Kalash 1st December 2016 Written Update

Kalash 1st December 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 1st December 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ravi wakes up and doesnt find Devika in room, he says where did she go in middle of night? he goes to find her.
Devika say to Sakshi that i am with you now, i feel like i am not alone now, i can trust someone in this house and its you, we will punish our enemies but you have to be careful, Sakshi says i am with you, Devika says dont tke haste decision, this fight is important for us and nobody should know that you are treated, pretend like you are still mental, all think i am Ambika and you have to help me in this, dont let people doubt that i am Devika, Sakshi says i will do as you say, i promise, all are evil here, they tried to murder you, i am worried for you, Devika says i am not old Devika, i know how to handle them, i cant involve you in all plans but i will try to tell you things,
Sakshi says i trust you fully, i love you and i will help you to finish your enemies, Devika says i am so happy to see you fine, i wanted to talk to my sister and i am feeling so good after talking to you, just take care, she hugs Sakshi.
Ravi is finding Devika in hall and says where dis she go? Manju comes home and thinks what Ravi is doing here at night? Ravi see her and asks where did you at night? She says why you are awake? Ravi says where did you go at night? what work you had? Manju says my friend was in trouble, she has fight with her husband and wanted to come here but i went there to pacify them, they were fighting but they are fine now, Ravi says you shouldnt have gone at night, tell me later if you want to go, Manju says alright, i should go to sleep now, she leaves, Ravi is doubtful and says weird, why all are doing work at night? it seemed like Manju was lying, why i feel she is hiding something from me? he leaves. Manju thinks that Ravi would have caught me today, he saw me coming late at night, what if he found truth? i have to be careful now, Ravi should not know about my truth, i dont care about anyone but Ravi is closest to me and i dont want to stoop low in his eyes, i am playing dangerous game with Janki, i have to be careful at all costs, she leaves. Nivi comes in hall and sees Devika coming out of Sakshi’s room. She stops Devika and says what you were doing in Sakshi’s room at night? Devika says i can ask same thing to you? what are you doing here? Nivi says i came to take water, Devika says i came to drink water, i crossed Sakshi’s room and listened some crying noises but her room is locked, dont know why she is in pain, i should be going now, she leaves. Nivi thinks that i gave injection to Sakshi, she must be sleeping now, is it related to Sakshi’s health being improved? but how Sakshi is improving? i am giving her injections to keep her crazy, i should check on her. She opens Sakshi’s room and sees Sakshi sleeping, she thinks that why Ambika said that Sakshi was crying? i have to find out whats going on in Ambika’s mind, she closes door, Sakshi wakes up and thinks that if Nivi saw Devika going out of my room? i will keep up my promise, i will keep pretending that i am mental, i will act like scared of Nivi and be strong from inside.

Scene 2
Devika comes in room, Ravi asks where did you go? Devika says i was outside but why you are questioning me? Ravi says you are my wife, i have right to ask where did you go? Devika says i am not a kid, i went to drink water, Ravi says dont lie, you were not in kitchen, where did you go? i feel like all are hiding something from me, Devika says i am not hiding anything, i went to kitchen but when i was returning, i listened some crying noises from Sakshi’s room and went inside, Sakshi was crying because she had headache so i sat with her, i made her sleep then came here, you are my husband but that doesnt mean you can question me anything, this is not right way, Ravi says i got tensed as i didnt see you in room, Devika says you thought i was kidnapped? or i left house? if i didnt comeback for some more time then would you have complained in police? Ravi says yes, i would have done it, i would have shaken world if anything happened to you, i love you and i go crazy when you are not infront of me, i want you always infront of me thats i got tensed, if you are taking care of Sakshi when she is not even your sister then you are my wife so its my right to take care of you, Devika says i am going to sleep, Ravi says you gave bed to me for this night, Devika says i gave it because you had sprain in back but you seem fine to fight with me now so now you will sleep on couch, Ravi says you are cruel wife, Devika says dont irritate me, Devika goes to sleep. Ravi sits on sofa and thinks that i can sleep on burning coals for you, he sleeps on couch.
its morning, Janki gets call from Manju, she takes it, Manju says i want your little help, can you have some time for me? Janki says i have all the time for you, you are my daughter’s mother in law, what can i do for you? Manju says i broke the necklace which you gifted me and i dont have its bill, if you go to gold shop with me then i can ask shopkeeper to repair it, Janki says yes i will go with you, she tells her shop address and says come there after one hour, Manju thanks her and ends call. Manju calls killer and tells him shop address, she says Janki will be there in one hour, kidnap her from there, she ends call. Devika comes there and says you didnt come out of room today? i have brought tea for you, Manju thanks her, Devika thinks that she is silent today, i am sure she is planning something, she leaves. Manju thinks that she doesnt even know what i am going to with her mother, she will loose her mother soon, i will snatch her wealth then i wont have to deal with Ambika or Nivi, i will be rich and will have power.
Devika comes to her room. Ravi comes there, Devika says why didnt you go to office? Ravi says my meeting got canceled, my client’s wife threatened him to come home, i told him that dont go and get freed from his wife but he ran to home, thats why i tell them that i am lucky who doesnt irritate me for shopping and dont call me all the time, Devika says i am independent woman and can go to shopping without you. Ravi says i have brought gift you, Devika says its no special occasion, Ravi says from the time, you have come in my life, it has become special so i want to make it special, you want to see gift? Devika says no, Ravi says are you sure? Devika says you will show it in end so show it, Ravi shows her baby girl doll toy, Devika says are you gifting me in revenge that i gifted you baby boy toy? Ravi says they are siblings, Devika says i dont need them, Ravi says they both are looking like you, Devika says go play with them, i dont want to listen to you, why you are irritating me? Ravi says okay fine, Devika says now i understand, i know what you are hinting at. Ravi asks what? Devika says it wont happen, Ravi says i am telling you that family planning is important, i have even thought of daughter’s name, its Chicky, Devika says what kind of name is it? i am leaving, Ravi says you name her but atleast give me chance to do family planning. Devika sees some silhouette outside room and thinks that someone is listening to our talks.

PRECAP- Devika is calling Janki. Janki is outside gold shop, Manju’s goons come there and kidnaps her, Devika listens everything on call and gets tensed.

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