Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 14th November 2014 Episode Watch Online


  1. Arpitha
    November 15, 08:32 Reply

    Love kaise yeh yaarian and manan

  2. Arpitha
    November 15, 08:32 Reply

    Wow wow wow today kyy ka fresh epi telecasted,yeppe m so happy.ths proves hw popular it is also.b4 it telecasted 4 day,after that 5,nw 6 and hope tmrw also kyy telecast.ahan.when fanaah just happens 3 day.

  3. Arpitha
    November 15, 05:47 Reply

    Hehe guys i took 50 see.i didnt cmment for it so long time.hehe.

  4. Mananandu
    November 15, 05:46 Reply

    Arere 50 is cming i will take it.welcome umaina dear to our lovely manan’s page.

  5. Kavya
    November 15, 05:42 Reply

    I too heard the same in erika’s given fb page,its written.hope for it.btw i can wait all my life for seeing parth,2 days nothing.and my exam is coming so day passing more soon.

    • Umaina
      November 15, 05:43

      Love is what i taught from my manan,their love is so pure.

    • Umaina
      November 15, 05:45

      Haha yaar same pinch.my days also pass soon while exam.btw i want to be ur friend guys.am new here,love manan so much.

  6. yaksha
    November 15, 05:38 Reply

    Guys don’t give me false hope.last weak too i had hope that kyy will come satday,but it didnt come.bad mtv.

    • Geet
      November 15, 05:40

      Aww dear what to do,we all are same.1 proverb when there is a will,there is a way.our wish will be fulfilled 1 day.

    • Geet
      November 15, 05:40

      Both is my gv.don’t get confused.

  7. Wow i take 40.time for halfcentury.guys i heard that charlie i mean mukti tweeted that kyy cming saturday also,dnt knw its true or nt,hope its true.

    • Nitya
      November 15, 05:37

      Congrats dear.yup we will make that.and i too hope that,if its true we can watch manan more.finger crossed,plz god make it happen.make mtv waloko some mahan.

  8. Parthnitian
    November 15, 05:31 Reply

    Guys we need more picture of parth niti offset.

    • Manik+nandu/parth+niti forever
      November 15, 05:33

      Yup i too want,they always click group pic or with dhruv,mukti.i wish parth niti as real life jodi,may gnd fullfill my wish

  9. amrit
    November 15, 05:25 Reply

    Guys like denese paisa kharach hoga kia?34 comment and 6 likes.not fair

    • Purna
      November 15, 05:26

      So true.give like more and more

    • Arpitha
      November 15, 05:27

      Hehe guys like button nt working of all.

    • Amrit
      November 15, 05:28

      Hehe sahih kaha tumne@arpitha.

  10. Arpitha
    November 15, 05:24 Reply

    My sis liked this page,she is crazy of manan,more than me.no page of this world of manan is without her exist.hehe.me too following her,cnt stop loving manan.

  11. ishrat
    November 15, 04:55 Reply

    due to exam i couldnt see 5 epi of kyy,so watching all now..thank u dtb..manan rockz……………….harshad and alia should get 10 slap..

    • Arpitha
      November 15, 05:22

      Yup true.bad guys.but manik used to love alia na,he kissed her also.so obvious she want manik back,she dnt undrstnd but i still hate her for manan’s separation as manik truely loves our nandu only.love manan.but harshad is a chipku,a dracula

  12. erika
    November 15, 04:48 Reply

    guys who have fb like this cute page of our manan

    • erika
      November 15, 04:11

      why are you digging past yaar??????it was unmature love which wasnt love actually,but was attraction of youth that manik didnt undrstnd.i also feel bad but what to do,manik already bear the punishment na,hehe by giving nandu dhruv.so now may the best happen,manan together

    • mitu
      November 15, 04:12

      hmm thats true.me too want only manan,thats y can’t see manik or nandini with any other than them

    • erika
      November 15, 04:21

      hmm hope for the best,our manan will be together

  13. erika
    November 15, 04:07 Reply

    such a awesome epi.haha love manan

  14. ipsita
    November 15, 03:02 Reply

    hmm kyy is the best …manan rocks

  15. ãwêšōmë gïrł
    November 15, 01:54 Reply

    All the ky2 fans
    Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn yaar
    We have to make this show on the top

  16. ãwêšōmë gïrł
    November 15, 01:39 Reply

    This harshad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If ever I get my hands on him….. 👿

    Poor Mukti !!!

    Manan scenes r getting really impressive….
    I hope when dhroove come s to knw abt manan
    He will do just as manik.. And let manan be together

    N Aaliya ….. 👿
    I hate her……. With alll my might
    As brother.. So is the sister 😕

    Nd cabir….. I thk every single ky2 an has xpectation from u
    Like really!!!!! Do somethg yaar…. We want manan back!!!

    N about navya????
    Hmmmm…. No comments

    Manan rocxxxxxxx………..
    N so do manan fansssss 🙂 😀
    Go guysss

  17. Rukman
    November 14, 11:22 Reply

    Manan.manan.love u.haha manik’s jealousy part and imagination part was too cute.hehe.

    • Manannandu
      November 14, 11:22

      Manan ko bawpas la do please

    • Arpitha
      November 14, 19:55

      Can’t explain how much i love manan.

  18. geet
    November 14, 10:41 Reply

    not 3 days but 2..

