Jodha Akbar 3rd March 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 3rd March 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 3rd Marchy 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jodha comes to her room and is crying, moti ask what happened, jodha says always with me, jodha tells her that jalal has informed that sujamal has killed jalal’s two soldiers brutally, jodha says he wants to give him punishment and you know what jalal’s punishment means, moti says when jalal will cool down then ask forgiveness for sujamal, jodha says he will not understand because he thinks that they were killed by cheating, from their back, moti says rajvanshiz doesnt do that, jodha says if i will talk in favor of suja then he will think that i am taking his side, jodha says its right if he did that then he must get punished, jodha says i dont want that because he is my brother but as a begum i cant take his side, i cant. i can cry only, Jalal has to do his work, i just can pray that suja get some brains.

Scene 2
adham comes to his men and says from today there should be no stealing, robbery. he says if you do so then i will kill you, sharif comes there, taunts him about his ministry of Malwa being taken away …. Adham leaves after making a face … Sharif laughs at Adham.

Scene 3
All the begums and baandies are praising jodha for protesting against injustice and going against Ruks .. Hoshiyar remarks that all begums and bandies were supporting Jodha, Jodha thanks all the bandies and begums for supporting her. Jalal comes there so all leave greeting him, jodha greets him, jalal sits and says you usually smiles seeing me but where is it lost today?, jodha sits and says nothing like that, you are just doing your work, jalal says wars are won when you put down your enemies and you can understand that as you are doing war also, jodha says i am not doing any war its just competition, jalal murmurs that its worst than any war, jodha ask what he says nothing, jalal says what if you win this, jodha says then i will handle harem, jalal says then you have to do all preparation for m like where i am going, with whom, you have to see all this, jodha says i will not do that, jalal says why this will be your responsibility, like if two begums are fightinf for me then you have to decide which begum should be with me, jodha says i will not take post for your enjoyment, jodha says she would never do such things . But he says she would do well …. He .is praising Jodha … tells her that he was impressed with her when she was dealing with benazir .problem ..

Scene 3
Jala addresses his Army for attacking Malwa .. He orders Adham to support Pir mohammad, Adham accepts the order unhappily. Maham whispers to Adham to prove himself in the eyes of Jalal, Jalal orders Pir and Adham to attack Malwa, Jalal orders Atgah khan that he should bring Sujamal to him dead or alive, Atgah says okay.

Scene 4
At the dead of height .. There is an intruder in Ruks’s room .. It turns out to be hoshiyar, Ruks and Hoshiyar had secret meeting . They discuss all the secret news hoshiyar had got from Jodha’s side. Hoshiyar informs that 15 begums were on jodha’s side. Ruks then thinks of a plan to reverse the ratio in her favor. Then Ruks tells Hoshiyar to leave stealthily …

Scene 5
Resham informs Maham about an intruder in the harem at dead of night .. Maham is furious.
At amer Bharmal is planning to attack Mewad, His generals make plans .. His messenger informs that sujamal had won victory over mewad killing the mughul soldiers.
At Agra …Jodha is praying to Kanha .. “Hey manmohan he muralidhar …”. She has tears in her eyes …
Baandies discover Murties of Kahna in their rooms they are thrilled .. They are happy to prey their devata they thank Jodha
Maham is doing namaz .. Resham comes to her to informs that ..all hindu bandies were given hindu murties to baandies .. Maham is furious

Scene 6
All begums discus that even before jodha had taken over the harem she had started religious discrimination … They say that it is not right ..
ruks over hears that she would make sure all the begums were on her side .. This was her first step .. She smirks ..

Jalal asks that who had dared to break the rules of the harem with out his permission, Ruks is very happy to inform him that it was none other than Jodha begum ..Jalal is shocked and angry is Jodha ..

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  1. jyo
    March 04, 08:18 Reply

    Hope so. You can’t be a good manager when you have soft corner towards everyone. Jodha should learn to judge people . She should object Ruks strongly when she blames Jodha. It’s not a joke to doubt on her all the time. It’s time Jodha reverts back strongly like a Queen.

  2. maayaa
    March 04, 08:07 Reply

    What will be Jalal’s reaction over Ruks blame on Jodha regarding the idols? hope Jodha learns to grow smarter with theses stupid politics and Moti or someone else find the truth about Hoshiyaar.

    what do you all say?

  3. priya
    March 03, 23:59 Reply

    why no one see Hoshiyar cming in Rukaiya’s room?

  4. sia
    March 03, 21:54 Reply

    ruk used word gain in the precap so i think jalal will understand dat its loss 4 jodha n gain 4 ruks. I think jalal will trust jodha

  5. sia
    March 03, 13:28 Reply

    Joal scene n convo was vry nyc. Jst luv this flirtious jalal.
    Now,jalal cud easily read jodha’s face n see how she is feeling.

    It was so sweet how he teased jodha dat she wudnt allow any1 to see him or come near to him.if any1 dare then c wud punish her. When jodha denied then he said dat he realised dat during ben case n the speechless jodha.

  6. sia
    March 03, 13:21 Reply

    luved how jodha is slowly admiting jalal as her husband. She cud cry 4 sujamal as sister but cant go against jalal as he is ryt n also as a begum its her duty. Now, jodha is facing the same situation as jalal was facing during bb case, a battle betn relation n duty. Both joal chose duty.

