Kaala Teeka 23rd December 2016 Written Update

Kaala Teeka 23rd December 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kaala Teeka 23rd December 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Naina floats outside the house. Kali and Manjiri run after her. Prohit is doing pooja. Kali and Manjiri come to jungle. Kali’s feet is injured. A beast stops them. Kali says what to do now? Manjiri throws temple’s water on him. Naina floats towards the cave. Devri says when blood calls, the blood answers. Manjiri says throw water on it Kali. Kali throws water and it disappears. Kali runs towards the cave. She catches Naina. Naina gains her consciousness. She pours water on devri. Kali says why are you shocked? You thought I wouldn’t know what are you doing with my daughter? What is your plan? Devri gets back up. Naina is scared. Manjiri holds her. Devri says I want you to die. And I want to take Naina from you. Kali shoves him. She says how dare you take a mother’s
child. Devri says how dare you call yourself her mom? Who is Naina’s mother? You? For world you would be. You have only brought her up you are not her mom. I am follower of Devil. I know five things connect a mom to her child. Seed. Womb, you didn’t keep her in your womb for nine months, Gauri did. Blood, Naina has my blood in her veins. Delivery, a woman is called mother after she gives birth did you feel that pain for naina? Milk, did you feed naina? No. You didn’t do any of these then how are you her mother? How can you stop her from coming to me? You have no right. I will take her from you and you won’t do anything. You would cry but that won’t change a thing. She won’t listen to you. You have no right to be called her mother. Kali recalls when she found Naina and what pandit ji said to her. Kali kisses Naina’s forehead. Kali says you are right. You are devil’s follower that is why you don’t know God’s will. With God’s decision i am called Naina’s mom. If anyone tries to take this right from me, I will kill him. I will prove my relation with Naina. It’s stronger than any bond. This is a mother’s challenge. Kali and Manjiri leave with Naina.

Scene 2
Next morning, Kali is praying in the temple. Devri comes there and says I was waiting for you. These five candles represent the five things I talked about last night. Let’s see if they ignite for your motherhood. So tell me do you accept my challenge? Kali says I accept it. Soon these all candles will blow. I have trust and faith in my God. He says lets see.
Manjiri says to Kali don’t be stressed. This will break you. Why don’t we tell everyone? Kali says no one would believe. Nandu won’t hear a single word against him. Manjiri says you are right. Its very difficult but we have to do something we don’t have choice. Kali says yes we have to try but that won’t apart devri from everyone. That would apart devri from himself. I will show him no matter how hard he tries he can’t take my Naina from me. Manjiri gives her thread from temple. Manjiri says begin this battle with him. I will send Naina.

Kali makes naina wear her locket. Naina says mama I dont wanna wear it. It irritates me. Kali says its from temple. Kali puts it in her neck. Naina faints. Kali takes it off. Naina opens her eyes. Kali hugs her.
Kali comes and grasps Devri’s collar. SHe says you have no shame. He says you said you are her mother. Kali says I was followed God’s order. You disgusting, you are a devil. You wont understand a mother’s love. kali leaves. Devri says you will pay for this Kali.

Precap-Nandu says to Kali this doll house, I will make the same for Naina. Kali leaves. Devri reads some mantra and blows air. . .

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