Jodha Akbar 30th June 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 30th June 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 30th June 2014 Written Episode

SCene 1
jalal is standing near justice weighing machine, hamida comes there and says I know you are worried, you come here when you find it difficult to take decision, I hope this machine will tell you right thing, jalal says I have hope too but I don’t know whats happening, shehnaz says todar raped her and todar says she is lying and she pretends to be mad and jodha is with shehnaz and she never stands with wrong but I cant believe todar can do this cheap thing, hamida says I don’t believe it either but all proofs are against him, many people have seen him doing wrong, jalal says even jodha has seen him, hamdia says only one person can answer you on this matter that is king jalal, king jalal has took all the decisions wisely be it matter of adham, bakshi or maham, your king inside will answer on this matter too just ask him, she leaves.
all wives in harem are sitting, one says I have pitty on shehnaz, other says one minister tried to rape a wome so jodha is with her, ruks says enough, todar is very sensible and loyal he cant do that, salima says we cant say anything but why will shehnaz lie, hamida says jalal is tensed, todar is close to him and shehnaz is close to jodha but if this happened with shehnaz then its very wrong, she is innocent.

Scene 2
its morning, all are in court, jalal says tthat you all listened yesterday the matter and the proofs so I want your suggestions, one priest says that what was told yesterday, its shows that todar hates shehnaz, he tried to rape her and now alleging her, he doesn’t have proofs but jodha has rpoofs against him, I feel todar is culprit, in these matters the punishment is death but king will decide it, jalal says now ready for the decision, as todar couldn’t proof himself innocent so I am announcing that he will be hanged to death, all are stunned, todar is sad, jalal says it is biggest sin to rape a girl so I order to kill him, jalal ask atgah to ask him his last wish, jalal looks at jodha and leaves. soldiers takes away todar, shehnaz smirks and flashback shows how todar asked her to tell him truth that you are not mad, I will show your real face to jalal, I will tell him about you and I believe that you put poison in jalal’s turban, he leaves, shehnaz thinks what if he tells about me before that I have to do something.

Scene 3
shehnaz is with maham, maham says I am impressed how you acted, shehnaz says I am away from my mission, maham says you will get throne, you will get your mother soon but I feel like that you should leave the palace and go to some safe place, shehnaz says no I am just waiting for my force to come here, mahaC will come here then we will have face off with jalal.
mahaC is with pigeons, beg says what you are doing here, you should be with your husband, mahaC says this nikaah is just a network of my plans and why will I waste time with that boy, what I wanted from him, I have got it, beg says you are clever, congrats you have got the force to fight against jalal, I have brought a gift for you, she doesn’t take it, he says I am also waiting for your victory but just look at this gift, she yakes the gift, it is stamp =, he says you will use this stamp when you will be queen of agra, she says very well, this is motivation, when I will see this stamp, I will be pushed to attack jalal, he says haiders’s force is now yours, mahaC says my force will start their journey towards agra to attack him, this force is storm which will destroy Mughal saltant.

Scene 4
moti says to jodha that thank GOd shehnaz got justice but I noticed that when jalal gave todar punishment his wife was standing silent like it didn’t had any effect on her, jodha says right, one lady(todar’s wife) comes and says todar is innocent, he didn’t do anything wrong, I came to see how you are feeling after doing injustice, jodha says I know you are hurt but I did what women should do, your husband tired to rape shehnaz and I was witness, lady says I am not here to ask pardon, I just want to say that I know my husband, if god says that todar is culprit then I would not accept it, you are clever but you got fooled by shehnaz,

