Jodha Akbar 15th April 2015 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 15th April 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 15th April 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Fazal tells Jalal that some countries are coming to our side, Jalal ask priest that i want give rights to my people, have you prepared statement letter, he says yes, he reads statement that no country shall involve in matter is which not related to religion and is about rights of people, for betterment of people, king can give decision and all priests will have to agree to it. Priest says all big priests have agreed to it, Jalal says by this statement, i wanna prove that i will not tolerate any involvement in my decision for my people, now its time to send letter to Iran that we dont accept them as our kings now, we will attack them soon, they will know that we are not afraid of anyone except God, on new years eve, Iran’s king will be mourning.

Salim thinks that why the one i love is made away from me, relations are sold here, Anarkali comes there and looks at him, Salim thinks that you are away but in my heart, Anar thinks that its difficult for me to be away from you but i cant profess my love because of Mann bai and cant meet you because of Jalal, Rabba is pyar plays, she looks at him sadly, Salim points at her heart and points at her, she is stunned and looks down, she hides herself behind pillar, sneakingly looks at him, Salim says your one sight is enough for me, i will come here daily to meet you.
Iran’s king gets to know that Jalal is making friends against us, he is preparing soldiers too, one soldier says maybe Jalal is preparing for war against, king says he cant do war against us, if he had guts then he would have Salim next king, send letter to him that dont do friendship with our enemies else it wont be good for him.

Scene 2
Jodha comes to Jalal and makes him wear coat, he ask her to talk, she says i hav nothing to talk, she is about to leave but her Dupatta get stuck in bed, she thinks its jalal and ask him to leave her, Jalal ask her to look, she find dupatta stuck in bed and takes it, she says sorry, Jalal says you scolded me without any reason so you will have to bear punishment now else i wont talk to you, Jodha says ok dont talk to me, i am leaving, Jalal says stop, i was just joking, i am sorry, she laughs on him, Jalal says i was miffed and now i am pacifying you, i will not talk to you now, Jodha says ok i am sorry, Jalal smiles, she rests her head on his shoulder.

Moin (sharif’s father) is hiding somewhere, priest tells him that Jalal is ready to do war against Iran, Moin says i wont let it happen, i will stop it by sending a gift to Jodha, a dasi comes there, he says to Dasi that we have to stop war so you have to do some work, she agrees, he gives her gift, she is about to see it, he stops her and says dont touch it, it has poison, your mistake can kill you, this should go to Jodha, she leaves, Moin says Joda just touch it then she will be finshed then religion problem will end too so there will be no war, jalal should also bear pain of losing someone won.

Jodha is takes bath, she is wearing jewelry, Jalal comes there and caresses her hairs, she finds Jalal there, turns to see him and gets shy, Jodha says its not good to come in bathroom like this, Jalal sys to Jodha that i wanted to meet you and got to know that you are in bathroom so came here, he comes closer to her and says you smell nice, Jodha ask you have some work? Jalal says why cant i come without work to meet you, Jodha is shy and says i have some work, i am going, Jalal says you will go like this? he drapes dupatta around her head, she smiles shyly and hugs him, then throws water on him, he runs behind her.

Jalal comes out and finds dasi(Moin’s) comes there, Jalal ask why are you here, she says i have brought gift for Jodha, Jalal leaves.
Anarkali gets gift which Salim has send, she think. Dasi comes to Salim and sys Anar has returned gift and has send letter, he reads letter that i cant accept your gift, i am sorry but i am sending something for you, he sees that Anarkali has send ghungroos, he further reads letter that you remember you wanted take ghungroos from me in childhood, i never wanted to wear these ghungroos but now i have to wear them daily, i have sent these to you so that you always remember that i am dancer and we cant have relation, just forget me, Salim is stunned and says i can never forget her.

