Jodha Akbar 17th November 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 17th November 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 17th November 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jodha is doing Tulsi pooja, she prays that protect my Salim and gives him strength to bear all this and make Qadir fine. Moti ask her to eat something, Jodha says when son Is away from mother then how she can eat.
Jalal ask maan about Salim? Maan says security is tight around him, Jodha comes there and gives aarti to Jalal and Maan, jalal looks at her sad face.

Salim is sleeping and recalls his time spent with jodha, someone puts hand on his forehead, Salim says I knew you will come to me, I knew you will not be able to stay away with me, he turns and find Ruks instead of jodha, he ask about jodha? ruks says I tired to make her understand but she didn’t accept to come here, she is Marium zamani so she has to follow rules, don’t worry I am here with you, she ask why you are not sleeping Salim says this bed is very hard and food is not good here, my hands are hurt, Ruks says don’t worry everything will be fine, I have brought royal food for you, she shows him food she has brought and makes him eat, Salim gets dizzy after eating it as there was opium in it, Ruks says you are not my son but my servant, Salim in dizziness says that I am your servant, Ruks says what will I say, you will do that, Salim repeats, Ruks says your mother doesn’t care for you, your maasa doesn’t love, you are just toy for her not son and for jalal you are not son but a heir only, this pain you will have to bear for whole life but don’t forget what your parents did with you, she makes him lie on bed, Salim sleeps, Ruks thinks that soon you will have only one relation that will be with me, now I will be your ammi not bari ammi and you will be my servant, have peaceful sleep. she smirks and comes out of hut, Resham is there and ask about Salim? ruks says he was worried and not sleeping but I made him eat food and he slept, nobody should know that I came here, Resham says you didn’t do any crime, you are his mother, ruks thinks that what game I have played, innocent jodha, you have heart of mother but you trusted a step mother and forgot that step mother is always step mother, she recalls flashback in jodha says to Ruks that I will go to meet my son at any cost, I will bear punishment of jalal but I will go to him, Ruks says its about Salim, if you go to meet him then he will become weak, Mughal king should be strong, do you want to make him weak? its about 5 6days, once qadir get fine then Salim will return but if you go to meet Salim then Jalal will not like it and it will be against Salim, Jodha says you are right, I have to becomes strong, Ruks thinks that Salim will hate you marium zamani and I will go to Salim, fb ends. Ruks says to Resham that I might be step mother of Salim but I am best mother of him.

Scene 2
Salim is cleaning house with Fatima bi, Salim says to Fatima bi that I am hungry, Fatima says there are no wood to lit stove, I will go and bring wood sticks, Salim says tell me I will bring, Fatima says no I will go, Salim says I have dadi in palace and her responsibility is on me and you are like my dadi so you are my responsibility and I have to do Qadir’s work so tell me from where to bring wood, she says there is jungle near house, Salim takes the axe and goes from there.

Salim comes in market area, soldiers and Rahim in disguise follows him, Salim comes in jungle and starts cutting wood from axe, Anarkali with Sakina comes there too, they find Salim cutting wood, Anarkali says she is prince Salim? sakina says yes, what happened to him he used to have many dasies around him and now he has to do work, it all happened because of you, Anarkali says I just said truth and tell me are you his friend or mine? lets go from here, Salim hits his foot while cutting and screams, Anarakli looks at him and recalls how zil bahar said to her that what you did with Salim was wrong? he was not at fault, he didn’t deliberately hurt Qadir, if an ant gets crushed under your feet then is ti your fault? anarkali says no, zil says that fault was of Qadir, he went to Royal garden and was stealing mangoes and if a soldiers had caught him, remember don’t blame person for his unintentional mistake and when someone is in problem then help him, flashback ends. Anarkali comes to Salim and gives him wood sticks, Salim says you? I don’t need your help, Anarkali says don’t show attitude, you are not king now, Salim says this all problem has happened because of you, Anarkali asys I am helping you as my mother said, SAlim says I can do my work, Anarkali says the wood sticks you have collected will not work as they are wet and will only give smoke not fire, she gives him dry stick and ask him to find sticks like that, Salim says I knew that, you go I don’t need your help, Anarkali says you are such egoistic, don’t even know difference between dry and wet wood, she leaves, Salim looks at dry sticks.

Scene 3
Jalal comes to jodha and ask are you angry with me? jodha says no how can, its just that my Salim.. Jalal says are you missing him a lot, Jodha says it was not included in your punishment that I cant miss Salim, jalal says my punishment also doesn’t include that you stop eating, he holds her hand and ask her to look at him she looks, jalal ask do you think that I am SAlim’s enemy? I am his father, I miss him too, seeing him in punishment, my heart hurts, you know after much difficulty I have got Salim, I lost my children, I killed 30,000 people to come out of it but then I realized that life is about making other people happy and serving them then I got Salim, I am happy that Salim got this chance to serve common people this is blessing of god on him, I was warrior then I met you and became human but Salim will become human first then a warrior, you know Salim is taking good care of Salim, jodha says you know everything about I don’t know about Salim even after being his mother, she says shehenshah can I got to meet him once? Jalal says I respect your emotions but I cant grant you your request.

PRECAP- jodha is in mandir and distributing gifts between poor people. Salim comes there all messed up and drenched in mud, he extends his hand and hides himself behind other man , jodha looks at his hand and says why there so many wounds on this kid’s hand.