todar is in jail, goin g to his prison, zakira sees him and ask what happened, todar says I am not angry that I am now prisoner but I am worried that jalal is in danger, shehnaz framed me and now I am here, he leaves.
heavy storm is coming in agra, moti asys to jodha that it seems like some devil did something, jalal thinks that I feel like god is angry on me for what I did, jodha comes to mandir and tries to save diya but flame of diya goes off, jodha says what, it means some bad happened, moti comes there, jodha says something very has happened, we did something, moti tries to lit diya flame again but cant because of strong winds, moti says don’t worry jodha, storm is heavy so how diay will keep burning flame, jodha is tensed.
jalal thinks that this storm wants to destroy all, this storm will go and will leave question, I did wrong with todar, he is innocent but if I didn’t do it then people would have thought me wrong, jodha comes there, jalal and jodha comes face to face, jalal being sad is looking down, jodha says its strong storm, you shouldn’t come on terrace, jalal says you would be happy as what you want has happened. jalal says I wish I was old jalal how doesn’t have heart but now when I have the heart I am sad at whats happening with todar, I cant die and I cant live, jodha says don’t say like this, jalal says tomorrow my close one is going to be injured, my heart is feeling pain, wish you never gave me heart because I cant see what will happen tomorrow. he leaves, jodha is tensed.

PRECAP- jodha slaps shehnaz hard, shehnaz ask why are you beating me, jodha is about to slap her again but shenaz holds her hand and says enough, looking in jodha’s eyes.

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  1. pridhi
    July 01, 14:55 Reply

    Hii all my jodha akbar gang members
    angel ruchi mahi tani
    I’m sorry if I missed some1
    btw how r u all ??
    How was 2 day’s episode ??
    I’m waiting for tom!!!! 😀

    • pridhi
      July 01, 14:57

      & anu dii after such a long time I saw u here!
      So gud 2 see u 😀

  2. angel
    July 01, 08:07 Reply

    there’s a law or saying (cant remember which is it) in the kingdom …..

    ‘even is 100 guilty get free, 1 innocent shouldn’t be punished’
    (some thing like that)

    well i see the complete opposite taking place here

    • angel
      July 01, 08:08

      infact its two innocent persons, one in prison and one soon to be hanged……

    • angel
      July 01, 08:10

      and these bad guys
      adam, sherif, maham, ruks

      even after being caught are still out there and they even have high positions

    • angel
      July 01, 08:12

      i guess while trying to tangle us viewers in the web of confusion, cvs actually tied up themselves and forgot about this part……….

  3. mahann
    July 01, 07:59 Reply

    Jalal to Jodhar …” my heart is feeling pain, wish you never gave me heart because I cant see what will happen tomorrow.”

    This was wake up call to Jodhar,she cant take it seeing Jalal in such pain.
    He did not even look into her face,thumb up Jalal

    • angel
      July 01, 08:05

      his dialogues and actions really hit her, like a stab in the heart that she stumbled

      but only today can tell us if she got the message…..

  4. mahann
    July 01, 07:53 Reply

    I loved very much this dialogue from Todar`s wife to Jodhar!

    “I came to see how you are feeling after doing injustice,……
    …… I am not here to ask pardon, I just want to say that I know my husband, if God says that Todar is culprit then I would not accept it, you are clever but you got fooled by shehnaz,”

    Jodhar being fooled by Shehnaz,is fantastic.

    • angel
      July 01, 08:00

      the lecturer was lectured

      it was kinda funny


  5. angel
    July 01, 07:52 Reply

    i hope today’s episode doesn’t go opposite from expected…..

    really want shehnaz to be gone from this show and take that disgusting mahac with her

    • mahann
      July 01, 07:55

      shehnaz is becoming nightmare for me,like Ben one.

    • angel
      July 01, 07:58

      i hear ya

      i really dont like her

    • mahann
      July 01, 08:00

      @Angel, let go me and you give her poison so that she vanish, hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • angel
      July 01, 08:04


      we were planing to run her over with a train

      but that works too


  6. masuma
    July 01, 07:09 Reply

    i hope next week our JA is on da first position 🙂 eagerly waiting fr todays episode..i think wen jodha will slap shenaaz den at da same time shenu will tie jodhas mouth n hold da knife on her neck.. I was feeling soo sad fr jalal 🙁

    • angel
      July 01, 07:30

      lets see what happens today….


  7. shavina
    July 01, 06:06 Reply

    Hi pialy do you watch sadda haq ?????

