      May 14, 11:05

      tell me risha who r u ?

    • risha
      May 14, 11:06

      Wow but u knw me na.i tell everythng abt u.u knw dnt knw who me.nw tell.

    • Newshi
      May 14, 11:07

      ok give me some clues
      r u from bangladesh?

    • risha
      May 14, 11:09

      Wnt tell anythng.m frm india/bd/pakistan/srilanka/nepal.wht u thnk.i like cnfusing people.

    • Newshi
      May 14, 11:10

      i am thinking that u may b ruchi
      am i right?

    • risha
      May 14, 11:12

      No u r wrong.nw keep thnking.i enjoyed a lot cnfusing nw cnt tell a secret bye.

    • Newshi
      May 14, 11:14

      risha u will continue this game on pvt message ok?
      bye for now

    • risha
      May 14, 11:15

      Ok u never can find out.

    • Newshi
      May 14, 10:59

      yahoooooooo i am 1st for the 2nd time!!!!!!!!

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