Kalash 9th December 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 9th December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 9th December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Ravi raises his hand on Devika but stops, Devika says why did you stop? beat me, you have done so much with me, you have broken my heart then you can beat me too, Ravi says please dont say all this, i have no intentions of taking your property from you, when did i come to you and asked to give me your property? i never demanded it, Devika says if you had asked me directly then it wouldnt have hurt me but one side you kept becoming good infront me, you kept making me feel like i have got life partner but otherside you instigated Parmindar to ask property from me, you know how it feels like that at end moment they said that if i dont give them property papers then they will not do this marriage, Ravi is shocked listening this, Devika says one side was my mother’s dream and otherside was my sister’s future and i chose latter, if you wanted then you could have asked directly but i was fool that i thought you are not involved in this, Ravi says i didnt know all this, Devika says dont pretend, i have seen Monty’s messages in your phone, you were talking to monty in last, i will not trust you anymore, i wont be able to trust you, Ravi is hurt.
Saket comes to Navi’s home with wine bottle, he says i wanted to celebrate our victory so came, Navi says you are so excited, atleast wait for result, Saket says i will show you results, let me come in, Saket comes in and says you called bragging king and that i am of no use, i kept listening to your wordws but now i have to get praised, i have proof of my success, she makes her listen Devika and Ravi’s fight which he recorded, Navi says this is fantastic, results are out, they must be having break up, Saket says they will not live together now, lets celebrate, they drink wine.
Devika says to Ravi that with Sakshi’s marriage, i thought every dream will be fulfilled but with now its breaking all dreams of mine are shattered, i now feel that i should have give property to you people earlier so that you wouldnt have made Monty from marriage, what if this marriage had happened? i wouldnt know your reality, its good that i came to know about your reality, Devika says to Ravi that i dont know how i will be able to live with you, it will be burden for me but i will have to live with you, Ravi gets angry listening this and breaks mirror with this fist, Devika is shocked, Devika comes to him and says what are you doing, have you gone mad? she brings first aid box and starts dressing his wound, she is in tears, he looks at her and is hurt too, Agar tum saath ho plays, Devika cries and dresses his wound, Devika says i am fool to take care of you so much, this is last time, it will not matter to me anymore, i will not take care of you from now on, Ravi sees her crying, he starts leaving room, she looks at him, he turns to look at him, Ravi leaves, Devika breakdowns and cries.
Navi says to Saket that today was great day, Saket says i do what i say, Navi says i am waiting for day when Ravi will come to me with broken heart and i will console him and now Devika will want your shoulder too, Saket says i can give my life for her.

Scene 2
Ravi comes to Parmindar and says why did you do this? you didnt even think about me, Devika have told me everything that you wanted her property, you are responsible for this marriage breaking, you told Devika that you will call off marriage if she doesnt give you property, you have destroyed everything, you have destroyed Monty and my life both, you didnt think about my relation with Devika, i use to see as my mother but you have hurt me, he leaves, Parmindar says i am not alone in all this.
Ravi is sitting in restaurant and drinks wine, he recalls how Devika said she will not trust him anymore, he says why this is all happening with me? i always think about Devika’s happiness still she thinks that i am jerk, i am baddest person in this world, she thinks that i am selfish, he sees bandage on his hand and cries, he says how can i raise my hand on Devika? he looks at Devika’s picture and says i am sorry, i can never hurt you, i always try to tell you about my heart thing that i love you alot but you always misunderstand me, you think that i am cheater and liar, cant you see my love? i am not cheater, why dont you trust my reality, why? he cries.
Devika says to herself that when you get hurt, it pains me too, i know your anger is like your love which is fake but why i am thinking about you rightnow? why i am thinking if you are in pain? i am so fool, she sees her and Ravi’s pictures, she cries looking at it and hugs it, Teri Galiyan plays, she says when we got married, i didnt know who was my groom, i didnt know that you were my groom but after marriage, i started to get to know slowly, i started loving you and now i am in love with you, i kept waiting for whole day so that i could tell you that i love you and would listen from your mouth too but now that wait will remain wait, you have destroyed everything everything, like this mirror you have broken my trust you, she hugs her and Ravi’s picture and sleeps.
Saket is drunk, Navi says you are helping me alot so i should drop you home, Saket says okay, they both sit in car. They finds Ravi coming there in drunk state, Saket says its Ravi, your prey is coming to you, go and handle him, Navi ask how will you go home? Sakt says dont worry, i will go, you go to him, Saket leaves. Ravi sit on footpath, Navi comes to him and ask what happened? Ravi is drunk, Navi ask what happened? Ravi says i love Devika alot but she doesnt trust me, how can i tell her that my love is true, i always wanted happiness for her, i cant bear all this, i am fed up with all this but it doesnt matter if she doesnt trust me, the passion with which i loved her, i will hate her with that passion, he hugs Navi, Navi thinks i am waiting for that day only.

PRECAP- Devika says to Ravi that you drink wine so much that you dont even know that a girl drops you home at middle of night, its good that i got to know you cheaters are cowards too. Sakshi says to Saket that you are a loser, and Ravi has defeated you, SWaket raises his hand to slap her but Sakshi holds his hand.

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