Junooniyatt 7th March 2023 Written Update

Junooniyatt 7th March 2023 Written Update by Amena

Junooniyatt 7th March 2023 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ginni telling Ilahi about the condition. Ilahi sees Amar and thinks I won’t let you feel ashamed of me. She gets Jahaan’s call. She goes to her room and answers. He says we will rehearse tomorrow. She says no, we will rehearse once this holi event ends, I m in Jordan’s team. He says we can’t miss the rehearsals, don’t worry, I will do something of him, I will help you in decorations and then we will go for rehearsals. She gets a call. Jordan says its me, meet me in college, I have urgent work. She says I m not in the college. He asks her to buy decoration items and come tomorrow. Ilahi agrees. Jahaan is on the call. The calls gets merged. Jahaan and Jordan argue.

Jahaan says its my responsibility to see the funds. They ask Ilahi to disconnect their call. Ilahi asks will you both fight on call also. She disconnects the call. She goes to Biji. She says I promise you, I won’t stain your name and respect. Biji smiles. Ginni says time will show that. Biji says I expect the same from you. Ginni goes and sends a message to Ranjeet. She asks him to do something. Its morning, Ilahi boards a bus. Ranjeet follows her. She doesn’t see him. Jahaan finishes his work. He calls Ilahi and asks her to come for rehearsals. They meet in the college. Jordan comes between.

Jordan insists her to come and do the decorations work first. Ilahi washes her face. Ranjeet comes inside the washroom. He goes towards her. The girls come. He leaves. Ilahi looks around. She leaves. Jordan stops her and gives her more work. She blows the balloons. The girls don’t like the decorations. Jordan criticizes the girls. He takes Ilahi’s side and answers them. Ilahi looks on. He goes.

Jahaan comes to Ilahi and asks why didn’t you come, I wasn’t agreeing for partnership, I got dependent on you. She cries and says I m helpless to do this work. He asks where did everyone go. She says they went to have food, I m feeling so hungry. He asks her to get down. He gives her a tissue to wipe tears. He says do one thing, sit and relax, I will do this work. The decoration falls over them. Ehsaas tu….plays… They have a moment. Jordan comes there. He asks what did you decide Ilahi, when will you say yes to me. Jahaan looks at him. He says you think Ilahi will befriend you. Jordan says you love me, so you follow me, finish the work, I will find my partner. Jahaan goes. Jordan looks for Ilahi. Sunny says you lost the bet, you won’t get her. Jordan says I will win this bet. Jahaan hears this and shouts Jordan.

He scolds Jordan. Sunny attacks Jahaan. Jahaan beats him. Jordan and Jahaan get into a fight. Jordan taunts him on his DNA. Jahaan recalls his parents. Jordan stops his friends from helping him. Jahaan takes a flower pot and throws beside Jordan. Jordan smiles. Jahaan says if you come around Ilahi, I will break your legs. He goes. Jordan says I will break his pride. The man asks Jahaan to go and give the money to the vendor. Some goons see Jahaan and rob the cash from him. Jahaan shouts and runs after them.

Precap: Jahan tells he doesn’t know how money got stolen. Jordan and his friends try to frame Jahan and says Jahan must have stolen money, we don’t even know if he is from Canada and students like him should be thrown out.
Jordan’s friends ask him what is his plan. Jordan says he will throw Jahan out of Illahi’s life.

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