Jodha Akbar 1st April 2015 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 1st April 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 1st April 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jodha ask Jalal what decision will you take? Jalal says i have not taken decision yet, i wanted to talk to you, i am thankful to you as i feel godd after talking you, dont worry i will find some way.
Qutub comes to Salim and says you seem tensed, Salim says i dont know why ambassador of iran stopped my crown ceremony, Jalal is not involving me any matter, dont know why they dont want me to get crown, he ask Qutub to go to his wife, he says you are lucky that someone waits for you, Qutub says people love you too, Jalal, Jodha hamida all loves you, Salim says all love me but not the one whom i love(Anarkali).
Jalal recalls how they called Salim illegal and said Salim cant become king, he imagines himself to be standing on chess table, Jalal imagines ambassador says that this is decision of Iran and it is respected in whole muslim nations, if you want to make your son legal for kingship then ask your hindu wife to accept Islam or else people from India will be banned in Saudia, Jalal imagines Jodha saying that you promised me that you will not force me to change religion, Jalal is worried thinking about all this.

Scene 2
Salim is practicing sword fighting with soldiers, Daniyal and Murad comes, Salim ask them to have sword fighting, Murad says we cant raise sword against, Daniyal says what if you punish us when you become king, Salim says you both will remain bothers to me always.
Jodha tells Badrinath that Jalal is in fix to make Salim king, what if he makes Salim king and then people will suffer and what if Salim doesnt like it that he didnt make him king, what if they both get against each other, Badri says according to fate of Jalal, fight is must between Jalal and Salim, he will find solution for time being but there will be fight, he ask Jodha to keep praying and dont worry.
Salim finds Anarkali coming in palace, he finds one snake approaching her, he runs and pushes her away, they both fall on ground together, Anarkali ask what was that? Salim shows her snake and says there was not time ti inform you so i had to touch you, he stands up and gives his hand, Anar holds his hand and gets up, Anar says i should say sorry, you saved me again, SAlim says i had to save you at any cost, Anar says i wanna say sorry, i was wrong about you, i feel guilty to think about you like that, Salim says you made me feel good saying all this, Anar turns to go, Salim holds her hand, she ask him to let her go, he leaves her hand and says spend sometime with me, i am tired of all this kingship, palace, if you will talk to me, i will feel good, Anar looks at him, he extends his hand, Anar holds it, he smiles, Rabba is pyar mein plays.

Scene 3
Salim and Anar sit, Salim ask bandhi to bring wine, she brings, he is about to drink it, anar says now you have to leave all these bad habits, Salim says i can leave my breathes for you, he doesnt drink it, Anar says i am not saying all this for me but for Mann bai, she has asked to me to do, Salim says wish you had shown right on me, it would have felt more good, Anar says i have no right on you now, she is your would be wife so she has right on you, its late night, i should leave, she leaves. Salim says i never wanted to get thrown but now i want to get it so to give you right, i want to see you as Queen of india and that will happen only when i will become king.
Jalal ask his ministers did you find solution? one priest says that we should not go against time, jalal says you want me to acccept Iran’s proposal, Jalal ask Birbal, Birbal says this is difficult time, you have to take decision if Jodha will change religion or not, if you will make Salim or not, nobody can give you suggestion, its your family matter so you have to decide, its my suggestion to take no one’s suggestion, Jalal thinks.
Jodha is tulsi pooja, she is worried for Jalal, she prays to keep peace between Salim and Jalal’s relation, Jalal comes there, he looks at tensed face of Jodha, he says where it is gone, where.. Jodha ask what are you finding, Jalal says your smile, once you told me that we should keep smiling in difficult times as it support you and now your smile is lost? Jalal ask her to smile for him, she smiles, Jodha says its all because of me, i should not have asked you to promise at marriage time and you would have not suffered now, Jalal says you didnt force me, you did ask for promises and i did accept it and i told you that i will never force you to change religion and i will not change it for Iran, i have given freedom to everyone in my nation so i cant force you, what my people will think? this is not Iran but India, my ancestors didnt force people too, we love people here and we will never force them, he says there is some problem but i will solve it, you dont take tension.

Scene 4
Ruks comes to Jodha and ask whats problem you seem tensed, Jodha says nothing, Ruks says i am Jalal’s friend and your’s friend too, tell me, maybe i can help, Jodha tells her everything, Ruks says why Iran is involving in our family matter, nJodha says Jalal will find way, but i am worried about Salim, what he will feel, i want Jalal to find way which should not hurt Salim nor people, ruks says dont worry, Jodha leaves, Ruks says such a big thing happend and Jalal didnt tell me, this is not good.

PRECAP- Jalal ask Jodha what you think, is it good idea? Jodha says i dont know anything but if this hurts Salim then i will not talk to you.

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  1. LIDA
    April 02, 00:06 Reply

    Salim is the worst actor in tollywood .he is not suitable for this role .for salim role CVS should have brought someone handsome. Strong. Tall and very powerful as actor with great acting skills.what’s wrong with ekat kapoor how she let such weak and ugly actor to play in her top show and anrkail need to be replace too.she is very ugly what did sailm says that he wants to see anrkail as queen of India my feet .she is better as jodha maid only nothing like queen word will suit that ugly anrkail.i can not stand anrkail face and salim acting anymore,god i wanted to slap salim hardwhen he says they want be king so he can make her his queen WHAT????????THAT MUCH BE APRIL FOOL DAY SUCH CHEAP WORDS ,I HATE BOTH OF THESE UGLY FACES.

  2. sayantika kar
    April 01, 16:17 Reply

    I think dis track is heading towards da foundation of din e illahi..getting really interesting..cant wait 4 da nxt epi..hope our ja come back 2 its lost posn..dat is in top 2..

  3. Pialy
    April 01, 14:48 Reply

    salim want thrown for anardana ROFL

    Salim’s dialgue was disgusting. However addicted to Drugs or alcohol or anything else, one thing that all Princes took seriously was the Throne.

    All this while Salim went on saying, once he got the throne he will make sure no one is hungry and everyone stays healthy in his empire, and now he says he wants the Throne just so that he can make Anardhaana the Malika Of Hindustan?

    This is just too stupid, I mean, even Jodha became MEH because she had something in her, and had overall development in all spheres…
    Its sad to see Salim treat such a respectable title with so much…stupidity.

    at the end of this track, instead of Jo , it will be Jalal who will change his religion

    If Jalal comes to know , why Salim wants to become king, he himself will throw salim out of his kingdom LOLzz

  4. sayantika kar
    April 01, 14:15 Reply

    nyc epi..loving evry epis nw a days..rajat paridhi were mindblowing…as m a die heart fan of rajat so lved rajat little mre dan paridhi…bt both were u rajat & paridhi esp rajat..ja rocks..

  5. Pialy
    April 01, 14:14 Reply

    I loved the epi mainly for leads scenes. Akbar was a perfect husband today. The way he kept on trying to keep jodha hapoy n relaxed even while being in so much tension was good
    The best scene was him trying to find her smile n telling her that her smile gives him strength n she shld keep smiling. And the way jodha keeps her head from the back on his shoulder was so sweet.
    They r shown as a couple completly devoted to each other n the small gestures between them r amazing to watch.

  6. rv
    April 01, 14:13 Reply

    Interesting.The storyline is proceeding well.

  7. hurrem
    April 01, 14:00 Reply

    nice . . . . Love u jodha beautiful princess

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