Jodha Akbar 15th August 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 15th August 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 15th August 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
khaibar dies, jodha and jalal are stunned, jodha is sad, maan says he killed himself, why? jodha says because he came to know that everybody hates you, khaibar you had to bear so pain in this world, i hope that in next birth you get love and a good life, jodha looks at jalal and smiles she rest her head on his shoulder.

in tent, jodha thinks that khaibar was wish i could change fate of khaibar because i was also responsible for what ever happened but if i didn’t do what i did then he would have died in that well too. some doctor come, jalal says to jodha that they will check you, doctor ask did anything dangerous happened with you, jodha looks at jalal and says that i had to run a lot and had to hungry, also i drowned in lake, jalal gets angry and clutches his knuckles, doctor says you are lucky as your children are safe but you have to be careful, jodha says yes now i will take care of everything, doctor gives her medicine and goes from there, jalal also goes from there while jodha looks at him going, maan is there in her room and greets her, maan says i want to talk to you, jodha says go ahead, maan says i know you want to talk to jalal but i wanna tell what happened in your absence so that you can understand jalal’s state of mind, he tells her how jalal found her clothes in hut and how he said that he will not eat food, maan leaves, jodha says i have to talk to jalal, don’t know what is he thinking.

munim sees jalal outside tent and thinks that jalal didn’t go to jodha and this is not good, sharif comes there and says that the thieves were killed by khaibar, it would be good if jalal had sent me to kill khaibar.

adham comes to maham and tells her that jodha has been found and khaibar is dead,now it will be fun, he ask what happened, you didn’t answer me, after all this will jalal accept jodha? maham says question that why jalal will not accept jodha? jodha have powerful weapon that is heir of Mughal saltanat and jalal will not leave her alone, adham says but jodha’s respect and rajvanshi honor will decrease, maham is about to answer him but she listen someone playing music and says we will talk later, adham goes from there.

atifa is playing music, in harem, ruks ask did all preparations for music night is done? hoshiyar says yes, hoshiyar sees one eunuch and says i felt like he was male not eunuch, ruks goes behind him.

the eunuc comes to atifa and its her husband only, he says that i am sorry for what ever happened, jalal i snot in palace, its a good chance, we should run from here, atifa gets tensed, ruks comes there and shouts how can a male come in harem, husband says she is my wife and i have right to meet her, she is being captured here, ruks shouts silent, do you whom you are talking? i can put you behind bars, atifa says to her husband says that go from here and never show his face, ruks says that if jalal gets to know that you came in harem then he will put you inbetween walls and will kill you, husband says that she is my wife and i will not leave her like this, i will come back, he leaves, ruks says to atifa that if you want to be with your husband then forget about luxuries of harem as this harem is of jalal, atifa says sorry but i ddnt call him i was just waiting fro jalal, ruks says this is the last time i am warning you that this harem is mine and never try to break its rules, she goes from there.

Scene 3
jodha is waiting for jalal and comes out, soldier comes and ask what she needs, she ask where is jalal? soldier says i will check and will inform you, jalal comes there from back and says were you waiting for me? jodha says jalal.. jalal says not here, come inside.

they come in tent, jodha says that when you came to save me then i thought that everything is fine between us but after coming here i get to know that you angry, i am sorry for my mistake, jalal says really you are sorry? jodha says try to understand, khaibar was in pain in well and it was including in your sin, jalal says i tried to make you understand that khaibar is a beast not a human, he doesn’t know about human and their ethics even then you went to him and he took this sign wrongly, think once that why i didn’t kill him, why i put him well? i just wanted to inform people that they are safe from that beast but i didn’t kill him and you thought that i have no sense, i have no humanity, i am fool, you don’t trust my decision, jodha says nothing like that. jodha says to jalal that i know i did the mistake but my intention wasn’t wrong, if i hurt your heart than forgive me, jalal says every mistake doesn’t have forgiveness, you know because of you, people are gossiping khaibar killed my many soldiers so isn’t it injustice to their families, that khaibar killed many village people isn’t it injustice? and i hold you responsible for all this so tell me this sin have forgiveness? i wanted our problems to remain between us, how many times you went against my decisions but i ignored it so that people doesn’t disrespect you, but you disrespected Mughal saltanat, jodha says i know what people are gossiping about me, all are thinking that why i made food for khaibar but they don’t know that i am pregnant and i have to feed my children, all are thinking that why i changed my clothes but i am a mother and i have to save my children from cold, i don’t care about anybody but i want to ask you that don’t you trust me too? jalal says you never trust me but let me answer you that even after i wanted but i couldn’t doubt you.

