Jodha Akbar 27th May 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 27th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 27th May 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
night continues, jodha gets up from bed, jalal smiles and gets up behind her, he open back lace of her suit, he kisses her back, jodha is blushing, she turns to jalal, and makes him lie down, she lies her head on his chest, jalal pulls down the curtain over bed.

baba chisti prays and says to stop this time here, its good. ruks is enjoying dance of eunuchs, she screams to wives that I know I am not allowed to drink but you all can enjoy as much as you can, you can drink too because today is my winning day, today there is only queen in jalal’s life, marium zamani rukiyya, all chants for her.

adham and sharif are drinking, sharif says jalal had anniversary today with jodha and also got good news of becoming g father, its happy day for him, adham laughs, sharif says maham is right, your anger is your enemy. adham says I got injured for jalal, I used to save jalal and get wounds t myself, now his heir will come and we will have to salute to him too, sharif ask him to come in senses, adham says I came in senses now, now I will get my right and throne, sharif says anger burn oneself, calm down and sit. adham says my fire will extinguish once I get throne otherwise I will burn down whole, sharif says then with whom will you celebrate your success, will you ruls graves, have patience. this is not stable of horses but Mughal rule. he says maybe it is girl, adham says if will be boy, he says even then till the time he will understand throne we will get chance, just wait, adham says till when I will wait, I cant now. he leaves. sharif says give some senses to him, he is burning sultanant, what if my jodha burns in it.

Scene 2
in morning, hoshiyar comes to ruks and sees all wives and ruks sleeping, he ask ruks to get up, its not your room, what if anybody see you sleeping like this, she gets up and says I didn’t know when I slept, it was good jashn, I want to meet jalal, hoshiyar says should I inform jalal that you are coming, ruks says I can go to his room without permission, I am his special queen now, marium zamani and mother to his child, I will keep close to jalal, he says I will make your hairs, ruks says no need jalal will do it, hoshiyar ask how this happened. ruks says when person is pain, have sorrows then its easy to lure him.

ruks comes out and goes to jalal’s room but soldiers stop her, ruks scolds them saying that I am going to become marium zamani, will you stop me, he says jalal said.. ruks slaps him and says you will get punished, listen I am special wife and nobody can go in, she goes inside room while soldier tries to stop. ruks comes in room and sees curtain over bed, she removes curtain little and sees jalal and jodha sleeping together with jodha’s head on jalal’s chest, she is shocked to core. her mouth is wide open, she holds curtain tightly and has tears in her eyes. ruks comes out room, she feels like vomiting, she is crying and shaking, some wives comes and ask you here, seems you went to meet jalal, what jalal said, she says he is very happy, they ask what he gifted you, ruks he gifted me unique thing, a very beautiful and unexpected gift that nobody could have ever gave, they ask to show, ruks says its special so I will not make you see, look I have tears inmy eyes with happiness, they says jodha could not even think about gift he gifted o ruks, ruks says yes, I hope he gifts jodha like it too. she leaves in huff.

Scene 3
ruks comes in her room, she recalls what she had seen, she cries miserably, she sys why jalal why jalal why did you do that, why you wanted to have jodha’s arms warmth when I gave you happiness, she recalls how jodha once that are you sure if you tell jalal then he will not look at me and how ruks answered yes and asked her to bow down infront of her so that jalal looks at her, jodha said that okay I am bowing infront of you and in return of that make sure that jalal doesn’t look at her. fb ends. she recalls how maham said that you have to afraid of jodha and make jalal yours. she wipes her tears and start laughing, she calls dasi and says to bring jodha now, tell her I want to meet her. dais goes. ruks smirks.

Scene 4
jodha and jalal are sleeping with jalal holding jodha tightly, jodha wakes up and sees jalal’s hand around her waist, she recalls last night, she takes off his hand and gets up, she is about to go but jalal holds her hand, he says never think that a king is in deep sleep. jalal says kings have weak sleep, jodha says but your wife wanna go to her room, jalal kisses her shoulder and says king doesn’t like that someone goes from his room without his permission, jodha glances at him and goes from bed, she wears jewelry, jalal says you are ignoring my order, jodha says don’t forget that husband doesn’t give orders to wives but requests them,

jalal comes to her smiling, jalal says I am prisoner of your nature, jodha says you are forgetting you removed slavery from rule, your place is not my feet, your place is in my heart, jalal says I am your slave because you love my heart not my position, jodha says let me go, jalal says I request you to stay, jodha says I accept your request, jalal smiles and gets close o her, she blushes, soldier informs that moti wants to meet jodha, jodha says I will comes.

she comes out and says to moti that what you did, its not good you disturbed jalal’s leisure time, moti says I k now but ruks want to meet you, she is pregnant, jodha says okay I will come. she comes in and wears jewelry, jalal is lying on bed and says what moti said, jodha says I have to go, jalal makes sad face, jodha comes to him on bed and whispers in his ears that ruks called, I will come after meeting her, jalal smiles broadly.