    • geet
      November 14, 10:42

      monday is again our kyy again manan scene.bt why cabir’s mom slap manik,what he did,huh

  19. tt
    November 14, 10:40 Reply

    nt 3 days rathorni but 2,monday is our kyy again

  20. rathorni
    November 14, 10:38 Reply

    I still hate Harshad though.


  21. rathorni
    November 14, 10:37 Reply

    That evil little cockroach Harshad should be beaten 1000 times bad and left for dead.

    I am starting to assume that Harshad and Manek loved each other like brothers initially and they planned to form a band but then Fab5 happened for Manek and he ditched Harshad and that is why he has such a grudge for Fab5 because the band took away his brother.

    But that is just my assumption, anything can happen

  22. rathorni
    November 14, 10:34 Reply

    3 days to go for the next episode and I just want to know why Cabir’s mom slapped Manek.

    I don’t wanna see my Manek getting hurt.

    He is the one who gets hurt most of the time.

  23. rathorni
    November 14, 10:33 Reply

    Love you, Manan.

    and Parth,
    you be my beating heart.

  24. rathorni
    November 14, 10:32 Reply

    As much as i am hating the thing that Manek and Nandini are not together, I love how they show that they still care for each other.

    And that part where Manek imagines Dhruv taking Nandini home and he gets jealous. It was so adorable.

    I hope they just make out and be together again

  25. Sorry for latehere is wu:Manik brings tea for Nandini and she says that I don’t drink tea. Manik says that it’s because I’m giving it while Nandini replies saying that you don’t about me it’s just like that I don’t know how to drive either. Manik turns around and Nandini says that she likes filter coffee while Manik says that does he looks like a waiter here and she will order and he will bring. He puts the tea and tells her to drink it or throw it away. Nandini notices that Manik is still bleeding and when she stands up Manik opens his eyes and she starts to read the news paper. After looking secretly at Manik for few minutes Nandini stands up and leaves.
    The nurse is watching the show about musicana when Nandini comes to her and wants her to dress Manik’s hand as it is bleeding. The nurse says that look at this boy as he is so cute while Nandini replies saying that he will be cuter when you do his dressing. Nandini then points to Manik and the nurse can’t believe that it’s the same guy. The nurse instantly goes to dress him up while Nandini says that how does he manage to impress every girl around him.

    The nurse comes to Manik and wants to dress his hand while he declines. The nurse says that your friend told me that you needed dressing and Manik looks at Nandini. Manik declines again but the nurse forces him to get the dressing and complements him on his singing. The nurse asks help from Nandini and asks her to hold Manik’s hand as she does the rest. Manik just stares at Nandini and so does she throughout the process. She then tells Nandini to leave the hand and when wakes her up Manik’s hand hits the chair again. He says that he is fine and she goes back to sit on her chair.
    Muktii is thinking about Harshad and is frustrated as she can’t stop. She says that I have to stop this and pulls the pills from her bag but then throws them away. She calls Aliya but Aliya doesn’t pick it up as she is in the car going to the hospital. Muktii wants to take her pills but stops again. Harshad carries Navya upstairs where they have some romance. Muktii comes for ALiya when she sees the stall, she comes upstairs and sees Harshad and Navya together and comes down crying. She tries to calm herself when she breaks the glass and Navya says that there is someone. Harshad says that there is no one while Navya says that someone will come while Harshad says that there is no one else.
    Aliya comes to the hospital with Cabir’s mother who is very scared. Manik calms them down and says that all is under control while she says that I want to know as Aliya hasn’t told me either. Manik tries to say something when the doctor comes and says that Cabir is stable now and you can visit him now but he must stay in the hospital for a few more days. Cabir’s mother goes inside to see him.
    She cries when she sees Cabir while he says that he is fine. She says that I know that you are fine and I won’t let anything happen to you. Cabir cracks up jokes again but stops as laughing pains currently. Cabir says that I want to tell you something about what happened today while she says that I can ask your friends as you need rest right now. She tells him to go to sleep while Cabir says to himself that I must tell mom right now as my biggest secret you should be heard by me only so that she may not feel betrayed.

    Manik looks at Nandini at then at the I.C.U and says that what is taking so long. ALiya asks Manik that do you think we should tell Cabir’s mom about him or should we wait for him to tell her as if anyone else told her she would be more shocked. Manik sits back and says that he doesn’t know while Aliya asks him if he is Okay. Manik says that it just seems like a never ending night. Nandini says to Dhruv that she wants this night to end as every hour is another story. Dhruv tells her that she can go home and says that we are all here for Cabir. Nandini agrees with him and decides to leave.
    The nurse comes and says to Manik to bring the medicines as the hospital is out of them. Manik quickly stands up while Aliya wants to go as well. Manik tells her to stick around and then sees Nandini and Dhruv. He stops Dhruv and DHruv asks him if everything is Okay, Manik says that everything is fine. Dhruv asks them that if they were together when they found Cabir, Nandini says yes while Manik says no. They start to tell when they both stop and say that nothing while Nandini says that Manik is right we are not together.

    Precap: Cabir’s mother sees the video as well while Cabir tells her about himself. Cabir’s mother comes out and slaps Manik

    • i missed a thing that is manik went so quickly after nurse saying because of dhruv taking nandu,when he saw dhruv and nandini together he imagined a scene of dhruni going in bike and laughing,thats y stopped dhruv shouting his name

    • rathorni
      November 14, 10:28

      I cant either. I hate him

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