Junoon 20th December 2012 Written Update

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Junoon 20th December 2012 Written Update by Parm

Brief Update/Highlight of the Episode.

-Lakhan manages to clear himself by giving the fellow from the city “copies” of the land papers not the originals – ends up he cheated the city guy…

-he still tries to implicate Meera with the attempted murder of their elder brother – Ramdhari says proof is needed before he can give a sentence after Lakha and Bhabi try to incite him to punish her

-Ramdhari decides to give all the village people their land papers back and forgive them all of their debts in the process -Lakhan is very upset by this as he believe this means that his bhai doesn’t believe him

-Prithvi is at his place and Sunheri shows up – she’s trying to attract his attention but Prithvi is trying his damnedest to ignore here – he refuses to look her in the eye or call her by her name – he calls her choti tukhurian.

-Meera tries to call her mom @ the hospital but the nurse tells her she is sleeping – badi takhurian overhears her and sends her off to do some work – once Meera leaves she checks her phone (that she left behind as her hands were full) and copies the last number – she does this so she find out who Meera really is

Detailed Update:

Ramdhari tells Prithvi to call the cops right away. There is no place for a criminal in this house. Bhabi says “what are you saying? He’s your brother…. Let’s even agree for a moment that he did make a mistake but leave him, what about that what about that girl? The one that tried to take my husband’s life and make me a widow…Why are you letting her go?” Ramdhari replies ” punishment is only given out for crimes that have been proven, not just for allegations”.
Lakhu says then you should do an inquiry on the accusations against me as well. I know what you saw in that mobile, but what you didn’t see is what I’m going to tell you about. What you saw was that man given me money, but bhaiyya what you didn’t see was that I didn’t take the money from him. Not only that, I also did not give him those land papers belonging to those poor people either.” Meera interrupts and says “you are lying! ” Lakhan turns to her and says “be quiet, or I’ll break your mouth! You’ve had a chance to give your testimony now it’s my turn!” He turns back to his brother (with fake tears in his eyes) and says “now I know my place/position in this house. An outsider comes and blames me and you’re ready to hand me over to the police? I swear on bhagvan that what I say is also true! I neither took money from that man, nor gave him any papers! ” He gets down on his knees in front of his brother and says “you don’t have faith/believe in me? Your Lakha?” Ramu steps back from him and says “fine. If that is the case then come with me. We will come to the bottom of this matter right now.” They all follow him to the room. Ramu opens the safe and pulls out the folder which is supposed to contain the papers in question. He looks at Lakhu then at Miu in surprise and says “all the papers are present and accounted for.” Miu says “but how can this be? I saw him give him those papers with my own eyes!” Lakhu starts his drama and says “Bhagvan you have saved me today from lowering my image in my brother’s eyes and starts crying .” (his crying here just killed me ). In his crying voice he continues saying, “I told you bhaiyya that I was innocent. Forget the police, if my brother had said to me go Lakha and hang yourself, I would have done it happily for him. But, bhaiyya one thing is really bothering me. That some outsider came and accused me of a crime and my brother believed her. ” Crying again “He says I think I have become an outsider in my own family.” He’s still crying and is about to leave but stops by his bhabi (older one as Prabha is still not in the room with the rest of them but watching from behind a window) and says to her “can you tell me if the trust word holds any meaning in this house when it comes to me?” She consoles him and says “what are you saying of course we all trust you.” And she hugs him. As he is hugging her he thinks to himself. “Thank goodness I used my noggin and made a copy of the papers and gave him the duplicate ones otherwise I would have been a goner…” (I thought something was suspicious from yesterday’s epi when he said to the guy “what you don’t trust me”, when he tried to read the papers before giving Lakhan the money – very smart on his part, ).

