Jodha Akbar 15th July 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 15th July 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 15th July 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jodha says to moti that I feel like jalal is near only, I can feel him, moti says I believe you, jalal will come here, nothing will happen to him, jodha says this child is jalal’s heir and he told me that jalal will come, you know I have telepathic connection with jalal, if something happened to him then I would have known, she says to kahna why you do this to me, why you put me in dilemma, salima comes and says its our test and I trust you, jalal will come, all pray for him, you just have some patience and have faith on kahna, jodha hugs salima, dasi comes and informs them that mali’s forces are heading towards here, jodha and salim are stunned.

shaguni bai is praying to kali maa, she says to maa that why are you rude to me today, she says today winds are not normal this means someone is trying to challenge the fate, he doesn’t know that he will be destroyed, blood shed will happen and what fate has chosen will happen only.

soldier comes to todar in jungle and says there is no news of jalal, todar scolds him that jalal was your responsibility, soldier says I saw jalal fighting with mali.
mali’s forces as reached the tents of harem women, he announces from outside,

mali says I saw him dying and enjoyed and now you all get ready to welcome your new king, all wives are stunned, soldier comes there and opens a cloth in which jalal’s war dress and sword are there all drenched in blood, all are devastated to see it, jodha recalls how she did jalal’s aarti after he wore the war dress and how jalal promised her that now he has worn this dress so he will come after winning the war only, jodha cant believe her eyes that she is she jalal’s dress in blood. read full updates daily only at ruks shouts and says no jalal this cant happen, I cant believe this, my jalal has gone, she cries, salima too cries and ask her to control herself, ruks says how can I, my husband has gone, I lost my precious thing, how can he die, jodha shivers when truth strikes her, she sits down sadly, malai says from outside that you have no time to cry and mourn, just become my wives and get your luxury back, inside ruks is about to drink poison when salima stops her and says we all with you, mali says stop crying and become mine, I will give you more luxury and women are property of men, when a king wins some place or state then its animals and women become his property so you all are now my property, Rahim comes to wives and ask why all are crying, why jalal’s dress is here, moti takes him inside, mali says before dying jalal begged me, he pleaded infront of me, he said before dying that take my everything but please don’t kill me, maham also cant believe this, jodha smiles and says mali is lying, nothing has happened to jalal, he is safe, hamida says I know you are in sad state but please accept it, jodha says no I have not gone insane but he is lying, jalal is alive, ruks says cant you see jalal’s sword here and his dress, jodha says look he has jalal’s dress not jalal, this means jalal in their prison but he is alive, look he has sent his sword but not his hand, he has send his turban but not his head, if jalal died then mali would have sent his body to us but he didn’t, jodha recalls jalal’s words that if he dies then he will take only Allah’s name, jodha says if jalal was dying then he wouldn’t have begged infront of , he would have just taken Allah’s name, hamida can you believe that your son will plead to mali? salima says I know its difficult to accept that jalal is dead but this is truth only, jodha says no. I am sure that jalal is alive. soldiers of mali comes in tent, they grab ruks, jodha and salim and take them to mali, mali says welcome, ruks says I am ruks, jalal’s special wife, if you try to do something inappropriate with me then jalal will behead you, mali ask soldier to bring her closer. mali grabs ruks by her hairs, ruks screams, jodha says leave her, salima says we all are relative you can humiliate us like this, mali says look at my eye, did jalal thought that we are relative when he did this with my eye then why will think, it turns out to mali’s dream, he is still outside of tent, he says to soldier that wait for sometime then we will get the treasure(women of hram). inside salima says that we don’t have much time, other wife says that they are animals they will eat us up. ruks says we have only one option to drink poison, jodha says no, maham says then what can we do, they are many in numbers, jodha says jalal will come to save us, what we have to do is to save ourselves from them, salima is right that they are animals but we human can take over them, we are from Akbar’s family, we will fight, we women are not weak, we might stay in home but we have maa durga in us, we can fight for our respect, women are not weak, jalal never took women with him in war but he brought us here this only indicates that fate want us to fight against evil, we will fight against the one who caste evil eye on women, one wife says that its easy to give speech but its very difficult to take sword in hand and fight, jodha says women can do anything and we will take sword in our hands.

mali has cornered ruks, jodha and salima, he says today I got everything, I killed jalal, got his throne and his harem women too, he caresses ruks hairs, ruks is highly unpleased

PRECAP- ruks is wearing war dress, she points arrow towards mali’s soldier and says I am ruks, jalal’s wife, I will not bow down, she throws hits the arrow and soldier dies. later we jodha placing sword on mali’s neck, mali has bowed down on knees, jodha says what you said that you will get peace when we will come to you, now I will get the peace when I take revenge from the one who thinks women are weak.

