Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update

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Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update by Sona

Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Episode

Manik pushes Nandini against the wall and they start to argue and Nandini says that she is the manager and takes her work seriously unlike you. She is about to leave when Manik says that what about last night and Nandini says that nothing happened. He shows her his shoulder full of scratches and Nandini says that she couldn’t have done it. Manik says that was I dreaming and Nandini says that I don’t want to talk about it and leaves.
Aliya brings Dhruv to another class and gives him a gift and then gives him a card. Dhruv is stunned to see all the work she had put in and Aliya says that you are the only guy who paid attention to all of this and any girl would fall for your sweetness. ALiya says that she couldn’t have got Harshad out of jail if he wasn’t there and thanks him. Dhruv thanks her and says that it means the world to me, Muktii comes and calls Aliya as she needs help.
Cabir sits down with Manik and says that what did she do this time. Manik asks of how he knew about it and Cabir says that it’s simple and gives an example of girls and says that it is written on your face. Cabir says that now you know why I am not into girls. Manik says that if this continues all men will turn gay. He offers him soda and Cabir says that have you gone mad, I am drinking hot chocolate. Manik says that this is what Nandini does and I don’t know what she wants. Cabir says that she also doesn’t know that and asks if he has ever talked to her. Manik says that he did and says that nothing is simple in her life. Cabir points at Manik and says that nothing can be simple and then says that Soha is here.
Muktii and Aliya are going when she hits a worker. She screams at him saying that can’t you see but he says that I can but it’s funny as we keep bumping into one another. It’s Abhymanu and Muktii asks of what he is doing here and in this uniform. Aliya recognizes him and Abhymanu says that I am new worker. Muktii says that I thought you were smarter than that while Abhymanu says that I did this to to stay close to you. Muktii says that you are unbelievable while he pinches her and says that I am real. Aliya leaves and he keeps on arguing with her and says that how about a real smile on your face. Muktii is leaving when he says that keep smiling.
Muktii then sees Harshad who comes to her and says that I am back at the college and thanks her as because of them the principle did this. Muktii says that she will always regret that while Harshad says that whatever happened between us was not a part of Fab5. Muktii says that there was nothing between us and tells him to take her hands of her. Abhymanu standing by sees Harshad and realizes to what is wrong with Muktii.
Soha comes and meets Manik and Cabir and invites them to the party. Manik says that we also have a party but I can’t come, Cabir backs Soha up and agrees with her. When Soha leaves Cabir says that what is wrong with you and why are you so rude to her as she is Khurana’s daughter. Nandini walking by sees them and Soha comes and gives Manik a gift about his eye infection. At first he refuses but on seeing Nandini he accepts it and says it out loudly. Cabir then sees Nandini and realizes what is happening. Soha gives Manik the glasses and Manik asks Soha if she has also invited Nandinii. Soha says that I have as she is your manager and says that I have a surprise only for you.
Both of them leave and Cabir says that now I know the reason and Manik gives Cabir the glasses and says that what is your problem with me. Cabir says that he saw Nandini standing and when you saw her you became very sweet to Soha so I know the reason why. Manik says that maybe Soha is not the problem and is the solution to Nandini’s problem.
Nandini is walking in jealous and irritated at Manik when she sees Navya and goes to hug her. Nandini says that I knew you will come back and I am very happy to see you. Navya says that I am also very happy to see you and Nandini hugs her again and asks of Harshad. Nandini says that Harshad is in jail when she sees him walking by. Soha comes and meet Nandini and Soha. Navya leaves saying that she has to leave to check the hostel while Soha says that I have to talk to you.
Soha tells Nandini about the party which is just a show for Manik and her being together. Nandini asks her to stop and says that I don’t want to know about you and him. Soha says that The Fab5 doesn’t leave him alone so I need your help to distract him. She says only you know about the plan and will no one else.
Cabir is walking with Manik when Nandini comes and says that I need to talk to you for a moment. Cabir leaves and Nandini says to Manik that what you are doing with Soha is not good. Manik asks of what he is doing and Nandini says that he is going to Soha’s party. She asks of what the surprise is and Manik says that how will he know that. She tells him about the plan and Manik says that it is so nice of her. Nandini says that if you go she will think you like her and Manik says that what is wrong with that. He says that you should not have any problem as nothing happened last night. Nandini says gets angry and leaves the scene.
Later she with Abhymanu and gives crazy ideas about getting Manik drunk. Abhymanu says that what is the thing and on the conclusion says that you can never let Manik go. Nandini agrees with Abhymanu and says that I can’t let him go.

Precap: Everyone is dancing at the party..

