Jodha Akbar 1st August 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 1st August 2014 Written Update by Aadi

Jodha Akbar 1st August 2014 Written Episode

Episode starts with Jodha hiding the letter(from the toy) when she sees Salima.
Scene 1

Salima says : “thank you for taking care of rahim.. I hope that he havn’t troubled you.”
Jodha : “no , it is fine.. infact, rahim agreed to share his toys with me.”
Salima : “hmm.. it’s good.. now you take rest.. i might be tired.”
jodha smiles and go away from there..

Moti informs Jodha about Khaibar
Moti : “Jodha . again khaibar’s cries are coming.. may be he is again getting tortured!”
Jodha was going towards jail..
Moti stops her..
Jodha says : “I have to go to see him. Even after Shehenshah’s orders he is being tortured. this is not acceptable. ”
She leaves.

Jalal was taking round of mahal with atgah and was discussing about marriage.
he hears voice of singing songs by atifa..
He stops atgah and says : “wait here . i will just come.”
Jalal enters the place where Atifa and Tansen were Practising song..
jalal gets mesmerized by Atifa, and her singing.
He says : “shubhanallah! i didn’t know even practicing for song is also so melodious.”
Tansen says : “Thanks.!”
jalal says to tansen : “you be ready .. very soon there will be a show for music in the palace.”
tansen says : “sure! shehenshah”
Jalal to Atifa : “I hope you are feeling safe here..!”
Atifa : “Yes . thanks to you.”
Jalal says : “i was just passing from here and heard your voice.. you really sing very well.. OK you carry on.. i have to go..”

Outside of that room where atgah was waiting.
Husband of atifa comes and shows some documents to atgah. and sees that jalal is talking with atifa..
atgah says : “OK, go and show these to todarmal.”
He leaves .. jalal leaves the room.
jalal asks atgah about atifa’s husband.
atgah says : “yeah he is good in his work.. but we have heard that he is very rude. he often beats his wife..”
jalal gets angree and says : “it is not fair.. nobody should treat any woman like this..”
atgah says : “but we can’t do anything in this matter . as it is their personal matter . . and we cannot interfere untill the woman herselves raise the casel.”
jalal says : “i don;t know anything.. put an eye on him. . and report me immediately if he beats his wife again.”
atgah says : “OK shehenshah”
Scene 2

The master of Khaibar(nissar) beats him in jail.
Jodha comes there and shouts : “STOP!”
she looks at Khaibar and scolded the soldier(actually khaibar’s master nissar).
She says : “how dare you beat him. It is the order of shehenshah and you are doing this. if you did it again i will get you punished by shehshah.”
she looks at khaibar again.
She turns to leave and shocked to find Jalal standing there and angrily looking at her.
She says : “shehenshah . .. . .. . ”
Jalal stops her and says everyone to leave.
Jalal scolds Jodha for meeting Khaibar again.
Jalal says to Jodha : “why don’t you understand.. I love you a lot, but you are always ignoring my orders.. you are taking wrong advantage of my love.. . you should know how a wife should live..”
Jodha tries to make him understand , but he leaves angrily.

Jodha came back to her room
she remembered that letter.. She opens and read it..
in the letter it was written that..
(( I am the daughter of king… jalal has fixed my marriage with atgah khan’s son.. i am a hindu and i don’t want this marriage.. i would like to die but i will not get married by a mughal.. I know you are living by adjusting very hard.. You are also a hindu princess I am sure that you will help me.. tommorow that toyseller will come again . to take your answer. ))
Jodha gets shocked to read a letter and thinks about Jalal’s words.

jalal angrily enters rukayya’s room.
rukayya asks him : “what happened?”
he tells : “jodha. . she always disobeys my orders. .she is not understanding that she has the responsibility of 2 more lives now..”
Rukiya asks him to calm down.
She gives some drink to jalal and says : “you drink this.. it will relax and refresh you.”
Jalal asks : “what is it??”
rukayya says : “don’t worry .. nothing addictive. it will just refresh you.”
jalal drinks.