Scene 4
in night, jodha and jalal are lying on bed but has their back to each other, jalal turns and looks at jodha sadly, both are distraught and cant sleep, jodha gets up and looks at jalal, she lies down again, tumne jab socha sad version plays.

jalal comes with jodha to palace, all are waiting for them, jodha comes out of palanquin, hamida is happy to see her but jalal and jodha are sad, people gossip that will jalal forgive jodha? other say maybe he wont accept her now, jalal listens this and goes to jodha, he holds her hand, all are stunned, jodha looks at jalal, jalal shows he holding jodha’s hand and says that i thank God that jodha safely came back, i want all of you to welcome her, jodha gets happy and smiles looking at jalal, jodha touches hamida’s feet, hamida removes evil eye from her.

Scene 5
jalal jodha and all come in, jalal leaves jodha’s hand, hamida says thank god you came back safely, ruks says i have called a doctor for you, jodha says thanks but jalal called doctor last night only, ruks says thank god atleast he cares for his children, hamdia says its not time to discuss this, ruks says when will time come to tell jodha that she was wrong, jodha says you are right, what i did was wrong and i am sorry for all this mess, jalal ask ruks is everything fine in absence? ruks nods, jalal ask where is atifa? i mean did his husband came to torture her? jodha is stunned to see jalal’s concern for atifa.

PRECAP- zakira comes to jodha and informs her that jalal announced his nikaah with atifa, jodha is shocked as hell and says what?


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  1. Pialy
    August 15, 14:13 Reply

    Episode, was not Bad.

    Both are Right & wrong their place.

    But One thing i noticed,

    Couple realtion Growth some Levels, Which necessary for Married couples.

    1, Jalal not doughted, her Character its very imp,

    But credit goes to this point, couple, how much knows each other this point.

    2, liked jodha words, People what says not bothers me,

    but what do you think bothers me.

    naturally, it will increase, Jodha’s Love More.

    3, How Jalal handled, Agra Gate this situation,

    Jodha eyes were feeling Proud to His husband.

    4, Liked Jodha humanity, about Khyber, but Couple discussion was Good.

    5, Which King, is Ruling Agra, How can take this type of

    decesion, he is like fool..

    how muchJalal feeling, Accward, +pain but this matter can be

    handled, Easy & proper way, but anyways,

    Both acting was superb.

    6, Today i felt, Maybee Atifa behind, Maham +NIGAR, Ruk Maybee.

    7, Jalal ques about Atifa was showing,

    some mystry sure, i not feel he is love with Atifa.

    8, Couple scene Sleeping time, Hakkima scene, showed,

    Jalal awreness+Concern about Jodha,

    But sometime Cold war happens couple, i felt Cold war between couple.

    9, Liked Jalal not Tull this Matter, of character.

    10, Ruk wants to disturbance will start, between Couple,

    she not liked, jalal when hold jodha hand.

    ( but scene was Great )

    Lets see Monday.