  8. Pialy
    July 01, 03:43 Reply

    Now after seeing the precap sure thr il be a war bet shenu and jo…wen jo can fight with 20 to 30 spiahi’s and with jalal then y she failed and became a captive and in shenu’s custody… now again rukku il tanamarofy that jo was responsible for this ..shenu is here coz of her and all these problems are coz of her…just hope jalal stands beside jo ..if he doesn’t supp jo then rukku il dominate her and just hate to see rukku gloating..

    I am more worried about jalal and rukku now…what if jalal gets angry on Jo coz of her shenu is here..and rukku il tanamarofy her..

    what I feel is Shehnaaz will use Jodha to get out of the palace because once she is out.. She knows she has Mahachuchaks army waiting for her and then she will attack.. Jodha and Jalal wil not have time to investigate the whole issue ..I think only after Jodha and team defeat Shehnaaz and make her a bandhi .. this issue will be sorted out..but first I think they will go on a war.. Jo will be kidnapped at knife point just so that Shehnaaz escapes successfully but Jo will of course free herself in nick of time.. Just see the parallel they are drawing between Ben track .. Ben held Ruks at knife point to escape Shenu will use Jo to escape …leaving Jalal distraught.. What a pity .. every time they make Akbar the great.. look like Akbar the Dumb..!! Why CVS ..Why.. . !!

    • mahann
      July 01, 06:36

      I hate CV`s to make Jalal as you said”….. look like Akbar the Dumb..!! Why CVS ..Why..”

      if is predictable like Ben track,I don`t know what to say.
      let`s wait and see what will happened.

    • angel
      July 01, 07:43

      cvs are really doing injustice to akbar’s character……they have him less than a warrior and more like akbar the dumb (as you said)….

      a total cry baby
      which he so isn’t

  9. Pialy
    July 01, 03:36 Reply

    There’s a beautiful quote by Voltaire that says: “It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.” There’s another quotation that even more poignant by Cassandra Clare : “No one blames me, but that doesn’t matter when I blame myself.”

    This whole episode yesterday made me think of a King’s life when so much is at stake on his decisions. A mistake here and there can be so costly that the King could easily lose his peaceful sleep for the rest of his life. Jodha and Jalal here, in this story, get a chance to change their decisions while there is still time, and we know that the decision on Todarmal is sure to be reversed when the truth about Shehnaaz comes out just in the nick of time. But what of those countless decisions, small and big, that someone in Jalal’s position has to take every day, that can make or break lives, grow or erase faith in his judgment, or give him personal peace or eternal restlessness?

    I think this story is now nicely poised for us to really feel the feelings of a King. It can’t be easy being the one man the whole kingdom depends on to make the right decisions all the time every time. And for Jodha it cannot be easy too, for unlike other Queens who normally stay away from such cases of right and wrong, Jodha has a tendency to try and be in the thick of things, supporting the underdog … and she is yet to realise that sometimes the underdog is actually an undeserving recipient of her largesse.

    The beautiful part of yesterday’s episode for me is that not just one of them, but both of them – Jodha and Jalal – are shown independently already having misgivings about the decision against Todarmal. Thus we cannot afterwards feel bad that one of them was callous and the other one had to convince the first one to see the wrongness of the decision. I am so glad that the Creatives showed that neither Jodha nor Jalal was privately happy. Both were in the throes of guilt and doubt and the general atmospherics of the toofan were adding to their sense of imminent moments of deep remorse. Later they came together to share their private feelings, but ended up feeling even more miserable together.

    I would have hated it if Jodha were shown so thoroughly sure of herself and Jalal alone was shown in guilt and unhappiness, which could have easily been the natural follow up of the great “Nari Shakti” dialogues yesterday of Jodha. Thankfully that mega episode and its belligerent display of Jodha was forgotten fast and we had a Jodha who herself was questioning why her own mind was so anguished when she knew she had supported a girl incapable of arguing her own case.

    There is another angle to this whole rape charge and its sentence that strikes me. It’s the relative behaviours of Todarmal and Shehnaaz. Here again I am reminded of a quote by Criss Jami that seems so apt : “In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.”

