Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 17th April 2015 Written Update

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Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 17th April 2015 Written Update by Sona

Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 17th April 2015 Written Episode

Nandini was ready, she was excited and thinks Manik is ready, how would she say this to him; she prays she doesn’t get numb and practices that Manik, I love… Manik comes behind him and clears his throat. Nandini hides herself with a cloth piece and asks what is he doing here. He says she was stopping him and here practice session is going. She asks why he came here, he asks suggestion about brogue. She asks him to go, he comes nearer and asks her to practice in front of him, he may help her in choosing the best way. She was holding her gown in hands, he drapes it into her neck. Nandini says I love… then pushes him away and says this dress! She says it again, I love this brogue as she had picked one. She runs to come across Neonika while Manik was looking at the brogue. She calls Neonika, what is she doing here. Manik watches them from behind the cloth stands. Neonika says she must ask Nandini what is she doing here, infact in her college. She says she came to change. Neonika says ofcourse, it is her big day. Today her son will show the right way to her. Nandini says she will get what she deserves, nothing can take it from her. Neonika leaves, Nandini comes to Manik who was enraged at Neonika. Nandini asks him not to be angry today, we are really close… Manik holds her arm and says yes, we are very close. He hugs Nandini, and in turn Nandini hugs Manik.

The opening of the concert has been announced, the fab5 waited for Dhruv, Cabir says Dhruv wasn’t interested he may not come. Cabir asks Manik to go while Manik was lost. Nandini calls him, Cabir asks Manik to take his position, Manik says it is Dhruv’s. Cabir says Dhruv hasn’t come, the countdown begin.

Manik looks at Dhruv in his position and is relieved. Dhruv begins the opening performance. Manik and Dhruv perform together, Cabir joins in. The girls happily cheer the performance before joining. Dhruv performs with Aaliya where they stops for a while turning away from each other, Manik and Nandini perform together. At the end of performance, Cabir hugs Mukti. Dhruv comes down the stage, Manik heads towards him but he stops him from his hand on Manik’s chest and leaves. Cabir hugs Manik appreciating their performance. The four of them hug, while Nandini hugs Navya. Navya comes to give a high five to all of them, Cabir says she isn’t Fab5 while she argues that she also performed. Manik comes to give Nandini a high five, she tries jumping up; when the group leaves Manik and Nandini holds hands. Neonika comes there, and asks what’s up Manik. She says it was a nice beginning but she hopes a lot of drama is still left, Manik says yes, but only if she backs off and stops interrupting. He leaves while Neonika spots the brogue and remembers its shadow on her face in the changing room. She says this means Manik is upto something he is hiding.

Neonika comes to stage to make the announcement for concert. She says what makes this night the best, he is Mr. X. She calls Mr. X but he never comes. She says she forgot to call on stage the one accomapying Mr. X. A girl comes on stage in a huge round of applause from crowd. Neonika asks her about Mr. X, the girl says that you can only see him in neon lights Neonika asks for blue Neon lights. Mr. X stood behind them, Neonika thanks him for here in their concert. He says he has appreciated new talents always and is looking forward for the event. Neonika asks about his upcoming movie, Mr. X tells them it is a movie about a man who works in a chemical factory and is burnt while working there. He dances with his heroine for a while.

Cabir, Mukti and Aaliya were waiting. Cabir asks them to keep Nandini, her presence is a must says here. Aaliya says she has plan for her. Cabir says he will fetch Dhruv. Pandit ji tells the goons that they have to beat the man, but beat him truly, beat him so that he can’t get up from bed for a week. Mukti and Aaliya follow Nandini.

PRECAP: Manik and Nandini have a last talk before concert, Pandit ji comes and asks her to go and get ready. When she has left, Manik tells Pandit ji tonight, it is all over. Pandit ji smiles that yes, it is all over tonight.


