Jodha Akbar 21st July 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 21st July 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 21st July 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
MahaC is coming to meet khaibar, haidar ask where are we going? Mahac scolds him to not question and hold the lighter tightly, the lighter falls from haider’s hand, she scolds him again. Khaibar has gone wild, the soldier is making him calm, mahaC and haidar sees him, haidar ask who this devil is? Mahac says this devil will finish my all enemies, meet khaibar zarra, soldier sees them and greets mahac, mahac says to prepare khaibar like this that when he sees jalal he kills him right away, soldier says he is human, he becomes animal when he smells blood but we dont know when his emotions are triggered as he is human afterall, khaibar is shouting on mahac, she beats him and says that remember i am your master, you have to kill jalal, you animal, soldier says that we need jalal’s blood, this animal needs blood smell to become real animal, when jalal comes infront of him, he must know jalal’s blood smell only then he will attack jalal so i need his blood to prepare khaibar, mahac says you will get it, beg ask how? Mahac says your work is to find answers, get jalal’s blood now, beg says ok.

Scene 2
jodha is singing, jalal comes there and ask for whom you are singing? Jodha says no one, jalal ask her to sit, he says you should sleep as we have to go back tomorrow, jodha says i am not sleepy, jalal says i am not getting sleep too, i am thinking about nigaar, she stooped so low but i still feel that i should find her mother, give her rights and do what my father wanted, jodha says my thoughts are same, bharmal did that mistake too, suja was most deserving but bapusa chosed his son, jalal says suja is very brave, wish i had met him before, jodha feels like vomitting, jalal calls dasi and gives her water, jalal scolds her that she doesnt take care of herself, jodha says i am fine, jalal says no i will call moti you take rest, he takes her to bed and goes to call moti, jodha thinks that i want to tell you this news right now but i am waiting when we meet in court alone then i will tell you, your happiness will be doubled.Nigaar meets mahac and thinks that she must be angry, mahac holds her neck and says you lost the war, i gave you chance, i helped you but you lost the war and this mali, he lost his eye 1st then this lose, nigaar you think that you are great, you are contender for throne and what you did, lost the war, she then says i am sorry, you are my daughter, we loses wars but i shouldnt be angry, nigaar says i tried, mahac says when you fight for throne then you should not try but impliment, we couldnt get delhi and agra and we lost punjab too, but i am with you in this fight till you find chand begum and get the throne, mahaC says that jodha has become my enemy along that jalal too. her grave will be made along will jalal.

jalal is with him men. Adham comes in jalal asks everyone alone. Adham says the place and respect you have given to these outsiders, i want that too. Man singh is a ranjwansh a kid you called him diamond of the empire. Adka khan, you made him the minister. Todar mal a hindu, yet you gave him ths much resect. Jalal says talk about yourself not others. Tell me what you want i will contemplate on it. Adham says i want a province where i can rule the way i want.jalal says we will talk about it when we reach agra.

baig says to mahac i am sorry i asked nigar again and again to kill jalal but he kept on wasting time and they found jalal. He gave pain to jalal for 30 hours and said its your order. She say yeah it was my order, Forget what happened. Think what to do next. i know that kabir will kill jalal all at once. I want you to use nigar. Baig says i don’t think nigar is of any use. MahaC says no you don’t know nigar is still so useful. Humayun left a saying fro nigar taht dheli will be ruled by nigar. Shehnaz comes there and listens to their conversation. She says you will keep nigar alive until i don’t get the money and power. Baig says we will get all that when we get chaand begum. MahaC says jalal can never do that. He has been taught to live with chastity. I said all that to nighar so she can hate jalal even more. Shehnaz says oh what i did i hated my brother because of her. MahaC sees her shehnaz wants to run, Baig sends his men after her. They surrond shehnaz and want to attack her with swords. Shehnaz kills them al runs in a horse. MahaC says get her, you are all useless. She ran away.

jalal comes out along with others. People welcome him. bakshi says to sharif that you said jalal will not come back but seem like your plans failed, sharif ask her ti shut up, jalal greets all and saays that i thank all people and my palace for this welcome, because of your prayers i came back, jodha touches her belly and gets happy. they go in palace.
jalal is discussing poiltics with atgah, jodha comes there and talks to moti that today i will tell jalal about my preganacy, moti says dont lose the chance, jodha goes to jalal, jalal says arent you taking rest? jodha says the time i reached agra, all my stree has gone, i want to spend time with you, jalal says my time is for you only, jodha says ok we will meet in court tonight, soldier informs jalal that nigaar has come to palace, jalal comes out to see, nigaar falls inj feet of jalal and says that i am your enemy, i did wrong with you and now you will give me punishement, look i have come here, she is about to fall on ground but jalal holds her.