Ramu drops the phone in Miu’s hand on the way out. Everyone starts to leave one by one save Lakhu who is still being consoled by his Bhabi and Miu (Prithvi is by the door). He takes one of his “fake” tears and flings it at Meera when everyone leaves. Miu at this point leaves too but stops at the door where Prithvi is still standing they look at each other and she leaves from there. Prithvi turns and looks at Lakhu (almost made me think he knows something is not right as I’m sure he’s well aware what Lakhu is capable of) and he leaves from there. Bhabi walks over by the door to make sure no one is listening and says to Lakha, “one thing I don’t understand. For your smallest mistake, (no wonder Lakhu doesn’t feel any remorse – look who raised him, , she thinks it was a small thing that he did? Oh, yeah, what am I thinking she doesn’t give a rats pa toot for those villagers or any of the less fortunate either it seems, ), Ramu was ready to call the cops but he didn’t say one word to that girl. What gives??? What could behind that?” Lakhu says “I’ll tell you what it is. That girl is becoming family to him while I an outsider.”. She says that’s what she thinks as well. “Definitely Devar ji is keeping something to himself. Before we find out what he is holding back we need to find out about her. We will need to find where she came from and only from there will we get all the answers to our questions.”

Later that same night:
Ramu is pacing back and forth and thinking about what just happened. The accusations that Meera laid against Lakha, Lakhan proclaiming his innocence and later that being the case as the papers were found still in the safe. He thinks to himself that these papers are a big responsibility. And this responsibility should be put in the right hands.

Next day (Panchaat – different location then where it took place last time though):
Ramu is sitting between 2 men from the panchaat. Prithvi and Lakhan are standing on either side of them. The villagers have been called there and seem to be wondering why. One of the men sitting with Ramu says that Datta Thukur has decided to return to each of them their land papers without any further money due. He says everyone (including their children) will remember this for a long time. Lakhan looks to be in complete shock over hearing this. The villagers are all extremely happy but also very surprised to hear this. The man continues saying he has freed you from all loans owing on the land so consider them free and clear in your names. Everyone praises their Datta Thakur.

Back @ the haveli:
Lakhu arrives all ticked off. Bhabi says “Panchaat is over? You came at the right time I just finished making lassi for you.” Lakhu in one of his regular fits throws a dish on the floor. He says “here my mind is going round and round and you want to serve me Lassi?: . She asks “what happened now?”
He says “everything is finnnissed (the way he says “finished” ). Big bhai,” he then corrects himself and says “Datta Thakur decided to give the land papers back to the villagers free and clear and forgave them their loan and I know the reason behind why he did this.” She asks “what?” He replies “because he doesn’t trust me that’s what. That girl came and filled his ears with stuff and he turned around and handed out the land papers as if he was handing out sweets .” He says “I used to call Prithvi the “dog” of this house but no it looks to me that I am the “dog” of this family, .” She yells and says “this is the thing I don’t like about you. For the smallest thing you start to boil over just like milk does when you heat it. I’ve taught you so many times that there is a solution for everything and that is time. What for the right time Lakhu.”

Ramu and Prithvi show up. Ramu sits down to eat and Lakhu gets up. Bhabi scolds him and tells him to sit down to eat. He starts his drama again and says “my hunger has died. I myself feel like going somewhere and dying. For the rest of the world it’s morning but for me it still feels like that moment last night. That whole scene is still dancing in front of my eyes right now.” He says to his brother “I still can’t believe you doubted me, your Lakha.” He goes on to say “if you had held a knife to my neck I would have happily stood there while you slit my throat.” During this whole time Ramu has been sitting there quietly eating. Lakhu says “look he still hasn’t said anything.” Then Lakhan continues with “I tell you what, why don’t you take this slipper and slap me with it, or if that doesn’t work you can spit on my face but please say something….” Bhabi interrupts and says “that’s it. That’s all that was left to see in our lives. A city girl shows up, tells a lie and you believe her. I’m going to say something, hope you don’t get mad (to Ramu), Lakhu made one small mistake and you were ready to have him arrested for it, yet that girl is wondering around scot free like a bird , why don’t you say anything to her? She even tried to kill your older brother.” To this Ramu replies ” bhabi whatever I have done or said up till now I have thought long and hard before doing or saying anything. The reason I just did what I did (given the papers back to the villagers) is that no one points the finger at Lakhan. And as for her, if she has done something wrong then she too will be punished.” Lakhu says “punish her now she tried to kill our elder brother. He says the only way things will become even is if I kill her.” Ramu stops him saying “you will do nothing of the sort, if something needs to be done than I will see to it.” Lakhan is upset upon hearing this. Ramu tells his bhabi that he has to get ready to leave for Delhi so have his stuff put in the car. Lakhu gets up there pissed off and kicks something out of his way in the process (so hothead is Lakhu). During this whole time Prithvi is just standing listening (don’t know why he wasn’t offered food) He then says bhouji, I’m getting ready to leave for America (). Pack my stuff too. (Lakhu is too much, so much like a petulant child).