PRECEP- ruks says to jodha that look my feet are swelled, its paining, can you please massage them. jodha is stunned and confused.

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  1. Anna
    May 27, 13:58 Reply

    Episode is wonderful only Ja & Jo scenes. I am dismissing the villains from this episode.

    I think it was a brilliant idea of director to have the SR in Ja’s room. Only his beloved could be with him in his room not anyone else even the guards knows that. It showed the sense of belonging for Jo towards Ja n vice versa.

    Beautiful morning for the couples, They looked so happy n satisfied when scene shown thru Ruq eyes. The position they were shot the scene was good, not obscene but could c a peaceful sleep n on each others arms hug of Ja & Jo, Even though it was shown thru Ruqs eyes but it was shown in every angle it was as beautiful as SR night.

    The second scene of Ja & Ja was also nicely shot. Now can c they more comfortable and relax that Ja put’s his on Jo and holding her hand lightly. The expression of Jo realising the night before was amazing. She looks happy n Ja wouldn’t let her go. Liked a lot Jo’s gesture of being normal after SR n not overdone of feeling shy. She looked pretty with loose hair n while wearing the jewel. Ja on the otherside as usual still want to be with her for the rest of the day. His cute sad face changed made Jo change her mind n her assurance of returning back after meeting Ruq bring smile to his face.

    Ja must have felt disappointed when they were just about to have their morning hug n kissy the guard interrupted.

    I loved their interaction after SR which very cute, normal, romantic, longing. That night changed Jo n they r closer without any hesitation.

    • sanvi
      May 27, 21:58

      Yes anna what’ll u wrote was very true.

  2. mahann
    May 27, 13:24 Reply

    Jalal outside is showing that is happy about pregnancy,

    but when anybody mention it,his facial expression on his face is full of doubts,

    watch again yesterday`s episode,when Maana said “we should celebrate this good news with people…..,”he turn his face away and said no ,you can see how the ministers were shocked with his answer.

    Today while Jalal is still lying on his bed, Jodhar talked about being called by Ruks and when she mention her pregnancy,Jalal facial expression on his face was like is hiding something,he turn away his face,but when he looked back at Jodhar,he was smiling.

    I don`t know, I am just curious.

  3. Ammita
    May 27, 12:47 Reply

    Is ruks really pregnant?beacuse when she came out from jalal’s room she feels like vomiting!I don’t get one thing yesterday they show us that jala went to jodha’s room then how comes we are show today he is in his room with jodha

    • kitkit
      May 27, 12:49

      ydays epi he lifts her nd takes her to his room

    • noone
      May 27, 16:37

      because he picks jodha up and takes her into his room for bed scene okay anna

    • angel
      May 27, 17:26

      Ruks is not pregnant…..the vomiting was caused by the excessive drinking she did that night

    • Anonymous
      May 27, 21:20

      The vomiting could have been either her excessive drinking the night before or her disgust with the scene she just saw.

  4. maayaa
    May 27, 12:26 Reply

    If someone is in real pain, Jodha does not have problem taking care, whether he / she is a queen or a bandhi. We already know that. Am still hoping that Ruks will have a change of heart eventually but only falling little more low. And it is only Jalal who can do that as she loves and cares about Jalal. Jalal needs to confront her and release her of her funny insecurities. Let hope so.

    On a different note, am coming to realize that it could be possible that Mahaam and Shenaaz are looking for the same thing. If you remember some episodes ago, Maham was seriously looking for a letter even in Hamidas room and we know that she has someone who is loyal to Jalal as prisoner who is not revealing the truth where that letter is.
    And we know that Shehnaaz keeps going into everyone’s room also looking for something related to Humayun. And couple of episodes ago, if we think back, Jalal and Jodha find a underground path which is connected to the symbol that Jalal has in his bracelet. Maybe all these segments are inter connected and this is what the upcoming Maha episode will be about. Quite exciting.

  5. this sword is for akbar.
    as a gift.

    ……………. (_)
    .\_____\_°_¤ —- ¤_°_/____/
    ………….\ __°__ /

    • kitkit
      May 27, 12:22

      wah bro!!!
      superb sword 🙂

  6. kitkit
    May 27, 12:20 Reply

    getting goosebumps watching these epis 😉

  7. kitkit
    May 27, 12:19 Reply

    i cant belive dis
    akdha r really getting vry romantic these days
    wer was dese romance ll dis while? 😉

  8. sanvi
    May 27, 12:10 Reply

    Is ruks really become pregnant? ??.if not how can she’s having pregnancy sickness? ?.
    One more question just cracking me up y ruks so insecured of jo, y that much jelousy??
    Almost a year jo spent with ruks in agra, n clearly said she’s not behind any designation r r she tried to acquire ruks position. Still ruks hate jo yyy?

  9. Pani
    May 27, 12:07 Reply

    Ok…Isnt it time for Adham to die already? I get so fatigued with their scenes. Thank God crazy looking Maham has been avoided so far. However, its about time we know what that Maham’s secret is.