Scene 3

Atifa’s husband scolds Atifa
Husband : “what is going in between you and shehshah??”
atifa : “nothing..”
husband : “don’t lie.. i can see he looks at you differently.”
atifa : “it is just he respects me..”
husband : “pack your luggage we will leave this place now.
atifa : ” we will not go.”
husband (angrily) : “why? what are you getting here?”
atifa : ” freedom.. from your tortures.”
husband slaps her.. and leaves..

Dasi comes to rukkaya’s room and says : ” adab shehenshah”
rukkaya : “jalal is taking rest.”
dasi : “somebody has come to inform you something.”
jalal rises from bed and go outside.. then in atifa’s room.
he sees atifa is lying on the floor bleeding.
he holds her and makes her sit.
he says : “show me your hand.. ”
atifa shows.. jalal holds her hand..
atgah comes outside and sees jalal and atifa..
He thinks : ” jalal is doing a great sin.. he may have to lose his crown .. it is a major sin.. he is touching a married woman like this..”
atgah interfere them and says. . “shehensah, we will take care of it.. you please leave.”
jalal says.. : ” but he beated her so badly.. he will .. . ”
atgah : ” ok we will take care.. you go from here..”
jalal leaves.

Jalal was sharping his sword..
atgah comes.
atgah : “what are you planning shehenshah?”
jalal : “i want to go for a hunt.. it’s been a long time now.”

rukayya gets the news that jalal is going without jodha..
she thought : “this is the right chance to tell jodha..”
She goes to jodha’s room and says :”is everything fine between you and jalal”
jodha asks : “yes.. but why are you asking.?”
she says : ” i have heard jalal is going for hunting without you..”
jodha says : “yes . it is fine.. there is no dispute between us.”
rukayya says : “take care of your health.”
she leaves

Scene 4

Jodha thinks it is not fair.. we are going to be parents now.. we should not fight on small matters like this now..
Jalal was getting ready for hunting..
Jodha comes from behind and wear cloak to jalal
jalal says : “oh you are here.i havn’t noticed”
jodha says(innocently) : “i have not said sorry so you will do like this??”
jalal : “what?”
jodha : “you are going for hunting without me.. you are still angry with me.?”
jalal says : “it is nothing like can’t go like this. you have to take care of your health.”
jodha says : “it is not the matter of hunting.. it is the matter of “being with” .
jalal looks her angrily(that she is again disobeiyng me and arguing to go for hunting.)

The soldier(nissar) talks to Khaibar : “Don’t shout khaiber.. i know you like jodha.. and only I can help you get her.”
he says. : “take this map. this is jodha’s room.”
he gives him a pointed weapon. and says : this is your weapon. “go and get her.”
Khaibar smiles..

Precap: Jodha is sleeping, khaibar comes in her room. he roams in her room and sees her with love.

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  1. @ngel
    August 03, 12:23 Reply

    How long do you guys think its going to be before this show is worth watching again?????

    • shree
      August 03, 12:24

      Soon… I want

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:27

      I’m hoping by this week
      but I’m sure CVs are gonna stretch it even longer

    • shree
      August 03, 12:33

      I read new promo update..after I feel for jo nd ja…coz both r loving…bt both r king nd queen…king ‘ll marry more women’s bt no one spk abt queen in wrong…it’s very bad time for both…before dat jo helped more ppl like ja sis , ruk, nigar bt al r lady’s bt nw he s man nd also he came for to kill ja…kkidnapped jo…he helped jo bt oly she ask Jalal to leave need to go nd meet him…nd also no need to put medicine to his wounds…its really wrong

    • shree
      August 03, 12:36

      Sri…same name…Wer u frm?