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    • Ruchi
      January 01, 04:54


  1. Ruchi
    January 01, 04:52 Reply

    recent comments
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update

    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 04:53

      Yoo….. Lve ky2

  2. Ruchi
    January 01, 02:33 Reply

    @gree di
    Now me goin… Tata see ya!!
    Hope u bring choco fr me next tym

    • zain aliya
      January 01, 04:23

      is parth’s girl friend disha paatani?

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 04:40

      Hehe … Very sad

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 05:04

      I have no idea dear
      As far as i knw he was single bt nw i dont knw

  3. Ruchi
    January 01, 02:28 Reply

    @gree di
    Lol… Wat to pray?!

    • gree
      January 01, 02:30

      pray 4 chocos(and give 2 me)…….

  4. gree
    January 01, 02:24 Reply

    now wat 2 do ruchiiiiiiiiiiiiii…..
    recent comments
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    gree on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    Nidhi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    gree on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update
    Ruchi on Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 31st December 2014 Written Update

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 02:25

      Yooo.. Lets do it again!!!! 😀

    • gree
      January 01, 02:26

      @ruchi go straight and take left and move right and den sit and pray 2 god …… plzzzzzzz god gree di ko yaha lao…… den u get triple triple chocos…….

    • gree
      January 01, 02:29

      ha pokiri pilla……. if all cmnts on yhm den u need diversity… bt nw wat……. k im really hungry…….. had lunch and cumfast…… bye muaaah c u ltr…….

  5. Ruchi
    January 01, 02:22 Reply

    @gree di
    Mtv india

    Di where is my choco??

  6. gree
    January 01, 02:22 Reply

    @ruchi dinka chika is remake of south indian song ringa ringa…..

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 02:24

      Ringa ringa roses
      Pocket full of poses
      Husha hoosha
      We all fall down


    • gree
      January 01, 02:28

      not dat poem……. ringa ringa ringa ringa ringa ringa reeeeeeeeeee……. yeh a a yeh……. dis is d original song dnt b confused im nt a lyricist 2 write song correctly na…

  7. Nidhi
    January 01, 02:21 Reply

    Happy new yr to al manan fans nd i m eagrly waitng for nxt epi 🙂

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 02:25

      Same to u di

    • pooh
      January 01, 02:32

      Happy new year to all

  8. Ruchi
    January 01, 02:21 Reply

    We love manan…we love manan

    Manan rocxxxxz….. Yeahh

  9. gayathri
    January 01, 02:17 Reply

    hi dear I left msg for u that page.
    so now a days u r come this page na
    OK then I’ll catch u here when I have time
    take care dear
    see u soon bye bye

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 02:19

      Ok see ya di
      Hope to seee u soonn

      Happy new yr!! 😛
      Take care

  10. Ruchi
    January 01, 02:15 Reply

    @gree di

    Dhinka chika dhinka chika
    Yoo..,. Glad to see u here di 🙂

    • gree
      January 01, 02:19

      in which chaneel dis shw telecasts…. ruchi

  11. Ruchi
    January 01, 02:09 Reply

    Yeahh…. New yr new pg

    • gree
      January 01, 02:11

      yeahhhhhhhh letz dance dinka chika…….

    • gree
      January 01, 02:09

      i dnt knw who is he i love replace m by r………

    • Zain aliya
      January 01, 03:08

      Wish parth and niti are real life couple,,they r so cutie.also afraid that it will get over soon as all r gettin united

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 02:07

      To di
      N come back

  12. Ruchi
    January 01, 01:01 Reply

    I guess navya becoming pregnant scene will make this show increase jts trp.. Oh welll no1 is more xcited than me

    • gree
      January 01, 01:53

      hehe wer evr u go i falow u…

  13. Ruchi
    January 01, 00:58 Reply

    I just cant wait fr 2days epi…thats nthin new but i cant wAit fr the party 😀

    • Zain aliya
      January 01, 01:48

      6 hrs more for the wonderful manan romantic date surprise

    • Ruchi
      January 01, 01:50

      Yo!!! …. Cant wait

  14. Ruchi
    January 01, 00:56 Reply

    M wondering wen navbir will entertain us??

  15. Ruchi
    January 01, 00:52 Reply

    Hope in new year we have manan back in fire
    N other couples too
    As navbir,mukti n abhi, dhruve n aaliya 😀

  16. Ruchi
    January 01, 00:47 Reply

    @rekha di… Thanku same to ya 😀
    Warm wishes of new year to u too 😆

  17. Ruchi
    January 01, 00:45 Reply

    Wishing everybody a happy new year 2015 …may it be full of happiness n light

  18. REKHA
    January 01, 00:08 Reply

    i wish mukabhui will be together.

  19. REKHA
    January 01, 00:06 Reply

    iam so happy navya is come back.but scared for harshad bec of nandu duruv & aliya were cute aliya is looking beautiful in yes epi abi is also very cute specially my sweet cabir iam feeling bad there is nobody for him .cabir ur really very nice.love u so much

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