    I keep thinking “Was it Todarmal’s nature to be self-effacing and introverted and not defend himself more vociferously? Was it Shehnaaz’s pushy nature to be more aggressive even in the guise of childishness? What made even the witnesses see a “poor sad Shehnaaz” who was actually the one making all the moves as agressor … while they saw the “following predatory Todarmal” wrongly as the aggressor and not the victim? Was it that women naturally are assumed to be more introverted and helpless and men seen as more extravert and agrressive – and hence the benefit of doubt goes always to the woman in such cases of molestation?”

    I am finding myself wondering if Todarmal will – after this near brush with death – ever see that his natural reticence, his natural introvertedness, will always be a handicap – because the people that say less to defend themselves could easily be mistaken for guilty. How many times Todarmal got the chance to explain himself and yet how many times he went away without trying to explain what he was doing. He said it was all because he wanted proof to nail the culprit with and couln’t be open till he had caught the culprit red-handed. But should he not have seen that his self-restraint could be read as guilt?

    I am also sure that Shehnaaz is going to be due for some harsh lessons. Her extravertedness, no matter how well couched under a disguise of childish exuberance or childish vehemence, is going to be punctured by the truth when it hits her. All this fracas has come about from the blind belief she has in her premise that Jalal is hiding her mother and withholding her inheritance. From there comes aggression against Jalal, the attempt to poison him, the unmasking of her by Todarmal and the subsequent false charge against Todarmal resulting in a unfair death before her very eyes. When she sees that her original prejudice against Jalal was all built on false premises what is to happen to the extravertedness that makes her currently look less guilty at this time, but may eventually completely desert her?

    I think four people are going to get lessons from this whole situation and it will be interesting to see if they learn these lessons or continue being what they are.

    Jalal needs to follow his heart more and not less. The “dil” he says he should not have had should be heard more and he has to act with even more dil even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He will learn when it is appropriate to do that, and he will not always decide by his mind overruling his heart. In this case his heart was right, and his mind should not have been allowed to stomp out his heart. His heart was not his enemy or troublemaker – it was his guide to being a better and fairer decision maker.

    Jodha will have to learn that all decisions from the heart are not the right ones, for the heart can be led astray by too much overload in favour of the seemingly “helpless”. She has to learn that even the so-called “helpless” ones don’t automatically deserve help until the mind operates on their case and judges if that helplessness is genuine or not. Jodha is too quick to favour her heart and needs to let the mind apply some brakes now and then before she runs to the defence of the seemingly needy.

    Todarmal has to learn that silence is not always golden and it can be mistaken for guilt. He has to be as forthright in his speech and as self-protective as he is upright in his integrity. All the good in you can be wasted if you cannot defend the good in you when it’s needed and do so with combativeness. Despite the evidence to the contrary it could have helped a lot if there was more conviction in Todarmal’s voice – not just with Jalal, but in the open court.

    And Shehnaaz has to realise that being too arrogantly sure of yourself and then acting blindly and even diabolically to defend that belief, without any application of cautious thought of the situation, is terribly counterproductive. She can not only lose ground on the issue at hand but she can be so set back in life that she can never ever recover ground again.

    Anyway, all this is just my own soul-searching on behalf of the four key players in this issue. Let’s see how many of them introspect or change after the storm has blown over. I sure want at least Jodha and Jalal to change, even if Todarmal and Shehnaaz won’t.

    • §àñvì
      July 01, 05:50

      Beautiful analysis pialy, excellent. .

    • angel
      July 01, 08:02

      don’t think jodha will learn that lesson….lolz

      and even if she does, it won’t be for now

      i strongly believe so….

    • angel
      July 01, 08:39

      finally jodha started listening to jalal…….

      thanx for the news

  10. §àñvì
    July 01, 02:03 Reply

    I really want shehenaz to realize jo that her perceptions always won’t be correct.
    Let someone either hb r salima show jo’s immaturity in understanding people around her.
    Anyway s nice episode,especially 4 me as I resumed once again watching ja.

  11. anu (jodha begum)
    July 01, 02:02 Reply

    maybe todarmals last wish would be to release zakhira as she isn’t the real culprit and jalal would believe him..till then, shehnaaz truth would be out and she’s gone!!