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:39

      True I don’t completely agree with what she did
      but in a way she was helpless to her nature,she can’t really control her need to help others

      but her going against the king was wrong

    • shree
      August 03, 12:39

      Angel Wt Tim nw

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:43

      Here its 12:10 pm

    • shree
      August 03, 12:47

      Ya …her nature …bt nw she carring two babies…so she take herself safe…nd also she know very well loves babies…already he betrayed by ruks…nw jo her itself put her life nd babies life in danger..Wt she thinking? I can’t understand

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:51

      @shree di after watching this show for so long
      I’ve learned that these characters will never learn
      I’m done expecting anything from them
      they are not going to send my bp up

  2. @ngel
    August 03, 12:15 Reply

    @shree di
    I haven’t seen the new promo
    just read the updates

    • shree
      August 03, 12:20

      Me too

    • shree
      August 03, 12:23

      @S can u tel ur name plz?

    • Sℛℐ
      August 03, 12:28

      My name is sri

  3. Pialy
    August 03, 12:15 Reply

    the only track which should be applause is jodha-khyber track in the current scenario…its so beautiful…

    …he really loves and devoted to jodha…not only for her but also her babies…he cares for both of them…matters him the most…in his own way he protects jodha and her babies…

    unlike some womanizing jerk characterless cheap jalal who claims to love and devoted to jodha but then his sick mentality laying eyes and trying to be physical with another men’s wife…

    the women is so much in his thoughts…that the women he claims to love and devote even after death…the women who is pregnant with his kids…his kids is nowhere in his thoughts…

    I think 2 scenarios might happen

    1) khyber is sentence to death and jodha saves him by a wish…before ending the track…khyber-jodha will have a emotional convo and moment

    2) khyber will die for jodha and her babies and he will breathe his last on jodha’s lap…a emotional convo will take place…jodha will have tears in her eyes…khyber dies peaceful death in the arms of his love

  4. shree
    August 03, 12:07 Reply

    Jodha also dng wrong nw…coz jalal mother also getting angry for jodha activities…she s pregent then hw she ‘ll dg al tis… she feel for kz she want to say dat to jalal…bt hw she ‘ll go directly to Jail…hw ? Wt she thk ? 1 st I thk dat ja nd jo fight for atifa matter…bt nw problem created by kz..jalal blame jodha again…y she giving chance to him…

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:09

      And I’m sure she is going to act foolish with regards to that letter

    • Sℛℐ
      August 03, 12:12

      hiiiiiiiii shree if u don’t mind can u change ur gv

  5. @ngel
    August 03, 12:01 Reply

    By god, this show has become no less than a comedy

    • Sℛℐ
      August 03, 12:04

      it’s not even comedy what the hell with jalal i wanna kick him n give him 1 big jhappad n i m getting soo angry by seeing him in gv’s also i hate thia show n kick cv’s into other galaxy where there is no tv

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:06

      Have mercy on the aliens
      don’t think their tolerance capacity is much

      but its true CVs are big idiots and the show is crap currently

    • Sℛℐ
      August 03, 12:09

      yupp i have mercy on them so i said i will kick them 2 place where there is no tv

    • shree
      August 03, 12:09

      Hi…hw was a day?

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:11

      Lolzzzz. Sri

      @shree di
      day is great so far
      howz yours??

    • shree
      August 03, 12:12

      U saw any new promo

    • shree
      August 03, 12:13


  6. shree
    August 03, 11:58 Reply

    Hi frnds…..very very happy friendship day all my friends….

    • @ngel
      August 03, 12:00

      Same to you shree di 😀 😀

    • Sℛℐ
      August 03, 12:13

      same 2 u diiiiiiii

    • shree
      August 03, 12:15

      S…thank so much friend

  7. Pialy
    August 03, 11:54 Reply

    I am in love with khyber-jodha relationship…more than love from khyber’s side…there is devotion in their relationship

    why blame khyber when jallu’s own troupe is useless…
    becos he is a king…

    he can keep lots of women for his physical needs but he got problem if someone gets attracted to his wife…who worships her…in period of ramzan…

    he can touch somebody’s wife…tries to be physical with her…but he has problems of others looking at his wife

    I don’t know why but khyber-jodha track looks very sweet and divine…it gives a message how

    love…care…concern…humanity changes a beast into human with emotions…

    the track reminds me of beauty and the beast…my fav childhood classic love story…