  2. @ngel
    August 15, 14:09 Reply

    this week was filled with jodha, jalal and kz, so i’m guessing it doesn’t count as the second week of jalifa
    hopefully atifa is gone after next week

  3. @ngel
    August 15, 14:07 Reply

    i think in the precap he just announce that he will marry atifa, meaning there is still time for the marriage, hopefully she takes a divorce by then
    but i don’t think the people around will allow him to marry a married woman, even if he is the king

    but lets see what cvs do

    • twinkle
      August 15, 20:57

      he’s not going to marry her but if he does its just for name sake to expose atifa

  4. Pialy
    August 15, 14:02 Reply

    i like today episode specially i love that part where jalal hold jodha hand

    and jo ja night scene was soo emotional there alots of thing

    they want to share with each other but they cant becoz of anger

    when jalal ask about atifa i saw pain in jodha eye

    from precap i can say next whole week would be papita torture

  5. pridhi
    August 15, 13:44 Reply

    Xubi I hv exactly d same doubt! !
    How on earth can a married woman marry again without a divorce in those days!!!!!!!!!

    • @ngel
      August 15, 14:27

      it makes me wonder if marriage was nothing but a joke back then

  6. shree
    August 15, 13:24 Reply

    Friends dnt feel for dat atifa matter…she s just a passing cloud..coz in jalal didn’t marry atifa …so just enjoy the upcoming show

  7. sonia
    August 15, 13:22 Reply

    don’t like precap if Jalal marry Atifa I am not watchin Jodha Akbar

    • shree
      August 15, 13:29

      Dnt feel ..everything ‘ll be alright…just see…jalal wnt love anyone except Jodha..jalal heart oly for jodha…

    • sandy
      August 15, 13:40

      donot worry bcause jalal is marrying atifa so he could save jodha from maha chuchuch knows that jodha is jalal life
      so she want to kill jodha and hert jalal

  8. @ngel
    August 15, 12:54 Reply

    Hi @shree sorry I didn’t see your comment

    • shree
      August 15, 13:14

      It’s k… just I think u left …

    • shree
      August 15, 13:17

      Hw r u ?

    • @ngel
      August 15, 14:01

      i’m fine, thanks

      wbu shree?

  9. @ngel
    August 15, 12:50 Reply

    I don’t blame jalal for his anger, kz did cause alot of damage to property and life and as a king his first priority is his subjects well being. It is best that he lets his anger out instead of suppressing and things get worst

    however I’m glad for jodhas abduction,it helped jalal to learn about the hardship of his ppl,like the dacoits yesterday, I don’t think he’d know about that had he not been looking for jodha and kz

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:02

      i blame him for not taking care of jodha during her pregnancy,i know he cares for her but this kind of neglect is bad

    • @ngel
      August 15, 12:52

      I don’t think there is any

  10. shree
    August 15, 12:47 Reply

    K bye my al friend’s…

    • shree
      August 15, 12:39

      Nt future already bad (atifa)came…

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:03

      i dont think so

  11. @ngel
    August 15, 12:22 Reply

    Pic 8, wrong angle
    looks as though she was looking in the mirror

    • Savri
      August 15, 12:29

      Hahaha. Nice one Angel.

    • shree
      August 15, 12:37

      Angel superb

    • Isha
      August 15, 13:30

      Haha. So true

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:03

      lolllllllll. Bang on !

  12. @ngel
    August 15, 12:20 Reply

    Currently nigar is not in the show so I guess CB will be forgotten about,funny since the wars occurred in hope of finding her, mostly maham won’t be exposed soon

    I think another villain will enter and still maham won’t be exposed,oh well…..

    • M@hi
      August 15, 12:23

      Nigar is seen in the last part of today’s episode.

    • @ngel
      August 15, 12:25

      My bad,I haven’t watched the show as yet

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:05

      true, when is maham and the others going to be exposed
      look kz came and went but still maham is there and what about MC, has she disappear??

  13. Ammita
    August 15, 12:01 Reply

    Oh no!!What’s wrong with Jalal??is he mad?
    But I’m happy that he can’t hear a word against Jodha
    he holds her hand publicly to show
    To the world that he can’t leave Jodha
    he is always with her!!

    • Savri
      August 15, 12:27

      He held her hand to show that the past days incident haven’t separated them thus clearing rumours.

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:05

      a lovely scene!

