Kalash 10th July 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 10th July 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 10th July 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Vikas is busy in working for marriage, he is hyper, Ravi ask him to calm down, he says i will bring box of sweets, he goes in and counts boxes, he sees DEvi Ma’s picture on box, he recalls how DEvika said that Devi maa is always with people who have faith on her and who doesnt have it, he says all this is rubbish, he stops and says to Devi Maa that your picture is on sweets box too? people have faith on you and they do everything for your happiness and what you are doing? you are too busy in getting people’s attention and prayers that you forgot your duties, the people who have faith on you, bad is happening with them but you are silent? if you are in reality then save Devika from Saket, prove yourself, Devika have so much faith on you, she says to everyone that you are always with people, Devika feels you are her mother then how can you let you daughter marry a devil? i dont want to ask anything from you but save Devika’s life, fulfill your duties as mother and protect her, dont make her life hell.
DEvika comes in mandir of her house, she recalls how Sakshi said that soon she is going to marry a person who will destroy her every dream, she finds diya blowing off but protects it, she looks at Ambe Maa and says you are seeing Maa how much tensed i am, there are thousand of things going in my heart, dont know whats right, whats wrong, today is my marriage and i have listened this is biggest day of a girl, a girl dream of this day, she thinks that now after this day it will be all happy life but i am not feeling like that? why i am not feeling this? why i am not happy? why i have so many questions my heart? why i feel that this marriage is not right, i have never seen my mother, i always think you as my mother, i share everything with you but today i am feeling that i am alone, i feel like there is no whom i can talk to, Rekha, Pallavi, Sakshi are not happy with this marriage, no one like Saket, if my own family is not happy then why i am marrying him? am i doing something wrong? you have made me meet Saket, fixed my marriage with him but why i am not able to accept it? why i am not ready for it? from the time my marriage is fixed, Rekha is not happy at all but i cant do anything, Sakshi tried everything to break this marriage and my best friend Ravi, he is not in favor of this marriage, he tried so many times, got insulted too but tried to tell me that this marriage is not good for me, SAket is not nice, what all these hints are telling me? i dont know what is going to happen in my life and if this is right, you have always shown me right path, dont leave me this time too, tell me whats right, if you think this marriage is right then give me one hint, i will accept this marriage and if you think this marriage is not right then break, i wont be able to do anything, i dont have things in my hand now, only you can do anything, please be with me.

Scene 2
Ravi says i am going mad that i am talking to box, i am talking to stone like Devika, there is no trace of Devi’s existence why i am wasting time, he gets Monty’s call, he ask what happened? Monty says i am in market, i saw goons who took Ananya last night, they are still her, Ravi says follow them and send me address, i am coming, he is about to leave but turns and looks at Devi’s picture, he says this is happening because of you? he says no, you cant do anything, this is just co incidence, he leaves.
Devika is in mandir, a flower falls on her, she takes it as blessing of Maa, she thanks her and says i understood that you dont have any problem with my marriage, if you have taken this decision for me then i accept it, now i will not agree to anyone, i will do this marriage for sure, Pallavi ask her to come fast, she leaves, DEvika says to Ambe Maa that i am taking big step in my life, if you are with me then everything will be fine.
Saket comes out dressed in sherwani and Sehra on head, Gayetri does his aarti and Tilak, Saket sit on horse, Saket thinks that i am on horse else i would dance with baraaties, i won my game, its impossible that Saket wants a thing and doesnt get it, he recalls how she had seen Devika first time and became mad for her, he says that Ravi tried to stop me but have learnt his lesson, he says Devika i am coming, be ready.

Scene 3
Ravi comes in market, Monty shows him car of Saket’s goons, Ravi ask Monty to go, i wil handle it, Monty says they are goons, i cant leave you, Ravi says this is dangerous, you go and look after marriage, if anyoen ask about me then tell them that i am busy in office, dont worry i will bring Ananya in mandap, Monty ask him to be careful and leaves. Ravi says this is my last chance to save dEvika from Saket, i have to show real face of Saket today, he must have on his horse, i have to free Ananya and take her in marriage.
Savitri and family have arrived in venue, Shekhar is worried about arrangements, ajay ask him to not worry, Ravi and Vikas have done everything.
Ravi is following goons, Navi calls him and ask did you finish the work i gave to you? or you still have hangover of last night? Ravi says i am fine, its DEvika’s marriage, i am busy, i will talk later, Navi says you didnt tell me, i would have come, Ravi says do what you want, i am busy, he ends call, Ravi hides seeing goons, goons leave in their car, Ravi follows them on bike.
Devika is getting ready and doesnt know what to wear, she says if Ravi was here then he would have told me what looks best on me, SAkshi comes and says seems like you are missing someone, you want him to come and tell his choice, whats suits you, right? you are missing his advise? Devika says nothing like that, Sakshi says i know your answer, i will help you, she takes two earrings and thinks left one Ravi’s choice and right one Saket’s choice, she says to Devika that there are two boys in your life, one your friend and other your groom, there are earrings of their choice, now choose one earring, i wanna know whose choice you know better, Devika ask her to stop it, Sakshi says soon your life is going to be in full of this game and how it matters to you if its Ravi’s choice or SAket’s? Devika sys yes nothing matters, i will choose it, Devika looks at both earrings, closes her eyes and choose Ravi’s choice, SAkshi gets happy, Devika looks at her, Sakshi says why you are looking at me as if you wanna know whose choice is this, it doesnt matter to you right? wear it, Devika goes to wear it, Sakshi says by the way it was Ravi’s choice, Devika looks at earrings, Sakshi says i wanna tell you one more thing but it doesnt matter to you now, in bachelor’s party, Ravi’s proposal was not for Navidita but it was for you, DEvika is stunned listening it.

PRECAP- Devika cries and hugs Rekha, she says i dont want to do this marriage, Sakshi looks on.

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