    • Sℛℐ
      August 03, 12:05

      hahahaaaaaaaaaaa buety n the beast i also like it there beast is prince but here not 😉
      Happy friendship day

  8. @ngel
    August 03, 11:51 Reply

    What don’t get is that jalal has been attacked by Chua and Mali not onece but twice,jodha was even kidnapped by their weapon
    but jalal us not even looking for the two to punish them,instead he’s off on a catch
    judging from the current track I’d say CVs forgot about this do called war and all the fight was timepass
    all previous villains still exist and two more have been introduced
    seems less HOUSE OF THE VILLAINS


  9. Pialy
    August 03, 11:47 Reply

    Jalal has no rights to do shit to Khyber he’s any day better than that Chudail and him of course.

    As for Ruqaiyya and luck being on Ruqaiyya’s side is absolutely wrong she’s going to fall flat on her face.

  10. Pialy
    August 03, 11:45 Reply





  11. @ngel
    August 03, 11:42 Reply

    Jalal is an ass
    for his stupidity he’s gonna pay with the thing he longs for most,his kids
    serves him right

  12. Pialy
    August 03, 11:42 Reply

    This is getting sillier! , how can Khyber get into Jodha’s hojara?! He is touching her hair?

    Yes Jodha thinking he has saved her is good but for that she should just ask him to be freed and sent somewhere.
    I think she will use her wish to ask for freedom of khyber and make Jalal even more angry.

    Again another MisUnderstanding between Jodha and Jalal and Ruk will be happy

  13. Pialy
    August 03, 11:37 Reply

    Didn’t jalal say he tightened the security in harem?? This is how he tightened the security?? An unknown lady enters hamam

    ..khyber entering harem..what are the soldiers doing??

    Sleeping or what?? ..jalal..nikamma khud dusro ki biwi pe line mar raha hai..par jodha ke pass koi jaye..wo bhi bardarsht nahi kar sakta…par isme ek achhi baat hui..jalal nahi gaya shikar pe us atifa ke sath

  14. @ngel
    August 03, 11:30 Reply

    Any links for that he new promo???

    plz share

  15. Pialy
    August 03, 11:27 Reply

    Jodha is sleeping in her hojrai. Khy is sitting beside her n trying to remove her hair frm face with smile. In bg, Ja’s screaming khybar(its not shown,has ja seen khy is in jo’s hojrai or not)!
    Ja has said with angry for entering in harem,now khy will get saza e maut.
    Jo has said but he hasn’t done any harm.
    Ja determines to give punishment.
    Jo determines that she not to do happening this.
    5th august it wl telecast.
    Poor Khy is full in love with Jo. Khy’s experession is watchworthy when he is trying to remove hair frm sleeping beauty Jo.
    If it has been already shared then bear it one time again.

  16. @ngel
    August 03, 11:25 Reply

    I think after spending so much time in mali jail
    jalals brain is now damaged


    • @ngel
      August 03, 11:21


  17. @ngel
    August 03, 10:42 Reply

    is atifa really married???

    sometimes i doubt it
    but what do you guys think???

  18. ummi
    August 03, 10:07 Reply

    Nice to meet u angel, i’m 19 and u too sri.

  19. angel
    August 03, 10:02 Reply

    i’m not trusting any of these news
    i’m gonna watch the show and see what happens and how it turns out

  20. sweetlily
    August 03, 09:58 Reply

    let’s stay positive, and watch yet some another episodes to know if the story-line is actually moving towards Jalal’s love on Atifa.
    It can be just attraction, he is a man, and men get attracted soon, BUT attractions fade easily when faced with true love, and we don’t have any doubt on Jodha’s love, right?
    If he is doing all this because of a temporary attraction, he would feel guilty soon, and he has too!

    Who knows, Jalal is doing all this for a real reason, I am repeating my words: we don’t know the history of Atifa, nor the story-line of the show, we can’t say anything!

    What if, Atifa is sent by Mahachuchak to destroy Jalal’s married life with Jodha? We all know, She hates Jodha.