PRECAP- jodha says to nigaar that past has gone, you should forget it, from now on i will not say anything about past from which you will get hurt, nigaar says how to froget that i am pregnant. jodha is stunned.

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  1. masuma
    July 22, 08:44 Reply

    hope todays epi is da best hopefully!!

  2. masuma
    July 22, 08:29 Reply

    breaking news nigaar to be killed by KZ how i wish its true

    • @ngel
      July 22, 08:33

      i actually thought it was

      …….until i say ‘how i wish it its true’


  3. @ngel
    July 22, 08:25 Reply

    there is alot of confusion with regards to yesterday’s nigar discovering the truth and the article with her being a bait

    unless yesterday’s scene was someone’s imagination

  4. maayaa
    July 22, 08:19 Reply

    The villians are getting too much in JA. Especially the fact that none of them have been completely lost or killed so far.
    Dont know why they are dragging all this, so far….

    Anyways, as the caretaker mentioned about the beast Khaiber that one never knows when his beast side awakes and when his human side. Maybe Jodha is able to awake his human side, it is Ekta’s show, anything is possible…isnt it?

    Also, did not understand the spoiler, I thought yesterday they already showed that Nigaar has realized the truth about MC and Jalal, then why would she still play games to get Jalal trapped. That does not make sense, except the fact that she wants to find her mother Chand begum.

    As per yesterdays epi it is shown that Nigaar has realized the truth….so why the confusion here?

  5. @ngel
    July 22, 08:16 Reply

    jodha might be too scared of the height and size of the guy, to attempt friendship

    but it would be fun to see him melt for her
    like in beauty and the beast

    • ruchi
      July 22, 08:17


      yess i agree 😛 😛

      but willl he melt fr her???

    • @ngel
      July 22, 08:19



  6. Pialy
    July 22, 08:10 Reply

    I think Beast will fall in love with Jodha. She will show her good to him and treat him like human being and bang on jodha . But this is only a prediction.

    i guess the same when she saw jodha goodness she leave jodha

  7. Pialy
    July 22, 07:55 Reply

    Hulk caught Jalal & Shariff ready for keema.harming their love Jodha. LOL

  8. Pialy
    July 22, 07:53 Reply

    jalal nahi..sharif is beast ka keema banayega, after all he is her secret admirer.

    He doesn’t want any further competition from beast, Now I understand why cvs have got this giant track, it is brought in so beast and Sharif lad lad ke mar jaye aur JA ka romance chalu rahe.

  9. masuma
    July 22, 07:52 Reply

    but i guess it wont be in DEK anymore soo sad sad…

  10. Pialy
    July 22, 07:48 Reply

    Jodha has seen Jalal’s craving for a child. Not just as a father but also cos he realizes he needs a waris being a Shehenshah. Jodha saw very closely how much Jalal felt gutted after he realized Rukayya lied to him and she was never pregnant. Even then Jalal felt it was cos he pushed empty cradle!

    So Jodha wanting to tell him in DEK is symbolic – she wants to tell him what he craves most a child of his to continue the Mughal empire and to sit on the throne after him is coming. So it is very sweet and loving of Jodha to want to tell Jalal in DEK!

  11. Pialy
    July 22, 07:46 Reply

    Not only is it a question “how did Nigar know about the pregnancy?” it ius anow a question whether mahchuchak also knows about the pregnancy and they are all trying to kidnap jodha so that Jalal has no waaris, and after they kill Jalal there will be no waaris in their way to getting the kingdom and takht!

    • @ngel
      July 22, 08:29

      she probably knows that is why she kidnapped jodha, cuz jalal will definitely come to rescue his kid

    • @ngel
      July 22, 08:30

      not saying he wouldn’t come if the child wasn’t involved

  12. masuma
    July 22, 07:42 Reply

    seeing jodhas expressions it shows shes really inlove with jalal n wants to share the news with him first 🙂

  13. Pialy
    July 22, 07:42 Reply

    what if Khaibar melts with Jo’s sweet nature and becomes protective of her???? lol

    i m sure , if this happens, MA, SD ll be out of their minds while Jalal would be jealous, coz this man ll be behind Jo protecting her from everybody all the time… even Jalal.Wink.. poor baby…LOL

    • @ngel
      July 22, 08:18


      who is SD???