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    • REKHA
      April 20, 06:44

      hey sanu in ur dp niti is lokking dam dam good yar osam it is

  1. priyu
    April 20, 06:15 Reply

    In sanu dp niti is so cute and adorable

    • REKHA
      April 20, 06:38

      guys anybody is there on line

  2. priyu
    April 20, 06:09 Reply

    In Sam dp parth is looking innocent and cute

  3. priyu
    April 20, 06:06 Reply

    Your comment..
    My net too irritating

  4. REKHA
    April 20, 06:02 Reply

    shit guys this net is also so irritating
    yes priyu if they both will cm in front of me i will kill them fr sure

    April 20, 05:53 Reply

    Me so happy happy for you ★di★

  6. samkhan
    April 20, 05:48 Reply

    I will b back after having lunch .
    see u all soon .

  7. REKHA
    April 20, 05:44 Reply

    hey aru so happy to see u dear where are u from last two days dear missing u so much

    • ARADHY
      April 20, 05:48

      Di love you
      Miss you so much
      How are you
      Today my net is very slow & my feelings very irritating.

  8. priyu
    April 20, 05:40 Reply

    Ya di i wonder how they wil eat without chilly and salt

  9. priyu
    April 20, 05:38 Reply

    Your comment..
    Di if pundit and neonika comes in front of u r eyes u wil kill them

    • priyu
      April 20, 05:43

      Me good feeling sleepy

  10. priyu
    April 20, 05:36 Reply

    Every time i have to scrol down from the first to cmt.Your comment..

  11. ARADHY
    April 20, 05:35 Reply

    Rekha di
    How are you dear’s

    • samkhan
      April 20, 05:41

      hiii Aru
      I m gud
      hw r u dear

  12. priyu
    April 20, 05:34 Reply

    Your comment..
    Rekhadi i attended a wedding. It was brahmin’s wedding food was not taste at all. No salt, no chilli. My tongue lost its taste

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:37

      i know priyu Brahmins food even i dont like all sweet sweet & they throw na on the plate which i really hate. so many things are there lot of variety but all are tasteless

  13. simmi
    April 20, 05:32 Reply

    ok bye…me going….will come back after 30 min

    • samkhan
      April 20, 05:34

      ok c u soon .

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:35

      awwwwwwww simi wait for u com fast

  14. REKHA
    April 20, 05:32 Reply

    priyu sanu praise where u all

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:34

      oh god today manik will be beaten by goons hope he will be fine iam going to kill that pandit feel like giving two slap that also tight one on pandit face & for neonika fell like giving 100 slap

    • samkhan
      April 20, 05:36

      yah di feeling to slap them both .

  15. samkhan
    April 20, 05:29 Reply

    rekha di on ky2 🙂
    simmi on ky2 🙂
    sam on ky2 🙂

  16. simmi
    April 20, 05:28 Reply

    rekha di….tomato sar is also my favrouite…….

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:31

      it is really nice for rice & in hot season it is cool also simi

  17. samkhan
    April 20, 05:26 Reply

    no not yet di I will have it later I had my breakfast late today so not felling hungry.

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:29

      u should have had little baby it is 3.00 sam too late dear first only u have always headache & all

    • samkhan
      April 20, 05:33

      ok di I will have in half n hour .

  18. simmi
    April 20, 05:25 Reply

    rekha di i m here….net is working slow….. N welcome back sam

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:26

      no problem simi comment aram se

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:25

      thank u sam

  19. simmi
    April 20, 05:22 Reply

    congrats rekha di………

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:24

      thank u simi
      welcome back sam had lunch what u had
      priyu where r u

  20. REKHA
    April 20, 05:20 Reply

    priyu simi where u both are

  21. simmi
    April 20, 05:20 Reply

    rekha di…i had…..rice,dull, paneer n chutney…..n u?

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:23

      me had rice tomoto sar (that is my fav) chana subji with chapati

  22. REKHA
    April 20, 05:16 Reply

    priyu on kyy

    simi on kyy

    rekha on kyy

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:18

      hey guys today for the first time i flip the page but not happy bec od this dtb

    • REKHA
      April 20, 05:19

      wow guys 200 likes & 9 dis likes

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