Kalash 14th December 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 14th December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 14th December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Sakshi says I dont want to marry saket and I have decided that. Savitri says are we asking you? We have decided this already. sakshi says i know you care about me but I cant marry this man. Savitri says what shortcomings he has? Savitri says because of you we are defamed. She says i will live unmarried all my life. but he can’t be my life partner. Savitri says to rekha tell her to do this, this is good for her, Dada says we should take Sakshi’s input in this too, kits her life, Savitri says its about our respect, she ask Devika to make Sakshi understand, Sakshi says my decision will not change with anyone’s pressure, Savitri says this marriage will happen for sure, Sakshi says not possible, i wont let this marriage happen, she leaves.
Ravi comes back to Devika’s house, he says DEvika may not trust me but Rekha does, she will allow me to come in and also i have to say sorry on Monty’s behave.
Saket thinks that i cant show my anger infront of Devika, he says i will leave now, Savitri says Saket give us sometime, we will make Sakshi understand, she will agree to this marriage, Saket says i was doing all this for you people to bring back respect of this house but i cant bear this much insult, he leaves, and thinks that i have created another, now lets see.
Saket comes out and finds Ravi there, Ravi says you? Saket says i am always allowed in this house but not sure about you, you are son in law of this house for namesake, soon your name’s board will be here that you are not allowed and what i have done today, i will always be allowed in this house, Ravi says what you mean? Saket says you will have to guess, he leaves, Ravi thinks that Saket provoked Devika against me, dont know what he has done now, i have to find it out, he goes in.
Savitri says dont know what has happened to Sakshi, her sanity is gone, Devika thinks what happened to Sakshi? why she got so much angry on Saket? Savitri comes to DEvika and says when i stopped you that day from entering this house, you said that you have relation with this house and i cant stop you from coming in, today is the day when you have to prove your relation and loyalty with this house, go and make Sakshi understand that her mother’s life and happiness lies in this relation only, her mother will die because of insult if she doesnt marry Saket, Devika goes to talk to Sakshi, Pallavi listens all this.

Scene 2
Ravi comes in Savitri’s house, Savitri stops him and ask why did he come here? Ravi says i came to give Devika’s bag, she says i will give it to her, a important discussion is going in house, leave, Ravi says i wanted to talk to Rekha, Savitri says Rekha is solving problems of her house and she doesnt want an outsider to interfere in all this, i will give your message to Rekha that the one who has put her in all this mess came to say sorry and i will give bag to Devika, now leave, Ravi leaves, Savitri thinks thank God problem is gone.
Sakshi says to Devika that you can pressurize me but my decision will not change, Devika says i can never force you, its your life, you can decide about it, i will never force to marry Saket, Pallavi says Thank God, i thought you will pressurize Sakshi due to Savitri’s forcing you but you are with Sakshi, Sakshi ask Devika if she was in her place then she would have done same right? Devika says wrong, i would have agreed for this marriage, Sakshi is shocked, Pallavi says what are you saying? Sakshi has right to choose life partner too, Devika says ofcourse, i was just telling about me, if i was in her place but Sakshi can decide what she wants, Sakshi ask why would you say yes? Devika says from childhood Rekha has protected us, she has protected our mistakes, protected us from Savitri and i know with my one decision, Rekha would have to listen whole life, she would be taunted and would not get respect because of my decision, i would sacrifice my life for her, we do have right to live but we have responsibilities too, daughters have right and duties both, she says to Sakshi that i know you are confused about life, you dont know what to choose, Monty will not comeback, there is no hope from that side, i promised that Ravi will bring Monty back but i was wrong, he will not do anything, Pallavi says to Devika that why are you saying this? Ravi will definitely set everything right, why you dont trust him? Devika says i cant tell the reason to you both right now but truth is that Monty will not comeback and Ravi will not do anything, she says to Sakshi that whatever decision you will take, i will stand beside you, she leaves, Pallavi thinks why Devika was saying that Ravi wont do anything?
Saket comes to meet Shweta, he says i have ordered diamond necklace for you, Shweta says why? Saket says i am going to get married, Shweta says Devika and Ravi will not separate soon, Saket says i am going to marry Sakshi, Shweta says what? you used to love DEvika, Saket says i love Devika and will love her, i will get her but i have to teach lesson to her, i have to break her, so much happened with her still she was taunting me, because of her, i didnt get Devika, i will make her life hell, after marriage, i wll tell her how husbands control their wives, once i will break her ego then i will throw her out of my life and will marry Devika, Shweta is tensed, Saket says you will get diamond set dont worry, Shweta gets happy.
Ravi is outside Savitri’s house and thinks what must have happened that Savitri was happy? Saket comes there and ask why are you standing outside? Ravi ask him to shut up, Saket says to Ravi that what happened in your in-laws house that your mood is off? they must have not told you whats the news as you are not worthy enough, think what must it be, how to find out?

PRECAP- Ravi ask Devika what Saket did at Savitri’s house? Devika says he did what a person should do to save respect of family, he himself gave proposal to marry Sakshi, Ravi is shocked. Later at night, Devika is waiting for Ravi but he hasnt returned, she thinks where Ravi must be? what he is upto now.

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