Jodha Akbar 8th August 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 8th August 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 8th August 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jalal meets rajvanshi queen’s father, the king informs says that jodha is sending letters to us and you don’t know it, she is writing that we have problem with this relation but me and my daughter doesn’t have any problem with this relation, we have decided mutually, i don’t know how jodha can send letter to my daughter saying she wont let this marriage happen and youy don’t know it, jalal fumes and goes from there.
jodha says to moti that whether jalal and atifa’s matter is going to priest, moti says yes, all know it, jodha says enough, now i have to talk to jalal wherever he is, jalal comes there and says you donjt need to go anywhere, jalal ask why did you send letter to rajvanshi without asking me, how much will you insult me in public, jodha says i wanna ask do you have relation with married women, jalal says answer my question, how did you send the letter, jodha says this is not answer of my question, do you have affair with married women, jalal says i have, i am a king and i can marry any women and the day you became special wife, you just insulted me, you took wrong advantage of my lobve and freedom, you did wrong by sending letter, you took advantage of my love, i know you gave me heart but you also crushed it too infront of your ego, so i don’t feel shame in accepting it, jodha says don’t say anything now, don’t shout on me that even my children get to know how you to talk to me, jalal says they should know that their father has got the wife who has more concern for a beast than her husband, jodha says i told you earlier that i didn’t try to insult you but i was stopping you from doing injustice, its my religion, jalal says does your religion allow you to insult me in public, jodha begum you took wrong advantage of my love and freedom.jalal says to jodha that yes jodha begum, I love atifa, jodha cant believe her ears and close her eyes, tears just flows from eyes. maham comes there and listen it, jalal says its not my mistake, my mistake was that i loved you, i trusted you, you gave me heart and i gave it to you but now i think that you are not worth of it, jodha is shocked… tumne jo kaha.. ishq hai who ehesas, sad version plays.. jalal leaves, jodha just stand stoned, maham smirks listening all this.

Scene 2
soldiers are gossiping that jalal is going to big bulk amount in eidi, they listen khaibar shouting in well, they say that he is banging his head to walls, he will die like this.
atifa’s husband meet the priest, he says to priest that i need justice, one man wants to snatch my wife from me, he is forcing my wife to leave me, he is powerful so i came here to get justice, priest says this is wrong, tell us his name and we will get you justice, husband says he is shshehnshah jalal, priest is shocked and says he is not a common man so you have to bring proofs against him, only than we can help you, husband leaves.
atifa’a husband says to one man that i will find proofs against jalal, adham listens this and ask him whats going on?
salima tell jodha that shab-e-qadar( sacred night) is very sacred, we pray to Almighty Allah, hamida says that today God fulfill every wish and accept prayers of the one whe in problem, jodha listens this and prays, jalal comes there and sees her, she sees jalal, they sadly looks at each other, salima goes to jalal and greets him, she ask jalal to come in, jalal says no i am going, he leaves, jodha sees him going and gets sad.

Scene 3
maham comes to chand begum, she says today is shab-e-qafar, this night is for forgiving and mercy, so i thought to mercy on you and make you meet your daughter, chand gets happy, maham says 1st tell me about treasure, if you don’t tell me than i will kill you, you have time till eid, you have to decide your life or not, if you don’t tell me about tre3asure before eid then i will kill you with my own hands, she is about to leave but chand says treasure, i have seen treasure with my own eyes, it was in bulk quantity, maham ask about its place, chand says its a big lake, there are gold flowers in lake, there are silver birds there, maham shouts enough, i am not a kid to listen this story, she says that if you don’t tell me till eid then i wont let you meet your daughter and will kill you.
jalal says to soldier that me and jodha decided to distribute zakat(money for poors) in needy people, jodha listens this, jalal says that jodha know this and she must have done the preparations, soldier ask should i ask jodha, jalal says no need, i will do the preparations, jodha comes and says that i have done the preparations and i all the eidi has been decided, jodha is about to leave but jalal calls her and approaches her but jodha leaves from there.

