Junoon 26th April 2013 Written Update

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Junoon 26th April 2013 Written Update by sue_21

Junoon 26th April 2013 Written Episode

Prithvi brings the medicines for Meera but then he suddenly remembers that they should not be consumed in empty stomach and goes to bring some food for Meera. Meera is lost in her thoughts contemplating Akash’s threats when the latter enters the room. He taunts Meera hiding the truth from Prithvi and tells her now she must have seen and known the extent of Akash’s junoon. Akash suggests to Meera to elope with him so that they can live happily ever after. He goes on telling her that if he can go to such an extent to get the love of his life then Meera can imagine how far he can go to make his beloved happy. He tries to compose a rosy picture of their future life in front of Meera’s eyes. Akash also says that after they elope Prithvi will crib and cry for a few days but then will go back to his village. He keeps bugging Meera to answer whether she agrees to his proposal but Meera slaps him hard across the face and retorts that this is her reply. She also says that he has not seen yet her “pyaar ka junoon” and said she will rather die than eloping with him. She tells Akash that he would not be able to get away with his evil deeds once Prithvi becomes aware of the same. Akash taunts him that if she blurts out the truth to Prithvi the latter will be hanged for killing Akash. Meera replies back that she has decided not to disclose anything to Prithvi, but she is sure that the truth will come out sooner rather than later and then Akash would have to pay for his sins. Prithvi enters the room with a plate of fruits for Meera and sees Akash. Akash pretends that he came to enquire after Meera’s health and asks Prithvi to take care of Meera. Prithvi stares at him while he leaves.

Prithvi sits beside Meera and lovingly feeds him the fruits and then gives her the medicine. He helps her to lie down and asks her to get some sleep. He leaves saying that he has some urgent work to do. He thinks and re-thinks about the fateful day’s incidents. Prithvi walks down the stairs to the spot where the wire used to trip Sudha was tied. He figures out that from the way the wire was tied when he found it the killer was a left-handed person. He goes inside the store-room in search of clues and finds a stray piece of paper. He picks it up and sees that it is the receipt of the purchase of the wire. He goes in the bedroom and opens the almirah and takes out a family photo during the wedding. Meera wakes up from her sleep and asks him what he is doing. Prithvi tells her that he is doing an important work and asks her to sleep. Prithvi goes downstairs and clicks the pictures of two servants working in the house. He locates the electric shop from the address on the receipt only to find it closed. He asks the shop-keeper of the next shop why that shop is closed. The latter informs him that today is the mundan ceremony of that shop-keeper’s son and hence he did not come. Prithvi takes his address and goes to his house. His wife informs Prithvi that he has gone to distribute sweets in the neighbourhood. Prithvi finds him and shows him the receipt and asks him if the wire was bought from his shop. He answers yes and Prithvi asks her who came to buy it and hsowed him the family picture as well as the servants’ photo which he clicked. After going through the photos, the man pointed at Akash and said that this man came to purchase the wire from my shop and he was in a hurry. Prithvi gets a flashback of all the attacks on him as well as Sudha jee’s death and finally understood that Akash is the person behind all the misdeeds. He seethes with anger and picks up an axe which was lying nearby and sets out to kill Akash.

He barges into Khanna mansion and rushes forward in his frenzy to slay Akash. But suddenly he stops as he remembers whatever Meera told him the previous day, that he should not let his anger have full control over him and that she is scared of losing him. He also recalls tha Meera tied the dhaaga around his wrist and told him that whenever he felt angry he should look at it as it will remind him of her as well as her love. He falls into a dilemma, whether he should kill Akash or obey Meera’s words. He gets torn between his immense hatred for Akash and his graet love for Meera. Prithvi also understands the hidden meaning of Meera’s words the last night.

Precap: Akash looks fondly at a red bridal dress and says that all the arrangements of the wedding have been made Meera, the wait is only for your “yes”. A tear droplet trickles down Meera’s eyes and Prithvi catches it on his palm. He tells Meera that you may remain silent but your eyes are saying everything to me.

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