Junoon 27th December 2012 Written Update

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Junoon 27th December 2012 Written Update by Parm

Junoon 27th December 2012 Written Episode

Prithvi finds Miu alive after her fall
– he carries her to the jeep to take her back to the haveli
– the jeep breaks down on the way and he ends up taking her into a deserted mundir
– there he tends to her wounds
– Miu wakes up and is afraid shouting for anyone to help as she thinks he is there to finish her off
– Prithvi tells her that what he did was by mistake, that he is here to help her now
– She doesn’t believe him and in fact says I haven’t forgottten anything that you have done or said to me (she has flashbacks of all 3 attempts on her life by him (throwing her into the well, setting the fire and then last but not least letting her fall down the cliff to her death)
– they end up walking around the fire that Prithvi started in the mundir to keep her warm during the night and it ends up that they walk around 7 times (7 pheras in the mundir around a fire), even reversing who was in the lead during these pheras. Prithvi even vowed to keep her safe for life.
– Miu ends up getting dizzy and Prithvi manages to catch her in his arms before she falls

-meanwhile in haveli, Prubha talks to Bhabi (Kalki) and questions why she is so tense lately and has been mentioning the past so much
-she also mentions about the fact that Ramu does not love her and the fact that he at least is Sunheri is getting the love of a father and that is a big deal in itself (I wonder if this means she is not in fact Rum’s biological daughter, because why else would she say this?)

Detailed WU:

In the jungle:
Scene starts in the jungle with Prithvi looking for Miu. He spots her on the limb of a tree and rushes over to her. He checks to see if she is still breathing and is re-assured to find her still alive. He tries to wake her but is unsuccessful so he carries her to where he left the jeep on the road.
He gets her buckled in and is headed to the haveli but the jeep breaks down on the way. He opens the hood to only find it steaming. He smashes the hood and thinks how will he get her to the haveli now? Then out of the blue he hears mundir bells close by.

Deserted Mundir:
Junoon title song is playing and we see Prithvi carrying Miu into the deserted mundir. He lays her down on a bed of hay and grabs a bundle of hay and places it under her head like a pillow. Then he leaves only to re-appear pushing his jeep up to the mundir. He removes the packages that were left in the jeep when he took Sunheri and Meera to the bazaar earlier that day. He starts to go through the contents of the bag and stops when he sees Miu again. He walks over to her and looks at her remorsefully. He picks her up and carries her over to where he left the bag and then proceeds to gather things to start a fire (more hay, sticks/logs and a couple of stones to start the fire) so he can keep Miu warm. He makes quick work of getting the fire going and then once again goes thru the contents of the bags and finds some gauze, cotton and some kind of antiseptic to tend to Miu’s injuries (very convenient for him that not only did he find stuff in the mundir to make a fire to keep warm during the night but also items needed to tend to Miu’s injuries ). He takes Miu’s head and places it in his lap as he proceeds to clean her wounds and wraps her head with gauze to stop the flow of blood. As he is taking care of her injuries he thinks to himself how easy it is to shed blood but how hard it is to stop the bleeding.
He then starts to feel a nip in the air and although he is feeling okay he gets concerned that Miu may get cold and so he gently takes her hand in his and rubs it to warm her up (he does this to both hands ). Miu starts to stir a little and mouths in her unconscious state for water. Of course Prithvi has that handy too , and opens her mouth and gives her a little water to drink. This wakes her up and at first her vision is hazy but as soon as it clears up and she sees him she has the flashback of him letting go of her hand and of her falling down the cliff. She sits up suddenly and you can see the fear in her eyes. She sees the fire, grabs one of the logs from the fire and jumps up holding the burning log between them. He tells her don’t move too much otherwise your wounds will start bleeding again and tells her to rest. She screams stay away from me! Don’t come near me! She yells stay away again and backs up when he tries to reach for her. He says, I’m not trying to hurt you. I feel really bad……She interrupts and says you feel bad? For what do you feel bad? For the fact that I am still alive even after all your attempts to kill me? She then starts yelling is anyone here? Who brought be me here? (she’s thinking someone else saved her and brought her there) Please help! This man will kill me, please help! Prithvi tells here that there is no else here other than the two of them. He goes on to say that I brought you here, to save you as he walks closer to her. She says you’ll save me? You??!!! She screams I have not forgotten a single thing you have done to me up till now! (there are flashbacks of Prithvi throwing her into the well and the time where she was in the circle of fire) He says whatever I did… as he advances towards her again. She moves away from him really fast and again says don’t you dare come near me! He tries to reason with her but she interrupts again and says don’t think that you will be successful in killing me. You may be stronger than me but I have the will power to complete what I came here to do. (During all this time Prithvi is looking like he feels really bad for what he did (as he should of course)). She says I have endured a lot because of you. Since the day I stepped foot in this village in fact all you have done is create problems for me. You have always done nothing but hurt me. (Prithvi is trying to shake his head at this (don’t know why as it’s all true) and it looks like he has tears in his eyes hearing her say all this) Sometimes it was the things you did other times from the things you said, but I have endured everything quietly because I came here for a reason and that reason is well above the hatred I feel for you. And let me tell you something else, you have always been the one to stop me from reaching my goal and I have often asked bhugvan why do our paths keep crossing? But today you have surpassed everything Prithvi, today you proved that you are not a man, you are an animal disguised as a man. (then she says something about him having made a habit of cutting people up – sorry I didn’t quite catch this part).