Scene 5
jodha is going, soldiers says that beast khaibar have gone mad, he is banging his head with walls of well and he learnt jodha’s name and is shouting for her, jodha comes there.
sharif comes to jail and scolds soldiers for letting khaibar go out from jail, he ask all soldiers to search the jail and doesn’t let them go towards secret cave, he goes towards secret cave, jalal is also on survey of jail with maan, he says to maan tht we should re develop jail so khaibar incident doesn’t happen again, i think that amer’s jail was very secure, you rajvanhies make good jails so i am giving you the responsibility of its refurnishing, i want all walls here to be strong, they leave from jail while sharif goes in secret cave.
jodha listens to atifa singing song and thinks that jalal must be with her on this sacred occasion too, dasi comes and ask her to get ready as she have to be with hamida in evening, sharif comes to jodha’s room and sees her getting ready, jodah feels someone’s presence and ask who is there, sharif hides, jodha says i feel like someone is here, motis is saying to dasies to to not tell anything about khaibar to jodha, jodha comes and says to moti what are you hiding? one dasi informs that beast is banging his head in well, they leave while jodha is tensed.

PRECAP- jodha comes to well and doesn’t find khabar in it, she turns and is shocked to see khaibar standing there, he holds her by shoulder, jodha says leave me, why did you save me earlie, why?

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  1. Pialy
    August 09, 11:49 Reply

    as always ruq is idiot she will nevr change

  2. Pialy
    August 09, 11:49 Reply

    Liked Jodha attitude,, She left the place, Jalal wants to say something.

    Jalal knows he hurted Jodha, he two time watched jodha;;;;;;;;;;showing His concerning.

    But one time Jodha eyes also showed, Maybee she is guessing now, Jalal is hiding some from her. But Jalal sudden changed her expressions.

  3. masuma
    August 09, 11:49 Reply

    yes pilay it was indeed beautifully enacted parijat have done a brilliant job!!

  4. Pialy
    August 09, 11:48 Reply

    Liked, Jodha Consoling Own +Withdarwing. because she knows she is, pregnant.

    Sielance was Speaking Eyes of Jalal, & Jodha nailed that scene, she is dissolving all Pain
    inner her.

    Liked jodha awareness, she is pregnant, so her child father should not, say Harsh words to
    their Mother.

    not liked, Jalal said Many Harsh words, to jodha, pregnancey staz, or he wants child should know that, Why,? but Maham was listening ,

    Now AK also knows Jalal Truth.
    Kazzi wants to Know, Jalal proofs, is Jalal already, handling Kazzi’s also, so Atifa husband will try to find proofs, or did some mistake.

    Or who will Help, Atifa husband, Jalal also wants to know. this.

    So many are Watching by Jalal, in this TRACK.

  5. masuma
    August 09, 11:47 Reply

    am waiting to see rukus face when she comes to know that jalal was only acting to love atifa but da truth is his love will always be jodha..
    Am sure ruku will burst into jelousy serves her right for drifting akdha apart idiot she is

  6. Pialy
    August 09, 11:43 Reply

    the eyelock scene and the last scene were enacted beautifully by these two.. Too good.

    they emote so well with their eyes..

    Yesterdays episode was so much bearable with absence of Atifa..

    At last CVS had some mercy on us…

  7. Pialy
    August 09, 11:41 Reply

    Superficially it looks like he is just trying to find faults with her now ..

    that he wants to convince himself that he has fallen in love with Atifa …

    becuase Jodha has always insulted him in public without

    weihging all the good things she has done for him..

    Even if he was acting did not he realise even once

    that he has huurt Jo too much that now she may harm herself

    or the mental stress may be too much for her to handle…

    What is he achieving by doing all this /… It was bit too much OTT.

  8. Pialy
    August 09, 11:34 Reply

    What gurroor is jalal talking of.. Has he forgotten that it was her…it was only jodha

    .. who had always made him look great in his Awaams eyes…

    She never took any credit herself.. be it for the birthday gift that she gave him…

    be it in Tasneem case.. be it abolition of Slavery ..

    How conveniently a man forgets everything his wife does for him..

    This is the best example..

    Even in real life its always a wife who is taken for granted.. ..

    if she does something good for him.. its her duty and if for once she fails to do something its a crime.. !!

