Kalash 18th December 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 18th December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 18th December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Manju says to Shweta and Vikas that how can Saket send marriage proposal for Sakshi? Vikas says marriage hasnt fixed yet, Manju says why didnt Saket wait for Monty’s return? Devika comes there and says Sakshi has said yes for marriage, Saket and Sakshi’s marriage is fixed, Navi comes there and thinks that my doubt was true, that Saket double crossed me, i will not leave him now, Shweta congrats Devika and says i am very much happy, Manju is angry listening this and leaves, Devika sees Navi and ask her to come in house, Shweta ask Navi if she was listening their talks? Devika ask Shweta what she is saying? Shweta says i was joking, she leaves, Navi congrats Devika for her sister, she says to Devika that i came to give file to Ravi, Devika takes file and says i will give it to Ravi, you come in, she says no i have to leave, Navi thinks that Saket said he loves Devika but now marrying, Sakshi? i will not spare him.
Ravi comes to Saket’s house, Gayetri and Shweta is stunned to see him, Ravi greets her, Ravi says Shweta you are here too, great, Ravi meets Saket and says you are glowing and you should be as you are getting married, i have brought sweets as he is getting married, my marriage is done with DEvika but now its Saket’s time, i thought there is some problem in Saket that he doesnt get married but finally he got a girl, Saket ask his mother to bring tea for Ravi, she leaves, Saket ask whats new drama? Ravi says you were doing drama in Monty’s marriage so i am doing it, Saket says are you trying to equal equation with me? how will you do it? Ravi says you remember your challenge that you will separate me from Devika? but you couldnt do it, now i am giving you another challenge that i will separate Sakshi from you, Saket says dont be over confident, Devika will be mine too, Ravi says you are over confident but i promise you that i will protect Sakshi from you, just see my action, i will bring your true face infront of all, Saket says you are new in this field and i am master of it, Ravi says i was principal of it but was silent but now i will take action against you and you will see it, Ravi offers him sweets and says this is for protecting Sakshi from you, Saket takes another piece and says this is for making Sakshi’s life hell afterwards, they both feed each other sweets.
Devika is getting ready, she has put nail paint, she thinks how to wear sandals as her nail paint will be messed, Ravi comes there and makes her wear sandals, Devika says no need, i will do it, Ravi says i know you can do it but let me do it, he makes her wear sandals, Ankhon hi Ankhon mein plays, Devika looks at him and thinks that when i know his everything is fake, his love care is fake then what happens to me when he is near me? why i feel for him? i have to be away from him, Ravi sees her Bindi moved from centre, he comes closer and sets her Bindi, he smiles, Banjara plays, Devika looks at him, Ravi says its perfect now, DEvika says to Ravi that today is Sakshi’s Roka, i am going home, Ravi says i am coming too, Devika says i dont want you to create any problem there, Ravi says i am their son in law, its a big occasion there, what will Rekha think? that i didnt come in their happiness, if you want then i will call Shekhar and tell him that you asked me to not come in Roka, Devika says no, you come with me, Ravi says i will get ready, give me sometime.
Navi comes to Saket and says you are going for your Roka? he says yes, Navi says you think you are smart? you thought you will double cross me and i will keep seeing it silently, Navi says i am not Devika, you cant cheat me, Saket says you are thinking wrong, what i am doing, after that you will get Ravi for life, let me go to Roka, Navi says you can go to Roka but then your life will be stopped, i will make your life hell for cheating me, Saket says i will explain you everything, let me go now, i am getting late, he leaves, Navi is angry.
Ravi meets Addy and says i am really happy to see you, Addy says what has happened to Monty? why did he runaway? Ravi says Saket is involved in all this, Ravi says to Addy that i need you, do anything but find Monty, use your smartness, keep eye on everyone and find Monty, Addy says dont worry, i will starts finding him, Vikas says dont worry Ravi we will give everything to find Monty, DEvika comes and meets Addy, Ravi ask Addy to come in Roka too, he holds Devika from shoulder and says lets go dearest wife, she is stunned and thinks why he is behaving weirdly.

Scene 2
Ravi and Devika comes to Savitri’s house, Savitri ignores Ravi. Ravi meets Rekha, Rekha says you came after so much happened, i am proud of you, Ravi says how can son not come in mother’s happiness, Ravi says i am sorry for whatever Monty, Rekha says you dont need to sorry, its not your mistake, she leaves, Devika sees all this and thinks that how to tell Rekha its all Ravi’s fault only, Ravi looks at her.
Saket and family are going for Roka, Shweta says i am happy for Saket, Gayetri says that family insulted us so much and now we are arranging marriage with them again, Saket says forget old things, you should be happy that i am getting married, he says to Shweta that keep eye on Ravi, he can do anything in Roka, he ask Vikas if he is on their side? if not then i will have to take business contract from you, Vikas says i am on your side, Vikas thinks that Saket you are late, i am always with Ravi, you can take any contract from me.
Savitri comes to Ravi and says you must be wanting to meet Sakshi, i will take you, Ravi is confused, Savitri brings Ravi to Sakshi, Savitri says tell Ravi that you agreed for this marriage, Sakshi says Ravi i have agreed for this marriage, Ravi thinks that i can see pain in your eyes Sakshi, i know you said yes for marriage in pressure of family but dont worry, i will not let anything wrong happen to you, Ravi starts leaving but finds Saket on door, Ravi whispers to Saket that you seem tensed, groom should not be so much tensed, i know you have done many crimes but dont let it come on your face, Saket tells him to be in limits, Ravi says if not then what? Ravi smirks and leaves, Saket thinks that Ravi’s tone is changed, i have to find out what he is upto.

PRECAP- Ravi puts back mark near Devika’s ears and says i dont anyone to cast an eye on love, Devika looks at him in surprise. Later Saket is busy with guests and leaves phone on table, his phone rings, Ravi sees Monty calling Saket, he angrily looks at Saket.

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