  7. Pialy
    March 03, 12:57 Reply

    jalal teasing jodha…
    i m glad dt even in the harem drama the CVs realize we need jajo scenes n gave us 1.
    i liked 2 specific things..
    1.he recoznises she is happy 2 see him these days
    2.he understands her so well by just reading her face
    love hoe she did not deny dt she does hv a smile when they meet-i could so hear the old jodha say nahi to, i dont have any such smile…lol
    i also liked his side comment dt this BEK battle is no less than a war
    liked how his naughty nok-jhok on how she would have 2 manage how he spends time with his begums.from their prior convo,he knows due 2 her prem
    i must say pari doing superb ravishing innocent n gullible she is..
    jalal wants
    so he wants her 2 be possessive abt him…lol
    how come jalla is nt surprised 2 see hoshiyar with jodha
    i hv some hope from d precap
    i think jalal knows jodha is nt stupid enough 2 do this
    jalal is also very familiar with ruqs n may guess it is her chaal,he knows ruqs views this as a war bt not jodha
    jalal knows jodha is nt desperate 2 win d position so y will she play games..
    if all else fails i think jodha will either prove she did not give d murthis or claim she did nt do it bt make a case 4 y it is nt bad 4 baandhis/daasis 2 have murthis dt resonates with all like evry1 will get their rights..

  8. haniya
    March 03, 12:37 Reply

    Wait!!!I didn’t understand smth here what is ruks doing????someone plz xplain

  9. ananna
    March 03, 11:58 Reply

    One more thing i liked dat how jo take ja side in sujas case but she dont want dat her bro will kill by ja..and she still with ja decision..good jo begum..and luv ja in every movment of acting..

  10. ananna
    March 03, 11:53 Reply

    Its a nyc episode..we all said yesterday dat its ruks and hoshiyer plan..ruks did such a cheap behaviour couldnt think dat..i hope jalal undstd that its not jo who did dis its ruks..bcuz ja knw very well ruks dat she cant c her she did dis..hope that..

  11. salmaah
    March 03, 11:49 Reply

    Ohh Ruks it is sad. I hv a feeling Jalal will trust jodha. Jalal has now started understanding Jodha’s moods.

  12. Anna
    March 03, 11:41 Reply

    Today Jo looked very stunning is purplish pink, with the jewels n the make up was lovely n narutal. The color suits her because most of the time she is yellow. Lately Jo have been saying Ja is her husband n she submit to him though it hurts her s/times The convo m scene between Jo N Ja was very nice. Jalal tease her that it’s her responsibility to care of him n being flirtish with her. He is preparing her to be his Queen no doubt about it… I can c the love n care he has for her to console her concerning Sujamal eventhough it pain him more. He misses her smile n I like the playful, flirting Jalal. He may have many wives but Jo will be his sweet heart. The King role was very well excuted too. adressing the soldiers in a firm tone. Well as usual Ruq n her … In the precap, can c the agitation in Jal eyes when Ruq mention it must be Jo. G.nite

    • Alina
      March 03, 11:51

      Absolutely correct!! I agree:))

    • sanvi
      March 04, 03:07

      Very well said

  13. Great show
    March 03, 11:19 Reply

    Good! Good! Good! The show’s taking a twist alright.hoshiyar & ruks have a plan against jo huh….

  14. Priya
    March 03, 11:10 Reply

    ja u r so worries tht if jo takes responsible then she wont come with u 4r outing &then she doesn’t hve time 2 talk with ja

  15. sanvi
    March 03, 11:03 Reply

    I hope jalal is wiser,n wont convict 4 breching rules of his kingdom.trusts jo so she never plot such cheap politics 2 acquire her chief of harrem. .

  16. anu (jodha begum)
    March 03, 10:58 Reply

    I forgot to mention, I love how jodha knows her duty, as a wife/begum she can’t talk against her husband.
    I like how she’s doing her job right. at least she realizes jalal’s her husband and she has to do/listen to what he does or says.
    okay goodnight now

    • sanvi
      March 03, 11:04

      Gd nt u r college started anu?

  17. anu (jodha begum)
    March 03, 10:47 Reply

    I knew it’d rukaiyas and hoshiyaars plan!! so immature.
    paridhi’s acting is getting brilliant day by day. just loved her entrance the way she pushed herself and sat down as the episode started.
    jodha jalal scene was cute, jalal asked her where her little smile went lol
    and then was trying to fix her mood!!
    jodha was getting jealous when jalal said you will have to choose who it will spend my night with LOL
    when jodha was doing kanha’s aarti, her eyes OMG they’re pretty as. I literally saw the camera on paridhi’s eyes LOL she has beautiful eyes
    I knew rukaiya did all that to get hoshiyar to get jodha’s info and all..
    since jalal trusts jodha, hope he believes her when she says I didn’t do he trusts her.
    hopefully all will go well for jodha!!
    I got uni tomorrow guys, 1st day back to uni, goodnight!!:D

    • AnnaS
      March 03, 10:52

      I think at the end truth will prevail
      I am very surprised to see ruk’s character or how they are portraying ruks character

      I think suzamal did not kill those mugul soldier , acham and shrafudeen dud all that conspiracy
      To create problem against Rajputs and jodha
      Shrafudeen playing all these games so jodha and jalal will gave fight and shrafudeen can get jodha
      Jodha and jalal look very beautiful togather , he is so handsome

    • sanvi
      March 03, 10:58

      May b u r predict ion r right annas

  18. suma
    March 03, 10:42 Reply

    this ruks power ke liye kuch bhi karne ko tayar tricks

  19. 1D
    March 03, 10:34 Reply

    I think jalal won’t believe ruqaiya’s words and will take jodha’s sight . This thing will make ruqs more jealous .

    • suma
      March 03, 10:41

      what happen if he believe on ruks words.

    • avni
      March 03, 10:43

      Mu wil start. .wt else. ..dragging dragging and dragging -__ dats it -__-

    • suma
      March 03, 10:49

      yes all serials are one show truth early

  20. abcd
    March 03, 10:30 Reply

    cute scenes beween akdha luvd it………….

  21. suma
    March 03, 10:30 Reply

    hoshiyar and ruks playing game with jodha . now what will happen dnt know

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