  14. ashley
    August 15, 11:53 Reply

    thank god the children are safe but jalal was really angry
    precap wow cant wait to see this wedding, atifa is going to regret it

    • @ngel
      August 15, 12:26

      I’d be shocked if he wasn’t

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:11

      she will and i’m glad

  15. @ngel
    August 15, 11:45 Reply

    i think ruks isn’t much bothered with who jalal marries because she knows it is temporary, most importantly she knows that no one can take her space in jalal life, his best friend
    an frankly in certain situations, a friend is most needed than a wife

    just a thought

    • Savri
      August 15, 12:25

      Yes, she’s seen many come and probably many go lol.

    • shree
      August 15, 12:30

      It’s true angel

  16. Tory
    August 15, 11:44 Reply

    if this marriage happen between atifa and jalal …….and….jodha make her kidz atifa will never be able to accept them and will always do something bad with them i think it will happen or jodha will stop the marriage

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:07

      i think atifa will be long gone before jodha gives birth

  17. Priyanka
    August 15, 11:41 Reply

    Every time when jalal looks worriedly or sadly there is a mind talk behind that which they show it on the day when ATIFA truth will come out. I think the that they gave on the starting if ATIFA track is when jalal when in the bathroom he was trying to recall ATIFA face because he has seen her somewhere(just a thought). Well after jalifa marriage is there any mini leap like jodha is 9months pregnant? And the spoilers were fake they said there will be huge fight between jalal and khaiber but there wasn’t any! This ATIFA track is going to show us the clever side of jalal because they use to portray him like the brainless want in the show. Whatever it is let’s be patient and watch the show. 🙂 😉

    • @ngel
      August 15, 11:48

      the 9 months leap has been confirmed, but i think its possible that they might not go through with it

    • M@hi
      August 15, 11:52

      9mths means we may see the twins or it can mean she had a miscarriage and is once again pregnant.

    • @ngel
      August 15, 11:55

      i’m guessing we’ll see the twins but then again this show isn’t really going according to history, so anything is possible

  18. katherine
    August 15, 11:39 Reply

    ppl i am sorry to say but i do not like that atifa girl everytime i see her i feel angry and i do not want that marriage to happen between jalal and atifa and i feel if this marriage happen she will stand up to ruk and all the other queens and make everyone know she is the boss and ruk will feel sorry she didn’t get rid of her when atifa did first came

    • M@hi
      August 15, 11:47

      Not sure if Atifa will be around that long lol.

  19. @ngel
    August 15, 11:32 Reply

    cvs did one sensible act and had them consult a doctor after all the adventure jodha went through

    • M@hi
      August 15, 11:35

      Yes true lol. Ruks even called a doctor? Lol.

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:08

      true, i was surprised lollllll

  20. pridhi
    August 15, 11:27 Reply

    Rot in hell cv’s! !!!
    Wats ur problem, can’t u end dis track wid Saturday’s mahaepisode !!!!!
    Now u crazy psychos will drag dis atifa aunty’s track fr 1 more week! !!
    Idiots! !! 👿

    • pridhi
      August 15, 11:28

      No mahaepisode! 😥

    • @ngel
      August 15, 11:40

      there has been many false news for this show so i’m not surprised that there is no MEp

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:09

      maha ep is the other week

  21. Zainab
    August 15, 11:25 Reply

    Nice episode but the precap… 🙁

  22. Miss Unbeleivable
    August 15, 11:21 Reply

    the cvs and their messed up dialogues

    jodha….my God you refused to eat when khabir tried to feed you. You only remembered your children when you got stomach cramps

    when khabir gave you shelter you refudes it stayed in the rain you tried to walk on water my God (slaps my head in frustration)

    OMG Khabir RIP you were a good man just trying to survive and you had to take care of a woman who never thought of her children

    i cant blame Jalal for his thinking

    • M@hi
      August 15, 11:25

      Hahaha, thanks for pointing out about the messed up dialogues.

    • twinkle
      August 15, 21:10

      cvs were sleeping and writing lolllll

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