    • §àñvì
      July 01, 02:09

      I don’t that scene may accur as b4r that jo might prove shehenaz as guilty.
      R she may get kidnapped by shehenaz n ja seeks tm’s help over here.
      R he might withheld his punishment.

  12. akshara
    June 30, 21:33 Reply

    Guys.. i don’t think anything like that is going to happen.. maybe after she has reveals the truth jalal will tell her tat he is looking fr chandeliers Begum to unite her with her family then she has might realise she had wrong assumptions and then reveal the truth of the hideout and maham will become bakara ….. then a happy family .. BT jalal will not give a grand and dehli ke baddies to shehnaz as he earned it by his hard work..

    • angel
      July 01, 07:37

      i doubt shehnaz will pay heed to him
      she’ll probably think that its one of his trick to keep Delhi’s throne and the treasures from her

  13. twinkle
    June 30, 20:58 Reply

    Todarmal’s wife really slaped it in jodha face
    ‘You are clever but you got fooled by shehbaz’
    The truth is on a silver platter jodha . What more do you need to see the truth

    • Jaya
      June 30, 21:30

      I thought the same.that line was so powerful

    • angel
      July 01, 08:25

      powerful words, but in jodha’s case

      it went in one ear and came out the other

  14. twinkle
    June 30, 20:54 Reply

    Jal’s heartache really removed the love drug from his system, well for a while


    • angel
      July 01, 07:33


      for now

  15. twinkle
    June 30, 20:25 Reply

    I loved the episode today. So glad shehnaz truth is finally out

    Precap so looking forward to that. Jodha looks so angry i thought she was going to expload

  16. rihanna
    June 30, 19:51 Reply

    I’m sure that jodha found out that shenaz is the culprit and after what shenaz did they would see here real face

  17. Pialy
    June 30, 16:01 Reply

    Precap is superb… Wonderful slap from JO… Pari is superb as fiercy Jodha…

    • Tani
      June 30, 16:03

      yes she is a wonderful actress

  18. Pialy
    June 30, 15:59 Reply

    I liked that TM’s wife and Jo’s interaction.TM’s wife came out very strong and she didn’t beg for mercy from Jo.Even JaJo scene was good.Precap too was good.Pari’s exp were good in Precap.

    • angel
      June 30, 19:33

      True it was really surprising to see his wife not crying infant she was strong and really gave Jo a fitting reply

    • Tani
      June 30, 16:03

      thanks for the info

  19. masuma
    June 30, 14:05 Reply

    gudnyt guys 🙂 see you all tomorrow..

  20. angel
    June 30, 13:38 Reply

    after what happened i can sense a slight distance between jodha and akbar……..but from the precap i’d say it will be taken care of…


    • mahann
      June 30, 14:05

      @Angel, therefore welcome back Ruks??? or what do you want?

      hope not,because was said Jodhar and Akbar will go through
      hard times but will stay stronger than ever.

    • angel
      June 30, 14:26

      @ mahann i dont think you got what i meant…..

      ‘from the precap i’d say it will be taken care of’

      meaning the distance will be gone

      and of course i dont want ruks back….who does lolz

    • angel
      June 30, 14:28

      i dont want JA to separate…….

    • Tani
      June 30, 15:35

      you are right, even i sense the distance between them, especially the end when he was talking to her he hardly looked at her,

      he was really hurt

    • twinkle
      June 30, 20:29

      The guy was really hurt he hardly even glance at her and at the end h8s words struck her so bad she stumbled. From his dialogue i say there is a bit rift between them but i am positive it eont last a day

  21. ananna
    June 30, 13:32 Reply

    Jodha Akbar is the best show which is going..smoothly..but sumtimes we r get irritated by sum guys have a news for all…in jodha akbar one big storm is cming frm ahead…which ll do sme changes in mughal be ready for it..

    • angel
      June 30, 13:33

      noe doubt its a very lovely show

    • Tani
      June 30, 15:37

      it irritates me when jodha tries to play all great and then screws up everything

  22. masuma
    June 30, 13:30 Reply

    ohh yah hope so she learns frm her mistake.. N after da truth is out we want our akdha back as in their romance n nok jhok mmmmh

    • angel
      June 30, 13:32

      i hear ya

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