    • sanvi
      May 27, 12:15

      Lol pani me too tired of ak n supid shariff.

  10. jo
    May 27, 11:55 Reply

    maha episode promo…….link ……..

  11. Doll is ananna
    May 27, 11:51 Reply

    Jalal n Jodha both r so much romantic yaar..where was the romance before ? it..jalal was so cute..and jodha looked awesome..most romantic tellyworld..rajat, u r doing more and more good acting day by day…and jodha u u both guys.

  12. megha
    May 27, 11:49 Reply

    Awesome to see jodha and jalal together.most romanticand cute couple. Hope ruks plan fail again
    She is just too much.

  13. swathi
    May 27, 11:46 Reply

    hiiii every1 am swathi am new to ths

    i dnt hve zeetv i miss jodhaakbar everyday but bcoz f ths writtenupdate i dint miss my fav jodhaakbar thanks to u yaar

    reallyyyy a fantastic episode ths s wat we r actually looking for !!!!!

    • Pani
      May 27, 11:57

      Thats me an you Swathi my distibutors have been tossing the Zee TV channel like a football. But I am so grateful for desitvbox and youtube. I get to catch up.

  14. Doll is ananna
    May 27, 11:45 Reply

    What an episode without ruks part..precap was disgusting..rukaiya is too much..over all lovely episode.

  15. Doll is ananna
    May 27, 11:45 Reply

    What a episode without ruks part..precap was disgusting..rukaiya is too much..over all lovely episode.

  16. Tanvi
    May 27, 11:39 Reply

    Ruks acting was fabulous today. The pain on her face without dialogues can be seen . Both Jo and Ruks proved that all is fair in love , our Jo who is so nice usually to congratulate everyone on even a small occasion didn’t congratulate Ruks nor JA , she was deep in thoughts about her love JA.

    Looking at Ruks we know it’s so tough to please someone who doesn’t love you for what you are, like someone said Jo didn’t go out of her way for JA in anyway, still JA liked her.
    Looking at yeh hi mohabbatein in starplus I feel love is even in today’s generation initially a Brahmin making chicken for her hubby’s family.

    • sanvi
      May 27, 12:02

      Yes love is blind in my opinion. R it changes us to that extent that there is no bar 4 caste religion .

  17. Rohini
    May 27, 11:36 Reply

    Wow episode but hope jodha doesn’t massge ruks feet
    Hate rukiya
    Love the jajo scene really want more of them
    N maybe when jodha is massgeing rukiya feet jalal shoukd walk in

    • Pani
      May 27, 11:55

      I dont hate Ruks but Rohini I agree Jodha should not touch Ruks’ feet. That is what Ruks wants to demean her and ruin the amorous aura she could feel when she entered that room and saw them together. On the other hand if she does massage it and Jalal comes looking for her and sees this he will be even more enchanted with Jodha to see her take care of Ruks because she is carrying his child. He will love her the more.

    • sanvi
      May 27, 12:03

      I do agree with pani.

    • sanvi
      May 27, 12:04

      I agree with pani.

  18. maayaa
    May 27, 11:33 Reply

    Felt sad for Ruks today, from begum e khas addiction, she has shifted to Marium jamani hallucination. It would have been nice if they had made her role little more milder and graceful, but, her dialogues are getting more out of proportion.
    When Maham kept warning her to watch Jodha, she felt no threat, now after seeing Akdha together, she wants now Jodha to even massage and press her legs.
    Am wondering if the soldiers outside will inform Jalal about Ruks barging inside the room and also how Jodha will respond to Ruks now ?

    Either way… beautiful to watch Jodha and Jalal in love with each other, they just cannot have enough of each other now. The expressions of Jalal when he felt Jodha will leave the room, were so wonderful and the last cute smile he gives when jodha says, I will attend Ruks and come back.
    So cute just like a innocent child.

    • Pani
      May 27, 12:04

      Maayaa are you a journalist? 🙂 I just loved the way you put this ” Ruks today, from begum e khas addiction, she has shifted to Marium jamani hallucination.” Nicely phrased like a newspaper headline.
      Ruks reminds me of this saying that ‘when a man is drowning they will clutch even unto a snake.’ She is getting there.
      The jo-ja day-after scene was on point! Jalal is just cute and btw all men are babies who love pampering 🙂

  19. zaya
    May 27, 11:14 Reply

    i hate rukaiya……………………

  20. ss
    May 27, 10:54 Reply

    rukaiya is 2 mch 2day …

  21. ss
    May 27, 10:52 Reply

    oh …wld have 2 watch it whn jalal knows abt dis..

  22. ss
    May 27, 10:48 Reply

    sry never had a baby

  23. ss
    May 27, 10:47 Reply

    is rukaiya really preg ???? bt how cld it be acc 2 history she had a baby ….!! plz answer me any1

    • Aaa
      May 27, 10:51

      Her plan. She thought if she say she pregnant, jalal and jodha won’t be together on their anniversary night. But her plan failed.

    • zaya
      May 27, 11:02


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