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  1. duaa
    November 17, 13:12 Reply

    Bye guyzzzz
    Good night
    Tc everyone

  2. Pialy
    November 17, 13:10 Reply

    I guess we would get no answers. When was ruq shown to think ahead .

    All her plans are half baked. But this is so worse.

    I said all taking hukkah begum ruqu completely out of equation.

    the show is seriously going downhill .

    In addition to opium ,now she is also hypnotizing salim.

    I shudder to think what else we would have to bear yet.

    It’s so sad and highly disgusting.

  3. Pialy
    November 17, 13:06 Reply

    Ruks will be Scott free as this will never come out in the open…This will always remain a unknown mystery. very sad..

  4. Pialy
    November 17, 13:05 Reply

    One question will Salim not tell JOdha about Ruks meeting him. What is Ruks thinking

    Why is she allowed to roam free and never gets caught when everything JO does is out in the open. What security does Salim have.

  5. Pialy
    November 17, 13:03 Reply

    It is obvious that the plot is steadily going downhill, just as expected.

    I can sense glaring inconsistencies in character portrayal and in the progress of the storyline.

    It will be torturous to watch a child being drugged again.

  6. Pialy
    November 17, 13:01 Reply

    this is wrong message to the society…

    Where has the conscience of Ruku gone? Is she a pshyco? and a bigger one then MA…

    • duaa
      November 17, 13:04


  7. Pialy
    November 17, 13:00 Reply

    I think today SALIM ruk scene will be like some psycho threatening child

    n this ruk is psycho serial killer … Maham is any day better than hukka begum rukayya…

  8. Pialy
    November 17, 12:58 Reply

    Emotional episodes..only d last part was awesome! were nonsence!

    Specically d 1st part was unbearable!

    ruk n her blabbering blah blah blah…

    Last part between jodha n jalal was awesome..made me emotional..

    n fantabulous acting by both rajat n pari..

    paris eyes were expressing all d emotions!
    She deserves a lead actress award like rajat!
    i will not blame jodha that she didn’t go to meet salim insistence.. i would say she did this 4 betterment of her own child so that he becomes a better human being!
    Last part says everything!

  9. sara
    November 17, 12:45 Reply

    Duaaaa I am watching beintiha

    • sara
      November 17, 12:53


    • duaa
      November 17, 12:55

      Your favourite song sara

    • sara
      November 17, 12:56

      I hate late replying…… U really know

    • duaa
      November 17, 13:01

      I know but what I can I do

  10. subrina
    November 17, 12:41 Reply

    Ruks is a Bitch I hate her so much

  11. masuma
    November 17, 12:38 Reply

    prince its gud to knw ul start frm today

    • masuma
      November 17, 12:48

      see u all tmrw if god wishes

  12. masuma
    November 17, 12:36 Reply

    have sweet akdha dreams ♥♥

    • duaa
      November 17, 12:40

      Same to u

  13. sara
    November 17, 12:34 Reply

    Where r u duaaaa or sara

    • sara
      November 17, 12:40

      Reply tu kar

    • duaa
      November 17, 12:36

      Hyyyyy sara

  14. duaa
    November 17, 12:27 Reply

    Fine and singing song

  15. masuma
    November 17, 12:04 Reply

    can someone plzzz slap this ruku
    shes soo disgusting

    • aarzoo
      November 17, 12:15

      Can’t do

  16. Anna
    November 17, 11:43 Reply

    Ja said some beautiful words of comfort to Jo. He want Salim to be become a good person 1st before he become a warrior. Unlike him he was a good warrior then a good person after he met Jo. No one could have said better than Ja did for his moulding of Salim. It’s really sad to c them so down n missing Salim. Ja talks softly n a bit hard to hear today.

    I can’t stop my self but to say “Jo/Pari u need to loose weight to compete with Ja/RT” I loved her slim look rather than a bulgy look. She really look like a mother of many children.

    This women is good for nothing even drugging him in the hut. Hoe come Rahim is disguise didn’t notice her. She is the worst person that say with affection at all. She called him servant that’s worst things ever anyone can says about a prince moreover a son in relationship. Hope Resham will open her mouth.

    I don’t want Salim to hate Jo or Ja or even have any MU in such a tender age.

    I love to c Salim whenhe talks, he looks so cute and the manner he speaks is full of ego like a prince. I love his caring attitude for the old lady.

    • @ngel
      November 18, 07:07

      Its true,pari does look more than usual pulp….especially around the tummy area

  17. cecilia dacosta
    November 17, 11:36 Reply

    These writers have gone off the top by showing an innocent child being given drugs..what else can you expect from these writers they don’t even respect marriage.

  18. sara
    November 17, 10:34 Reply

    Ruks….. Ohhhhhhh I just hate her…………

    • duaa
      November 17, 10:37

      Me tooooo sara

    • sara
      November 17, 10:35

      What’s up

    • sara
      November 17, 10:38

      Reply soon

    • duaa
      November 17, 10:41

      Nothing special

    • sara
      November 17, 10:46


    • sara
      November 17, 10:53

      Rajat q passand h ap kooooo

    • duaa
      November 17, 11:04

      Ap ko Vivian q pasand hai

  19. sara
    November 17, 10:32 Reply

    Hyyyyyy duaaaaaaaaaa

  20. duaa
    November 17, 10:23 Reply

    Hate ruks very much hate her a lot

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