Scene 3
Iran’s ambassadors says to representative of countries that Turkey and India have become one, they are ready to attack us, we will not leave them. Jalal says to his ministers that its time to make Iran learn lesson, we will have war and new king of muslim countries will be Turkeys king. otherside Iran’s ambassador says we will tell Jalal about our power in war.
Jodha says to Salima that Salim is still miffed with us, Salima says everything will be fine. Ruks thinks that these problems will not solve till Jodha changes her religion.
Dasi is coming to Jodha’s room, Moti stops her and ask what is it? she says Hamida has sent gift for Jodha, Moti checks it is a shawl and takes her to Jodha. she brings to Jodha and says Hamida has sent gift for you, she sees that its a beautiful shawl, Ruks likes it alot, Jodha says you take it then, Ruks says no but it is your gift, Jodha says its mins so i am giving it to you, Ruks thanks her, Jodha ask Moti to take this shawl to Ruks’s room, Moti takes away shawl, Dasi is tensed. Dasi thinks that i have to inform Moin about shawl not sent to Jodha. a soldier stops her and ask her to take food to Murad’s room, Dasis worried but takes it.
Ruks ask hoshiyar why all loves Jodha? Hoshiyar says whatever i answer, you wil beat me, she laughs and says now that shawl is mine, call some Bandhi, she will drape shawl around me.
Hamida is worried that our relations with Iran is not going good, i wanted princess Khanum to marry in Iran but now its not possible, Salima comes there and says we have decided that Jodha will talk to Murad, she will make him understand, she has a big heart, you see the shawl which you sent to Jodha, Ruks likes it so she gave it to her, Hamida says i didnt send any shawl, Salima says this means there is some problem, i will check it, she runs. Ruks ask Bandhi to drape shawl, Salima is running to her room. Hamida comes to Jalal. Ruks says to Hoshiyar that shawl will look nice on me.

PRECAP- Hamida says ambassadors of Iran that i also dont want end relations in a minute, i still remember your help to us, i will talk to Jalal, i dont want our relations to sour. otherside jalal is discussing war strategies with ministers.

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  1. Pialy
    April 16, 03:44 Reply

    Awesome chemistry and great comfort level among our Paridhi & Rajat

    Hamam scene was so sizzling

    • sam
      April 15, 21:11


  2. Pialy
    April 15, 13:44 Reply

    Jo-Ja scenes is always so adorable to watch Big smile and tdy ‘THE MOST UNEXPECTED’ happened Shocked
    I have never thought , we will get an hamam scene of JODHA after this leap Shocked , And It was so very much unexpected that my jaw dropped with this scene THeir Sizzling chemistry was again so awesome and reminded me of those good old initial JA Episodes (P.S : Though i had this thought arising in me with the first scene of JA ki , these two completely forgot about all tension n lost in each other

  3. @
    April 15, 12:52 Reply

    it’ll take excessively more than poison for us to truly be rid of ruks…

    • Pani
      April 15, 14:41

      LOL! I agree with you.
      We need more than that

    • sam
      April 15, 21:12


  4. Anna
    April 15, 12:11 Reply

    WOw if ruqs puts on the duppata then wondering wat will that happen.

    The much waited scene of Jo in the bath tub came. At 1st she was sleeveless n then when Ja about to enter she covered h/self may be changed too.. well it was a little disappointing too that Ja cannot c her sleeveless. Ja smiling when he got to know Jo in her bath. He sneak in n shooed away all the maids. As usual rough guy as he is pull her hair a bit harder that Jo felt pain. Than he spoke n Jo was kind of surprised, shy, and embarrassed being in such condition to meet Ja. Jo gave the shy impression so nicely that een we looking at that could feel it, Ja cannot let her go n he put the duppata over her head n put’s his hand across her “kind of stopping her from going”. He leaning closer towards gave the romantic kind of look. Jo looked nice n beautiful with strands of wet hair on her face which Ja playfully touching. Splashing of water …. so so much good to c them spending time together. The scenes of Ja Jo nowdays are being more bolder in the sense they r not reserved with their acting or hold back their touch n go kind of scenes. Overall I find it romantic n enjoyable, watchable Ja Jo scenes. Not to forget the ealier scene of Ja getting undressed n Jo helped him. Ja pretend to be angry n Ja pacify her n she pacify him. It looks like love n romance has no age for Ja jo as they are parents now in the show.

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