Kalash 8th December 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 8th December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 8th December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Saket leaves after lying to Devika tat he saw Monty and Ravi talking, Devika cries and says Ravi cant do this.
Navi comes to her home with Ravi, Ravi says i will leave now, Devika must be waiting for me, its very late, Navi says you are acting like kid that if you dont go back home then you will get scolding, i am your boss, i am ordering you to stay here for first time, Ravi says okay, he sits in lounge, Navi thinks that i got Ravi alone after much time, i will not leave him like this, Navi brings wine for Ravi, she says i have cracked a big deal today, lets celebrate, Ravi takes wine glass and congratulate her, Ravi drinks wine, Navi sits beside him, Ravi moves away being Navi getting close to him, Navi again goes close to him, she says if you feel alone anytime then remember i am with you to .give you company, Ravi is confused, navi says i mean like a friend, Ravi says thats sweet of you but i have Devika to take care of me, i should leave now, he leaves, Navi says Ravi is nil in heart things, he can go home today but he has to comeback to me soon, wait and watch.
Ravi comes back and thinks Devika must be waiting for me, Saket sees him going home, he says what Ravi said that he has won challenge? now he will get shock fo his life, Navi calls him and ask about plan, he says everything is set, just wait for bobm to explode.
Ravi comes in room and finds Devika in bed, he thinks Devika has slept but she is awake, he comes to her, she closes her eyes, Ravi thinks that i was away from her whole, i thought i will tell her about my feelings and thought she will confess her love to me too but she must have slept waiting for me, Devika wakes up and ask when did he comeback? Ravi says i came and was seeing you sleeping, why your eyes are moist? Devika says nothing, Ravi says tell me did anyone say harsh words to you? why are you crying? Devika says you have hurt me, you have broken my heart and trust again, you have made Monty runaway from marriage, Ravi is shocked listening this, Ravi ask what are you saying? Devika says i was fool to trust you again, i gave you chance again to break my trust, to play with my feelings, what you have done this time, you have insulted my family and destroyed my sister’s life, i thought you can do anything wrong with me, i thought you are my own but you have broken me completely, Ravi says what are you saying, Devika says even i was not believing that you can do this with me but you can, you broke my trust earlier too so you can break my trust again too, Ravi ask did anyone provoke you against me? did Saket say something? Devika gets silent, ,Ravi says to Devika that i am sure Sket must have provoked you, i know everything, how can you trust him? Devika says i saw proofs. Shweta listens their fight standing outside their room, she calls Saket, she says you are doing big blasts, you have ended Ravi and Devika’s relation, Saket says i am innocent man, Shweta laughs and says Ravi and Devika are fighting, Saket gets happy and says that i planted thrones in their life but didnt know it will hit them so soon, he ask her to record their fight and send it to him, Shweta says first you need to give me diamond set, Saket says you are clever than me, taking advantage of situation, Shweta afterall i am saket’s sister, i will make you listen their fight now, she brings phone close to Devika and Ravi’s room and makes Saket listen their conversation, Saket records conversation. Devika says to Ravi that why are you bringing Saket in all this? its between me and you, earlier too you brought his name to hide your mistake of marrying me, you were wrong and still wrong, Saket proved that you are wrong but you married me with cheating, you kept trying to make me fool but nothing worked so you married me by making Saket unconscious, you have made my life hell.
Shweta ask Saket if he listened what he wanted?? Saket says yes, i will gift you diamond set, he ends call and thinks to celebrate with Navi.
Devika says to Ravi that you cheated me so much but still i trusted you, i thought everyone can be wrong but my Ravi cant be wrong, thought that you have changed, my heart started melting for you, you cheated me once twice but i kept trusting you again, last time you made fun of my friendship but this time you have broken my heart, now i wont be able to trust whole life, you are a liar and conman, Ravi says you cant see truth, you cant see my truth, i brought Monty’s proposal for your sister, i was insulted by Savitr but i kept trying for this marriage, why did i do all this? Devika says there must be selfish reason behind it too, Ravi says what selfish reason? i made sure Sakshi gets happy in all rituals, what selfish motive you are talking about? Devika says my property, that 10crores, you wanted that, you married me for that, i forgot that, i forgot you cheated me for that propety, you wanted this marriage to happen, you wanted this marriage proposal to get confirmed so that you can blackmail me that if i dont give you property then you will call off this wedding, Ravi raises his hand to slap her but stops, Devika is shocked.

PRECAP- Devika says to Ravi that i dont know how i will be able to live with you, it will be burden for me but i will have to live with you, Ravi gets angry listening this and breaks mirror with this fist, Devika is shocked. Ravi is drunk and says to Navi that the passion with which i loved her, i will hate her with more passion than that, he hugs Navi.

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  1. vanita
    December 09, 04:48 Reply

    precap ia a little scary ravi and navi

  2. Memboi
    December 08, 16:33 Reply

    Ravi and Devika look very good together. Let the misunderstanding between them end as soon as possible.

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