Junoon 11th December 2012 Written Update

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Junoon 11th December 2012 Written Update by BondlockeRJoE

Junoon 11th December 2012 Written Episode

Today Guys The episode was totally bounded with thrillings…..i hope the CVs have started their essence of romance…and thriller …

Behind expectations today meera lights the circle …
Yes guys…meera asks prithvi why don’t you kill me if u hate me…then she says I can help u doing it if you can’t do it…suddenly prithvi throws a match box to her..(Prithvi..what are you doing..she’s a psycho …she will light it)
And suddenly sets the circle infire and ….meera stood inside it without any fear..(I think she was sure that her Rambo singh will rescue her out)….prithvi stares at her and meera stares back…….(a staring competition was going on between them)….but suddenly the situations goes upside down…miu suddenly felts something wrong in her respiration….she starts chocking and coughing in vain ….prithvi stays watching all these…but situations went wrong suddenly and she fainted…(OMG_)….Prithvi suddenly got disturbed and he seems worried for her(Kya Huva prithvi bhaiya…???? Shock Laga ???)
Then prithvi turns back to return….But he stops…(nahi bachu….u are in love….u can’t return..LOL)…then suddenly he jumps over the fire and gets inside the circle..he then lifts her up in his hand..(OMG..Fainted miu and prithvi….Outstanding)…then he gets her out….
Now the scene shifts

The scene now scene starts with miu dreaming about bittu…..in the dream sequence it’s shown that…miu lying in bittu’s lap..and she says that she misses her a lot..and both of em hugs each other…then suddenly miu hears the bell ringing and and she suddenly tries to ask bittu about that..but suddenly she realizes that it was her dream of bittu…but the bells rangs really..and miu sets out to find what’s the mystery behind that..
Now miu enter in the haveli and finds out a man lying in floor in a secret room…. there she asks her who are you ??? but he acts odd..annd says..”Save miu”…miu gets surprised to hear this..she do u know who miu is..?? but he again says “save miu”…..miu says..don’t worry surely someone will help you out…then she rings the bell for him..and checks whether someone is coming or not…miu leaves the room when she hears lakhan’s voice and she hides outside…then lakhan and data gets into secret room and takes him up to the bed..then data asks lakhan to call doctor….
Doctor arrives and checks him..
Doctor says that he might have seen someone strange ..that’s why he had acted like this…

Miu hears doctor’s conclution…
Now the Scene Shifts..to Our Handsome Akash…

Yes guys akash is on village …he’s coming on a rokshaw and asks him how much time will it take to reach ramu’s home…the rikshawala…says some hours and akash says…that she is going to meet his girlfrnd..so pls go little bit faster…

Suddenly the Rikshaws tyre gots puncheredv(As I expected)…suddenly akash gots disappointed..and asks rikshawala that how much distance is there to ramu’s home…and rikshawala says the distance in hindi….akash gots confused..and asks him to convert it to Kilometer and say..(rikshawala wonders)..suddenly our dabangg’s jeep comes though that way and he asks prithvi for a lift…
Prithvi says he can give him lift ..but he asks akash that who he is..??? Akash introduces himself and says he’s there to meet Mr.Ramdhari….suddenly prithvi gots surprised..and asks him to get in and akash gets in…..On the way both of them talks a lot about..himself..and then he says that prithvi looks too rough..and tough…and says that it suits him too…
One more hero is also in jeep guys…I forgot to say about him..yes our jeevanlaal..is also in the jeep..
On the way our jeevanlal sings a asong and akash asks him..whether he likes music..jeeven lal says yes..and for that akash give his ipod to jeevanlal…and jeevanlal gots settled there..

Now akash found something in jeep..i hope it’s a hair clip…..he says prithvi that your wife’s clip is in the jeep…prithvi stares and akash says…perhaps it’s not your wifes…(hehe akash ..you seems so funny)….
Our prithvi says that everything that matters for him is the village and his data….then akash says that when a true love enters his life …..his life will get released from all the toughness and roughness…
Prithvi remains silent..and then says..he don’t need anyone in his life and he’s very much happy with his life…
Now on other hand meera tries an investigation…to find out who is that man in secret room…she asks the servant about him..but he refuses to say that….but miu..stares at him and forces him to say..suddenly lakhan ..enters..the scene….

Miu..scarely looks at him…

Episode Khadam….

Miu asks ramu that who is the man in the room..and how does he know her name ( she means her name “miu”…. as that name was given to her by ramu itself in her childhood)

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