Kalki (Miu’s thai) is in her hubby’s room covering him up with a blankie for the night when Prabha walks in with some water for her. Kalki says I’m glad that at least someone thinks of me. Prabha asks what is it jiji? It seems to me that lately something has been troubling you? Kalki, replies what are you trying to say? Prabha says that lately you have been bringing up the past a lot, will you not share with your younger sister what is troubling you? Is everything okay? Kalki replies, if everything was okay then why would I look worried? (For some reason Prabha seems to think that Kalki is worried about her so she says) Jiji, don’t worry about me at all, after that incident 20 years ago, we (Ramu and her) got married and although I am still waiting for him to love me at least he has given Sunheri a father’s love. For that I am happy and it is enough to keep me going. Kalki, says it’s a good thing at least you have a reason to be happy unlike me as she looks at her husband (the paraplegic bell man that has been that way for the past 20 years).

Back @ deserted mundir:
Although Miu has tears running down her face she’s like a tigress attacking Prithvi with her flaming stick. She advances on him and he says call me as many names as you want, I won’t say anything. I know I made a mistake. But this mistake happened because of a misunderstanding. Miu interrupts him while still advancing on him with her torch. (this of course is while they are both walking around the fire in the mundir that Prithvi had started for them – only difference being with Pheras is that they are facing each other as they walk – one walking backward while the other advances). She yells “a misunderstanding? A misunderstanding only happens between those that have a relationship, and there is only one relationship between you and I and that is of hatred!” (Miu is still advancing on Prithvi around the fire with her flaming stick swinging, while the mundir bells are ringing and swinging like crazy!) Prithvi says trust me! Meera screams trust! You are the first man that I hold this much hatred for and perhaps the last man that I will ever be able to trust. Prithvi says I’m telling the truth! I didn’t come to kill you because it was something I wanted to do. Somebody betrayed me! She says nobody betrayed you! Life has given me another chance to look that man in the eye, the one that I will never forget for all life times. (She swings at him again and they end up changing direction in their walk (still facing each other but Prithvi is advancing towards her, while she is walking backwards around the fire – guess they have to have their 7 pheras some how )). Pritvi says be angry as much as you want but do it later because at this time your health…She interrupts again and says I don’t care how bad my health is or gets, it can’t be worse than a person like you. She says for as long as I live, I will live picturing your face! Your type of man.. this time Prithvi interrupts before she can complete her sentence and says this time you listen to something I have to say. If for a false order I can take your life then for the truth I can save your life too. Yesterday I vowed that I would not leave you alive but today I swear that I will not let anything happen to you. Miu says what oath? You threw me in the water, tried to burn me alive, and now… Prithvi says I swear on that water and fire to protect you (sorry didn’t catch exactly what was said her but it I’m sure it was something to do with vowing to protect her).. She says he is lying. You know nothing about humanity nor relationships. Prithvi screams yes I know nothing about relationships but once I do make a relationship I will fulfill it till by dying breath! Whether that relationship be made of hatred or fate I will fulfill it to the end. Miu takes another swing at Pritvi with her torch and suddenly starts to feel dizzy. Prithvi manages to catch her in time before she hits the ground.

Mithvi are still in the deserted mundir and Prithvi is trying to convince Miu to go with him to the haveli. He says that she is need of a dr. and she will be able to see one at the haveli. Miu decides to go with him but when she tries getting down from a stack of hay she was sitting on she starts to fall but of course Prithvi catches her and they have an eye lock moment..

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  1. SYS
    December 28, 01:51 Reply

    That means now Prithvi Meera aab weeded couple . Wow its realy nice .

  2. madona
    December 28, 01:37 Reply

    wow nice episode today
    prithvi miu superb

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