    Even in the paigaam issue it was not her pride but her confidence in her love that Jalal would definitely understand

    if explains to him why she did it.. We often take some things for granted

    when we have that faith in the person we love. Its not due to ego .

    So I think Jalal has totally failed to understand Jodha..

  9. Pialy
    August 09, 11:25 Reply

    while he is really angry on Jo for insulting him as he feels.. she has taken undue advantage of his love and freedom.. ..he is just pretending to be in love with Atifa..

    Whether his entire outburst was real or he was feigning it all together . I still dont understand.. Yes, he can be angry on her for the paigaam issue..

    but he should not have been so harsh on her . His words were breaking her heart into pieces..

    Maybe the paigaam case..she was wrong.. but what she did about Khyber.. was right..

    He took it as his insult but for her husband’s honor always comes first. Becoz..

    she knew by giving death sentence ..he would be punishing an innocent soul ..and real culprit was someone else..

  10. Pialy
    August 09, 11:13 Reply

    I support Jo in Khyber issue .Because he not only saved her life but also he did not hurt her modesty which is way big thing for a Rajwanshi princess than her life.

    But I thought the moment she got the news of Khyber’s execution she would have used her wish instead of publicly doing it.Also Jalal has pardoned Shenu who was more dangerous than Khyber.

    She declared war against Jalal,made him go through horrible torture and even sent army along with AM for raping harem ladies.

    Inspite of knowing Jo is pregnant she fought with her .So I do not understand why Jalal was in hurry to punish Khyber? Jo is right if she stopped this sin atleast during the holy month of Ramzaan.

  11. sweetlily
    August 09, 11:09 Reply

    Jalal was suffering from pain when he said to jo that he dont love her really emotional 🙁 but atifa track is soon gonna over:-)

  12. Pialy
    August 09, 11:08 Reply

    Hopefully Rukaiyya gets severely punished in case she is the one that is responsible for the current situation . ( I am almost sure that she is ) .

    Yesterday the manner in which she sent Jodha to Jalal to give him “prasaad” fully aware that Atifa is with him , was downright nasty .

    I hope that Jodha does not brainwash the Shehenshah against punishing her . I also wish that Jalal overrides her request if she does . I cannot wait to see Rukaiyya’s face on realizing that Jalal was acting all along and that he still truly loves only Jodha . Just eagerly waiting for the culprit to be exposed .

  13. sweetlily
    August 09, 11:07 Reply

    Friendzzzz i have two questions i wanna ask u guyz….
    Q1 Why you all love j

    • sweetlily
      August 09, 11:07

      I mean jodha akbar nd why why u hate it

  14. Pialy
    August 09, 11:06 Reply

    Finaly a tiny miny hint when jalal sitting all alone in his room the pain frustation all was depicted so beautifully

    And when jo comes and says she did all the arrangements

    But she is looking down not able to show her face

    Trying hard to hide the pain

    And finaly turns back

    But he calls her jodha begum

    And she couldn’t control her emotions she wants to reply to his every word

    but she simply walks way not to show what she is going through
    The hurt pain in that *jodha begum* from jalal was so visible

    What a brilliant scene

    So well executed loved it to the core

    Special mention to salima begum i always admire her such a dignified lady!

    I can say now my intrest is back though il be careful in expecting things

    But for me episode was a relief looking at the torture we had since 2 weeks

    Lovely epi with so many different range of emotions

  15. Mano
    August 09, 10:24 Reply

    any one here hy friends

    • masuma
      August 09, 11:32

      hiii mano hw r u?? Its been longgg time u havent come here….. Hope all is well..

