Kalash 21st July 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 21st July 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 21st July 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Monty tries to stop Sakshi, she ask if Saket is here then who is groom down? tell me else i will scream, Monty says Ravi is sitting as groom there, Sakshi gets happy and says what a masterstroke by Ravi, Monty ask arent you tensed listening it? Sakshi says listening this, all my problems are solved, she comes to Saket lying on floor and says you wanted to marry my DEvika, now keep lying hers, she finds Saket waking up a little, she gets tensed, takes vase and hits him again on forehead, he faints again, Sakshi have sigh of relief, she says to Monty that we have to keep that no one sees Ravi, this marriage should happen at any cost, Monty is confused with her talks.
Ravi is sitting in mandap, Devika is brought, she sit beside Ravi. Priest starts mantras,Sakshi gives things to priest, she whispers in Ravi’s ears that you did great work my hero, i mean you changed groom in marriage, dont worry Saket will not wake up till you get married but i will take grand treat from you my would be jija ji, Ravi looks at Devika, Saket wakes up. Rekha is tensed in marriage, DEvika’s father says to Rekha that you have raised Devika as mother so only you have the right to do her gadh bandhan, Rekha is crying, Sakshi says why did you stop? this is happy moment, go and go gadh bandhan, Rekha does gadh bandhan, she cries ad leaves from there, DEvika thinks why i am not able to accept all this, priest ask her to put hand in Ravi’s hand, she doesnt, Sakshi comes forward and puts her hand in Ravi’s hands.
Saket is feeling dizzy, he tries to open door but have head ache and falls on couch again and faints.
Rekha is crying, Sakshi ask why you are crying? you are daughter is marrying, you have seen dreams of her getting married and you are crying? Rekha says yes i wanted to see her marrying but not like this, the mane who is sitting beside her, i never wanted a man like him for her, i dont know if she will be happy with him? i am afraid what if anything happens after marriage, i wont be able to forgive myself if anything wrong happen, Sakshi says you accept that everything happens as Devi maa want, i have faith in her, miracle will happen and nothing will happen to DEvika, Shekhar comes and says she is right, Rekha says i have faith in DEvi maa thats why i am silent and letting this marriage happen, i just want to know what she want to do with DEvika? i dont accept that she wants her to marry Saket, Sakshi says thats my point, she wont let Saket marry Devika, maybe someone else is behind Sehra, Rekha says what? Sakshi says i am joking, nothing happens like this, Rekha says i wish this happens, i am seeing Devika sad, it doesnt look like she is marrying, its like someone is punishing her, she cries, Sakshi thinks that wait for sometime and then your sadness will go away when you will see the groom of Devika, then you will smile and will have happiness on your face.
Marriage is happening, Priest is reciting holy lines, he calls Gayetri and ask to do sankalp ritual, Gayetri ask do you have some change to give? Savitri finds 1000rs notes only and thinks i will not give 1000rs, she goes to have change, Manju ask shweta what happened? Gayetri says i need some change, Manju says i have it, Gayetri ask her to put in bride and groom’s hands, Manju puts money in Ravi and Devika’s hand, Sakshi is happy that Ravi and devika got blessing from his mother, Savitri ask Manju what she was doing? Manju says you dont have money so i gave it, they tease each other.
Manju comes to vikas and ask him to talk to Saket and ask for money, Vikas sys how can i talk to him right now? Manju says he will not have time after marriage, go and talk rightnow, i cant send Ravi as Saket doesnt like him.
priest ask DEvika to touch groom’s hand, she reluctantly does so.

PRECAP- police comes in marriage venues, Sakshi and Monty gets tensed, Monty tells this to Ravi.

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