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  1. angel
    July 16, 06:06 Reply

    nigar is gonna discover the truth soon, but she still needs to be punished for her deceitful ways…

  2. angel
    July 16, 06:03 Reply

    really hope there is no nigar scene today

    • angel
      July 16, 06:03

      just elaan e jung and hopefully at the end they find jalal

  3. angel
    July 16, 06:02 Reply

    mali the donkey, you really need a mirror

  4. angel
    July 16, 05:56 Reply

    no akdha scenes toll next week…..

    sad very sad 😥

  5. masuma19
    July 16, 05:51 Reply

    bye angel am gng to pray see you later 🙂

    • angel
      July 16, 05:53

      bye di
      tc 😀

  6. masuma19
    July 16, 05:48 Reply

    yah i had some work to do.. Yah true we waited for too longgg

    • angel
      July 16, 05:49

      oh kool


  7. angel
    July 16, 05:43 Reply

    looks like the war is gonna be finished by this week


    we have waited too long

    • angel
      July 16, 05:44

      hey di

      hardly saw you yesterday..

  8. angel
    July 16, 05:40 Reply

    waiting for today’s ep 😀 😀 😀

    • neeraja
      July 16, 05:42

      Me too
      Desperately waiting for 8 pm

  9. masuma
    July 16, 05:34 Reply

    yah probably till next week 🙁

  10. sweetlily
    July 16, 05:22 Reply

    I want to see some akdha scenes but there r no till the next week

  11. masuma
    July 16, 04:12 Reply

    and their happiness wont last for long as that khaiber will kidnap jodha.. But i hope after that everything goes well as jodha akbar is the best show ever 🙂

  12. masuma
    July 16, 04:08 Reply

    but these cvs are too much yaar!! I mean frst dey bring good news abt pregnancy then spoil it with war den jodha dsnt tell jalal untill da right time ahhh

  13. masuma
    July 16, 04:03 Reply

    its soo sad that the twins will die 🙁

  14. aash
    July 16, 04:02 Reply

    this show is chakaaas… Jodhaa ummah kya acting yaar bst actress ho tum. tumari smile woww very cute.

  15. anu (jodha begum)
    July 16, 03:42 Reply

    tithi, no I haven’t dear!! but I gotta go now, Iftar time! I have to break my fast!!
    talk soon 🙂

    • tithi
      July 16, 03:44

      hannn its iftar time its afternoon only..hmm ifter in ur location..okz tata i ll send u mail.tata

    • zareen
      July 16, 04:04

      Hi anu 🙂
      i think our misundrstndings r cleared 🙂

  16. anu (jodha begum)
    July 16, 03:41 Reply

    paily, no doubts, paridhi nailed yesterday’s episode with ALL kind of expressions. I’ve posted one of the BEST expression she did yesterday’s episode on Jodha Akbar – Zee Tv ; official fan page on Facebook a while ago.
    I’m already in love with the two. Paridhi and rajat.
    I can’t believe some people say paridhi doesn’t know how to act. It’s funny when people say that it’s like saying ‘paridhi is a male’ to ‘paridhi can’t act’ like; hello, can’t you ‘SEE?’ she’s the best actress I’ve ever seen.

    • tithi
      July 16, 03:39

      diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii frgot me kia.huh

  17. aash
    July 16, 03:35 Reply

    woww……. kya epi tha yaar jst cnt wt tmrw. Jodha juv u

  18. Pialy
    July 16, 03:28 Reply

    More punishment for nigaar

    1)Listen to hey Man Mohana 5 times a day.
    2)Listen to Jo everyday about Nari Shakti
    3)Listen to Jalal on Dil ,Dil ka dard,Dil ki dhadkan and question the Almighty for giving this mystery organ.
    4)Intelligent talks with Javeda and Rahim on Jo’s pregnancy atleast 2 hours a day.
    5) knitting socks for the twins.
    6)Bear Adham’s boori Nazar everyday.
    7)Listen stories of Marhoom Badshah Humayun and Babar from Mariyam Makani
    8)Look at the lifeless,expressionless faces of Bandhis everyday
    9)Listen to screeching of Ruku everyday .Fill her hookah every hour.
    10)Roam entire Agra without sleeping with Maham like Samara Morgan of “The Ring”.
    11)Last but most important be a celibate for entire life and as far as Agra is concerned it is true for married ones also.

    • angel
      July 16, 05:46

      samara morgan lolzzzzzzzzzzz

  19. Pialy
    July 16, 03:25 Reply

    jodha called him a ghrinit praani … In Abul Mali’s dream …

    Even Abul Mali knows how much Jodha loves ghrina LOL

  20. Pialy
    July 16, 03:20 Reply

    pari have beautiful eyes..she showed all expression perfectly

  21. Pialy
    July 16, 03:07 Reply

    All those three dialogues were very very funny, especially “ghrinit prani”.lol

    I doubt if Abul mali knew the meaning? And Ruq again doing audha-giri to Abul mali!LOL

  22. Pialy
    July 16, 03:06 Reply

    I’m in love with jodha yday n paridhi nailed it by emoting all kinds of expressions

  23. Pialy
    July 16, 03:00 Reply

    Amidst of all these the dialogues cracked me r rukayya hum Khaas begum hain ROFL

    n ghrinit prani of Jodha in Mali dream LOL

    and Mali saying to rukaiah that her gurror is bigger than jalal sultanat LOL

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