Junoon 7th December 2012 Written Update

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Junoon 7th December 2012 Written Update by swethasyam08

A dead rat falls into the the milk where the shradh pooja is going on. Pandit says that its very bad indication n they can’t continue the pooja. It says that even the dead person is willing to accept this pooja.

There Sudha’s condition was getting worse n Akash tries to reach Meera but it was not reachable. He prays god to save his MIL.

In village, Lakhan raises his voice over Pandit n ask him to remove the dead rat n continue the pooja but Pandit says its not all possible. If they do forcefully then its not good for entire village. Bhabhi asks is there any other way to do this, Pandit says they must stop this here itself n re-do it on someother good day before next year.

Takur agrees to stop it and also asks them to have food n leave. But Pandit says they can’t have food until the shradh is done n they take leave. Takur asks rest of village people to have food n he leaves disappointed. Meera was super happy n thank god for this.

Dr. informs Akash that now Sudha’s condition is good n its just a miracle n someone’s prayer’s have fulfilled. Akash thanks god n tries to reach Meera but all in vain.

Meera n Prithvi stare at each other n leave. Later Prithvi goes n check for the mouse trappers he placed in the store room where Meera lives. He finds only 2 n 3rd one missing. He checks on terrace where he finds the 3rd one. He thinks its all Meera’s plan n goes to teach her a lesson.
Meera thanks god for stopping the pooja n here Prithivi drags her attention by making sound with that mouse trapper. After arguing for some time abt the bet, Prithvi says what if he kills the trouble maker n pushes her from the railing but holds her hand. Meera finally hurts his ego says he is showing his strenght on a Woman n it doesn’t work. He drags her inside. Eye lock session.Prithvi leaves from there.

Takur sitting disappointed on the cot n here Lakhan roaming around crazily. Bhabhi instrucing the servant what all things to clean n what to do. Prithvi arrives near Takur but he leaves from there. Lakhan insults him n later Bhabhi too gives earful to him. She says Takur has lot of faith in him but he didn’t do well n the pooja got spoiled. He is very angry n its not going to cool down soon. Prithvi pledges to teach a good lesson to Meera for what all she did.

Here Meera packing her stuff n thinks now she must reach to her mom soon as she is in need of her. Akash calls her n informs that sudha is well but the signal wasn’t good. Meera could hear nurst voice that condition is very bad. Meera thinks its her mom whose condition is bad n tries to talk to Akash but Akash mobile wasn’t working. Meera gets panic n she decides to reach to her mom as soon as possible.

Precap: Meera talking to Takur. Here Prithvi enters the store room with kerosene.

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