  16. masuma
    August 09, 08:38 Reply

    the part when jalal called jodha it was veryyy emotional n saddd..
    N da part where dey were praying when jalal n jodha shared tht eye lock it showed how much jalal loves jodha n hes also hurt inside when he hurts jodha

  17. @ngel
    August 09, 08:34 Reply

    Why doesn’t jodha show and tell jalal about the letter that she got from the toy lady????

    but I’m sure if she does decide to take it to him, she won’t find it, I’m positive some scheming idiot already destroyed it……usual thing

  18. @ngel
    August 09, 08:28 Reply

    So how will jalal punish atifa????

    put her in his joke for a jail?

    or give her the cannon death 😯

    • masuma
      August 09, 08:40

      maybe cannon death so tht she dissapears forever n neva come bak

    • @ngel
      August 09, 08:41

      Changa!!!!! 😈

    • sweetlily
      August 09, 10:42

      Not a cannon but ppansi probably fansi hanging on rope

  19. Pialy
    August 09, 08:24 Reply

    No any girl like atifa can even touch our akdha’s eyelock

    I wonder how these two create magic just by looking each other
    They truly are best pair no doubt :)*

    When he leaves and jo finaly tries to look at him that
    expression wow was like where have u gone?? Why have you gone so far from me come back! =*

    PS and RT nailed it there!

  20. Pialy
    August 09, 08:21 Reply

    finaly my trust quotient is raised a bit that jalal may be acting!

    The best part of the epi was there was no ATIFA-the bitch

    The confrontation was very well executed

    The best was when he confessed he loves atifa and jodha closed her eyes in pain and camera moved around her

    Many say there was no rona dhona drama by her

    But i feel that single gesture when she closed her eyes spoke 1000…words of her pain

    It was as if she was absorbing slowly what he said registering his words trying to control her overflowing pain by just traping it in her closed eyes

    I loved that moment

  21. masuma
    August 09, 08:18 Reply

    why jalal came to knw ahhh i ddnt want him to knw lolzzzzzzzzz

    • pridhi
      August 09, 08:18

      It’s sad but he will coz he’s d shehnshah! 😛

  22. pridhi
    August 09, 08:13 Reply

    Now I know y jo is doin rock climbing
    see in dat video they showed dat khaiber kidnapped jo& bought hr 2 d jungle& she’s a mm scared of him now& in order 2 run frm him she lands up on d verge of falling frm d mountain& khaiber might b following her, trying 2 save her
    on d other hand ja will get 2 know abt jo being missing frm d palace & 2 look fr her ja 2 will land on d same mountain & both will hopefully save jo! ! 😛

  23. raisa
    August 09, 08:10 Reply

    oh noooo who told u gys that jo will commit suicide????but i know jalal should not scold jo like this but as she is very sensetive & can understand things easily…si she could make understand jalal that he is doing wrong.also she shouldn’t go to kaibar..

    • pridhi
      August 09, 08:14

      Raisa she won’t commit suicide
      She’ll come 2 save khaiber
      & he will kidnap her

    • @ngel
      August 09, 08:56

      In precap, it looks like she attempted suicide but kz saved her

  24. pridhi
    August 09, 08:09 Reply

    7 days left fr d torture 2 end guys!
    Yessssssssssss 😉

  25. Pialy
    August 09, 08:08 Reply

    Such a lucky girl jodha u r…. imagine khaiber is on the downwards of mountain thinking

    if jodha will fall he can save her and jalal on the top giving his hand for her support

    On the topic of training her unborn kids imagine on their first b,day she will throw them on the river to teach them swim

  26. Pialy
    August 09, 08:06 Reply

    Saw on TV show briefly a sequence
    Jodha struck in some rocky mountain place

    Akbar is on top climbing may be to reach Jodha or help her climb down or up

    Khaiber is looking tensed standing on rock place nearby and trying to help Jodha climb

    Poor babies mom is always rock climbing or fighting war etc

    she is training them from birth only to become warriors LOL

    Lucky Jo gharwala and baharwala both love her so much both

    ready to die for her sake

    Now why Jodha has landed down half the mountain is a mystery

  27. sweetlily
    August 09, 08:02 Reply

    Good news jalal to know atifas truth !!!

  28. Pialy
    August 09, 07:57 Reply

    i am more excited for cheapuddins track to open up, this lusty man is crossing limits of his lust but no one is aware of it. Hope soon they start with cheapu track

  29. Pialy
    August 09, 07:54 Reply

    Jo and Jalal coming down a rock and Khaibar the hero

    looking on and putting his hand forward as though telling Jo ‘samhalke’

    idiot jalal…

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