Kalash 9th November 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 9th November 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 9th November 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Rekha is praying in mandir, Savitri comes and ask why are you tensed? Rekha says i sent Pallavi and Sakshi in party but i am not feeling good, i feel something might happen there, Savitri thinks that i was not allowing them to go but had to send them because Saket asked me, what if something wrong happens there, she leaves from there, Rekha says why Savitri didnt say anything to me? maybe she saw me tensed and didnt say anything, she prays to Lord for her daughters.
Devika drinks juice which have vodka in it, she starts feeling dizzy, Navi smirks seeing this and thinks that this Devika was coming inbetween me and Ravi, now she will faint and Ravi will be mine, Ravi finds Devika feeling dizzy, he comes to her and ask what happened? she says my head is spinning, Ravi says seems like you have drunk wine by mistake, she says no i had orange juice, Ravi goes to bring water for her.
Saket is making Monty drink wine and thinks that now Monty will do my work, Savitri calls him, he thinks that she will bore him again, he takes her call, Savitri ask if everything is fine there? he says yes, Savitri says let me make it clear to you, you can do anything you want but if anything happens to my daughters then i wont leave you, dont hurt them and this time do something, Saket says i will, he ends call, Savitri prays for her daughters.
Ravi comes back in party and is finding Devika, Navi ask him to dance with her, he says i need to see Devika she wasnt feeling nice, he ask Sakshi about her, Sakshi says she might be in washroom, Navi says dont worry about Devika, she must be fine, lets have dance, she drags him on dance floor and starts closely dancing with him on Kamli song, she tries to get close to him but Devika comes there and pushes her away, all are stunned, Devika comes closer to Ravi and starts dancing with him, Navi fumes in anger, Ravi cuddles Devika, Ravi and Devika are lost in each other, all clap for them.
Monty sees Pallavi from far and says i cant tell you how much i love you, you are first girl i loved, Saket records his words, Monty says i keep thinking about you, your smile is so beautiful that i get lost in it, your eyes are so beautiful that i just keep seeing them, i have gone mad for you but i didnt have guts to say that i love you so much, i wont be able to live without you, i love you so much, become mine and everything will be fine then.

Scene 2
Devika sees Navi and says i wanna talk to you rightnow, Devika is drunk, she says to navi that whats your problem? why you are behind my husband? my Ravi? she shows her Mangalsutra and says he is my husband then why were you dancing with him closely? Ravi ask Devika that we should go, Devika says one second i am talking to her, Devika ask Navi why were you dancing with him? Navi says because i know him, Devika says you know many people so do you dance with all of them? Navi says no, Devika says you are a bad girl, you come to our parties all dressed up to impress Ravi but Ravi wont be impressed by you, Ravi ask her to listen, Devika says we will talk at home, let me talk to her, she says to Navi that i dont like you at all, you come to our house daily, we will serve you as you are guest but you have no manners, you come in our bedroom, you are shameless, its our personal room, you are boss of my husband, you like to order him but do all this in your office, he is not your servant, tell me why you want to organize every party? today is my sister and Monty’s bachelors party, its our family function but you wanted to organize it, why? do you want to become wedding planner? Navi starts to leave but Devika stops her and says i am not finished yet, it was my first Karwachauth and i wanted to celebrate it with my family but what was the need to invite us at your house? Navi says as it was my first Karwachauth, Devika says you are mot married then for whom did you fast? yeah you had boyfriend Richard, right? these foreigners wil not be impressed by your fasts, you spoiled my function, i fell in pool too, Devika says to Navi that you twisted things that day but i know that it was you only who pushed me in pool, dont try to lie now, you pushed me in pool, if you dont tell me truth then i will.. she tries to hit her but Ravi holds her, Devika says to Navi that dont try to come near my husband else i will cut you in pieces, Ravi takes Devika from there, he brings her in corner and ask her to sit there quietly, he leaves.
Ravi comes to Navi and ask Navi who made Devika drink wine? Navi says how would i know? why are you asking me, go and handle your wife, its embarrassing, Ravi says i will do that but Devika has never touched wine, whoever has done this, its very wrong, he leaves, Navi thinks that i thought Devika will sleep after being drunk but now she has shouting more.
Saket thinks that now i have this recording, i will break this marriage and Devika will hate Ravi.
Ravi comes to bar and ask for lime soda, he finds Saket there and thinks that he has come here too? he will not leave us alone anywhere, Saket finds him there and thinks that Ravi might understand that i have made Monty drink wine, he leaves from there.

PRECAP- Navi brings Devika out of bar and says you should go straight from here and you will reach house, Devika thanks her and starts going, Navi thinks that Devika will go in jungle from here, she goes back in party, Ravi ask Navi where is Devika? she says i dont know.

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