    Maybe, it’s just a twist that would end up on Jodha and Jalal’s reunity showing that, no Atifa or someone, can break their love.

    I can’t say, what will be the episode, but let us all hope for positive.

  21. Pialy
    August 03, 09:45 Reply

    what kind of realisation is that…ROFL

    for 1 past year…what did he realise for jodha…LOL

    twitter…FB…not believing anything especially zee morons…

    lets wait and watch…the only thing that i could agree and believe is that the atifa is sent by MC

  22. Pialy
    August 03, 09:40 Reply

    we know that already atifa is not a innocent one..we know that she is sent by MC and afterall its jodha akbar and jodha jalAL will reunit…

    but as this spoiler says i dnt want her to forgive him in her whole life time…Dead …
    coz after going other lady and he completely forgot his pregnant wife/as he said jodha is his love… so what kind of love is that,.

    .what if atifa is a some innocent lady ,,,,jallu will ever realize that he loved only jodha > urghhh,,, this news made me very angry now.. he can go after any other beutifull lady he see…

    and finally after fulfilling his desires he come back to his love.. uff what kind of love is that..?Angry or after going any lady and when comes to know this lady is an enemy then again come back to his love???ohhh wht is this theory ???

    Dead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no i dnt wanna see that…he did all sin and when he realize he was beaten by them and then if he decide to come back to his love wht type of man he is…??

    so i dnt want to see something like that…its yukk…what type of love is that???

    if he doing some act with atifa or if he is hypnotized by atifa then its ok to come back to jodha … but not after realizing that he is cheated by atifa …

    • @ngel
      August 03, 09:35

      hi sri
      same to you dear and i will

  23. ummi
    August 03, 09:13 Reply

    It’s official, i’m not going to read any spoiler news on this track again whether authentic or not, even if it’s from ekta herself! Till I watch or read the episode because I don’t know what to believe anymore with all the recent spoilers and tension and i’m too young to suffer a heart attack at this tender age!that aside, on this festive eve of friendship,i’lld like to make friends here with everyone and also wish u all a happy friendship day.i am ummi from Nigeria, studying law and i’ll appreciate it if u’ll all please introduce yourselves,thank u!

    • @ngel
      August 03, 09:17

      hey ummi
      i’m angel, from South America, 17years old
      nice to meet you and Happy friendship day

  24. Pialy
    August 03, 08:51 Reply

    ketan’s new status update … dnno wtz going on…
    Thanks for Watching me in My new show Jodha Akbar on Zee TV at
    8 pm and 11 pm
    And Next day 1 pm

    Do not miss the episode from Monday everyday.

    I m coming with a Romantic sweet scene with Jodha.

    A huge hulk man turning into Love.

    Love is a sweet hearty feelings where man’s heart start
    breathing for someone else.

    So enjoy different kind of Love story.

    Some love stories have no langauge

    But they will live forever…

    Watch No.1 show on Television

    from Monday to friday
    8 pm and 11 pm on Zee TV.
    Love u all miss u all…

    (4 photos)
    now m listening this song,,,,, actually i dnno real meaning of this song.. but i think this song is very much suited our kyaibar’s love…LOL

    Jogan ban ban ghumu
    Main raagan ban ban ghumu
    Main teri aur tu mera
    Albela saajan mera

    Uski hui deewani
    Duniya se hui begaani
    Kyu hai duniya anjaani
    Woh mera dilbar jaani
    Mann mohak uska chehra
    Albela saajan mera

  25. @ngel
    August 03, 08:29 Reply

    promo is for 5th August, so that means precap isn’t for tomorrow??

    bommer, was really looking forward to it
    i believe tomorrow is going to have alot of jalifa…….uhhhhh double bommer

  26. @ngel
    August 03, 08:20 Reply

    so jalal is going to get intimate with atifa, and after his testing, then he’ll realise that jodha is the one for him

    seriously jalal, dude how wish AIDS existed back then, just for you

    • @ngel
      August 03, 08:21


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