Kalash 7th August 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 7th August 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 7th August 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
DEvika is serving food, Manju ask her to sit and eat, she ask shweta to serve everyone, Manju ask Devika to not take tension and eat something, Monty jokes about Sanjay’s weight, his mother(Ravi’s chachi0scold him, Manju ask Ravi to meet some property dealer, Ravi ask why? she says we should now shift to big house, Ravi says but my salary isnt that much that we can afford it rightnow, Manju says i have feeling that we are soon going to shift in big house, my new Daughter in law has come and she has brought good omen for us, DEvika is angry, she looks at Ravi, Manju ask Ravi to find a empty land, we will make palace there, Ravi thinks now i will listen new lecture of Devika, shweta thinks tha way DEvika is glancing at Ravi in anger, it is clear DEvika is not happy with him.
Saket thinks that they have nothing between them, i have to do something big before their hatred ends, my point that Ravi has married her for property has hit Devika, she will not believe Ravi now, he recalls how Devika said to him that she want to fulfill dream of mother to make school on that land, he says i got idea, i will make Devika think that Ravi can snatch her property, he will break her dream, she will leave him as she cant let her dream break, Ravi will break it for me but i have to meet Savitri first, now i will see how Ravi save Devika, he smirks.
Navi wakes up, she recalls how she danced with Ravi, her moments with him, how he proposed her, she says Ravi did so much for me, his proposal was genuine too but then why did he marry Devika? i have no answers, she gets sad but then thinks there must be some reason behind it, maybe something happened in marriage that he had to marry her, he wanted to explain me, i have to clear confusion by talking to Ravi else i will go crazy.

Scene 2
Ravi is in washroom, Devika ask him to come out, she says if i knew you will take so much time then i would have gone first, Ravi says you would have asked me, i cant read your face, i will take time now, Ravi’s phone rings, she takes it and says its weird number, who must be calling him, she takes call and says hello, Navi thinks this is Devika’s voice, his phone is with her, she is with him at night, Ravi ask towel from DEvika, Navi listens this and says it means they are in same room, Ravi has accepted this marriage? Devika ends call, she says i am not your servant, come out and take it, Ravi says i cant come out, i dont have clothes, she says then sleep inside only, e opens door half and says whats your problem, i am asking for towel only, its not a big thing, she says you have made life hell, come out right now, Ravi says i cant come out, she ask him to come out, she opens door, Ravi is covering half body with pink cloth, he falls on Devika, he isnt wearing shirt, she doesnt look at him and says you come out like this? he says we take bath without clothes, you take with clothes? it is my house, i can come as i want, she pushes him away and dont come near me, she say you are using my clothes, why you are toturing me, Ravi says you were not giving towel so i used it, Devika says take them off these are mine, Ravi ask right now? she say yes, he says ok take it, she says no and turns to other side, she gives him towel, he ask her to look otherside shameless, she says you are standing here naked and calling me shameless, Ravi ties towel and throws her saree on her, she says i dont need it, she takes her clothes and goes inside, Ravi says i am stuck with her, she fights with me everytime, he checks her phone and says to to Devika how dare you take my call? Dvika comes out and says your ringtone was irritating me, i will take your calls to know whom you are calling and planning with to take my property, your mother also asked for big house, i will not give my property, i will fulfill my mother’s dream, Ravi says i will build my own property, i dont need yours, Devika says you will fool someone else, Ravi says yes i am cheater, now you happy? she says happy? this life is torture foe me, i am bearing all this, you have forced me in this relation, tomorrow my brother is coming to take me for pag phera, i will not come here again, now you must be thinking how will your get my property, Ravi says i dont need your property, go there and dont ever come, i was fool to save you, and now if you call me, i will not come to pick you, she says i am not mad to call you, he leaves angrily.

Scene 3
Its morning, Ravi wakes up in sofa, she looks at DEvika sleeping in bed, Kabhi na sukoon aya plays, Ravi thinks i wish you can see my reality, i didnt marry you for any greed, i wish you could understand me then our life would be great, your hatred has turned me into silence else i would tell you how much i love you, when you will understand that i married you just to save you only, he sit beside her on bed and smile at her, he is about to touch her face, DEvika wakes up and pushes him away, she say you wanted to take advantage of me, Ravi says i came to put pillow back, i hate you, you want me to touch you thats why saying all this, Devika sys you must be last person whom i want to touch, Ravi says stop fighting and get ready, your brother is coming to pick you, leave from here so i can live peacefully, she leaves.
Rekha ask Sanjay to behave in Ravi’s house, Sanjay says i know all this, Rekah says its pag phera ritual, dont do any mistake, Savitri fumes listening this. Snajay comes out of house, Saket comes and ask where are you going? he ask him where are you going? Sanjay says i am going to pick Devika, he leaves.
Savitri thinks she is coming today, i will not see her face, Saket comes there, she says you? Saket says i want to talk something important, Savitri says i cant do much, Saket says we can still change game, you have to come with me outside, anyone can listen here, this thing should be between us only, Savitri says ok.
Devika comes back to her home with Sanjay, Rekha smiles at her, she does ritual at door and takes Devika in, Rekha says you must be tired, sit, Shekhar ask how are you in laws? Pallavi ask why Ravi didnt come? Rekha says let her breath first, she says i will talk to her first, she takes her in room. Ravi is leaving for office, Manju stops him and says you should go in evening, Ravi sys i have work now, Manju says if you go so soon then they will think that you are going mad behind her, Ravi says i am not going to pick her, i have some work, Manju says you cant go, you have to pick Devika, Ravi says she can come herself, manju says i know you feel askward to fafce her family but Devika is very nice, she will tell them that you are best husband, you are their son in law, they will respect you, Ravi thinks she must be insulting me there, Ravi says i will not go there, Manju says you are not follwing me? you are changed after marriage, Ravi says nothing like that, Manju says if you dont bring Devika back then i will not eat anything, she leaves, Ravi thinks if i go there then she will insult me again.

PRECAP- Savitri says to Devika that if you dont like Ravi then you would not have gone with him, Devika says ok i will prove myself right, if you dont want me to go there then i will not go, Rekha listens all this.


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1 Comment

  1. vanita
    August 08, 10:58 Reply

    Devika needs a slap.She acts so good.Furthermore she never trust Ravi.Earlier already she knows Saket is a bad guy then why trust that jerk.

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