@ Prithvi’s Place:
He’s cutting some hay and Sunheri shows up. She smiles when she sees him (looks like she really likes him). He doesn’t see her as he is busy so she tries clearing her voice. When that doesn’t work she tries shaking the payal she’s holding in her hand. Still nothing so she clears her throat even loader (). He looks up to see who it is and when he sees her he quickly looks away and continues doing his work but with his face still averted (maybe he’s aware that she likes him ). She smiles seeing this and sits down on a bale of hay and starts talking to her payal and says look how busy Prithvi is he doesn’t even have a moment to look this way. She gets up frustrated and says “Prithvi I’m talking to you”. He looks down and says “ji choti thakurian”. She says look, I purchased a new paypal and I thought I’d ask you what you thought of it. Prithvi looks at her feet but doesn’t see any payals there . He says “I don’t see anything on your feet choti thakurian”. She says, “I know I’m choti and that I’m a thakurian but my dad gave me such a lovely name Sunheri why don’t you call me by my name?” He mumbles something about not being in the habit of doing so (while still not looking at her ). She says “fine. Right now the payal is in my hand. When you look at me you’ll also see the payal.” He comes back with “payals are meant to be worn on one’s feet so when you put it on your feet then I’ll look at it (, all this time and he still refuses to look at her).” She sits down to put it on (albeit unhappily as she thought she had him and he’d have to look at her ). She continues the conversation with ” in front of everyone else you act like a big strong guy but in front of me you always act like some tiny kitty who has to keep his eyes lowered at all times. Just like one would do when a shool headmaster was giving out a punishment.” She shows him the payal. She says Naani gave it to me and also this nose piece (gotta hand it to the girl she’s still trying ). She gets closer to him while he’s still trying to cut the food for the animals and he backs up like a scared kitty cat and says “I’ve heard that the villagers are really afraid of you.” He starts stuttering and says “I don’t know” and continues cutting the hay. She teases him some more and then you here Ramu calling her so she leaves from there.

Back @ haveli:

Meera’s sitting by herself thinking. She’s thinking that everything was going so well. Lakhan had been proven guilty (because of the video she had captured) but then once again she was made to look guilty/wrong in front of Mr. Ramdhari. She says my fate is just bad. I don’t understand what I should do. Then she starts thinking how far away Bittu is from her and how much she misses her and decides to call her. But Bittu’s phone is switched off. She thinks that perhaps it’s turned off because she’s in the hospital. She decides to call the hospital’s land line. The receptionist/nurse answers the phone with just a “hello” (like she’s answering her home phone, ). Just as Miu says “hello, City hospital?” (of course she has to say that because what else would stop Bhabi in her tracks on her way to do the laundry ?) Miu continues “can I speak to Sudha Singh in room 101”? The nurse says hold on but comes back and says looks like the patient is sleeping to try again later. Bhabi walks up to her and throws the bundle of clothes down beside Miu startling her in the process. She asks her “What’s up? (of course not in the younger generation’s way). Did you come here from the city to relax?” She tells her to go wash the clothes right away. Miu gets up from there and grabs the bundle of wash but ends up leaving her phone behind. Bhabi grabs the phone and writes the last number dialed down. She thinks to herself: I got the number, now we’ll find out who this city girl really is.

Prithvi is eating and Prabha shows up and gives him a paper. Prithvi starts reading it and drops his piece of roti back on the plate. He thinks to himself “it’s Datta’s order I have to kill the city girl”. Then the scene changes and you see him dragging Miu by the arm……

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