  14. masuma
    July 22, 07:40 Reply

    yah maybe he will hear nigaar n jodha talking abt it…

  15. Pialy
    July 22, 07:39 Reply

    Won’t it be fun if Nigar and Mahchuchak think that Khyber is terrorising Jodha but instead Jodha and Khayber become good friends???LOL

  16. @ngel
    July 22, 07:38 Reply

    why is it that issues take far beyond normal time to come to light in this show……..

    maybe cvs are trying to extend the show longer, but i hope in doing so they don’t put it down the drain

  17. Pialy
    July 22, 07:38 Reply

    Akdha scene, in tent was good,

    Jodha singing a LORI, , so she is connecting, to her Child, Jalal shares, NIGAR POINT.
    jodha wants to share, pregnancey news, but she is waiting for RIGHT TIME,Liked jalal concenness, about JODHA.

    actually she wants to feel jalal happyness, in DEK, because she knows, jalal curiosity, Thats JALAL BIG dream, so she waited a LONG, but now duties has completed, war has stopped so this is the RIGHT time for JODHA,but this is jodha thought, HOW jalal reacts, ?

  18. Pialy
    July 22, 07:36 Reply

    there r 3 possibilities abt how Jalal may come to know abt Jo’s pregnancy…

    1. Nigar ll be faking concern and takes the chance to create the rift btw AkDha and so ll tell Jalal abt Jo’s pregnancy

    2. MA ll overhear and try to instigate Jalal by telling abt it and that Jo was careless to fight the war in her pregnancy…

    3. Jalal himself will hear as he comes to meet Nigar, and Nigar is talking to Jo abt it and Jo asking her not to tell anybody…

  19. masuma
    July 22, 07:35 Reply

    i guess todays epi frst dey will show nigaar….

    • @ngel
      July 22, 07:36


      that idiot…….hope chua kills her, lowly creature

  20. Pialy
    July 22, 07:34 Reply

    Reached AGRA,

    scene was good, this time jodha feeling inpatience,she wants to meet jalal in DEK
    but her expression, was , FLYING, as soon i will tell this news to JALAL, & we will both spend some PRECIOUS MOVEMENT,

    Liked jalal answer, MY TIME IS YOUR,

  21. @ngel
    July 22, 07:33 Reply

    all these bad news, we can’t even enjoy the good ones

    very sad 😥

  22. @ngel
    July 22, 07:29 Reply

    yes di that part was really sweet

    love through scolding, he really cares for her

  23. Pialy
    July 22, 07:28 Reply

    Article credit : bhavs In coming episodes MahaChuchak will plan again with Nigaar to trap Jalal and Jodha to destroy their lives and take the Throne.So She sends Nigaar as a bait again where she pretends to be good to Jalal.However Jalal will forgive her as she is her sister.Otherside Jalal gets to know about Jodha’s Pregnancy and gets shocked why she hided from him and confronts her but Jodha proudly tells how Jalal and Kingdom’s responsibility comes first.Jalal gets happy with Jodha’s reply and will soon call for a celebration in kingdom.Everybody gets impressed upon knowing Jodha fought the War even when she was Pregnant.Meanwhile Nigaar who has come to Kingdom to gain sympathy and trap Jalal,Jodha will try to find all opportunities to let Khaiber enter the palace.Admist of celebrations Khaiber will attack Jalal and Jodha when they are together alone and will Kidnap Jodha to make Jalal come behind him and so that he can kill him.Jodha will be seen in Mughal outfit in celebrations.If Sources are to be believed Jodha will face many troubles at MahaChuchak before Jalal comes to save her.Will Jalal be able to save Jodha and Defeat Khaiber? Will he forgive Shehnaaz if he knew she kept Jodha and his kid’s life at stake ?

    sad, Jodha will face, many troubles, at MC, oh NO,

    we are waiting, jodha will be look afrer by jalal,but, What happened to CV, a pregnant women is going to suffer

    • @ngel
      July 22, 07:31

      another splendid akdha scene to be ruin

      what the hell is up with cvs

  24. @ngel
    July 22, 07:27 Reply

    it annoys me to know that jalal and jodha will fall for nigar trick after everything she did

    really very stupid of them

    but i guess that is what happens when your emotions overpower your thinking

    hope it does the same for KZ

  25. masuma
    July 22, 07:26 Reply

    @angel dd u see yesterdays epi wen jalal was scolding jodha bcz shes not taking care of herself den jodha was just smiling i loved tht part..

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