Kalash 9th September 2016 Written Update

Kalash 9th September 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 9th September 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
All are dancing in Sangeet ceremony. Vikas and Shweta are romantically dancing. Shweta runs away being shy. Vikas comes to her and says its fun, she says i am tired, he asks if she need water? she says no, he says you are looking beautiful, Shweta says i didnt know you are that romantic, how many more talents you have? he says i have much more, let this party ends, she blushes and leaves, he goes behind her. Manju says to Gurvindar what happened to them?
Guests ask Nivi and Ravi to dance. Rvi says later, guest says you both should dance. Nivi takes Ravi to dance floor.Music plays, Nivi takes Ravi’s hand and puts it on her back, she holds his other hand and closely dances with him, waiter comes there and says its call. Nivi takes call and says sorry Ravi it can be urgent, dont
go anywhere, i will come, she leaves, she says i will be back guests.
Nivi says to her dad on call that everything will happen as you are saying, she ends call. One man says to Nivi that can i talk to you? Nivi thinks he is big client, i cant even say no to him, Nivi says thanks for coming to pary but.. man says NOC is not approved, i have to talk about it, Nivi thinks Ravi must be waiting for me, she sees Shweta smirking at her, she thinks why she is smiling at me like this? Nivi says to man i have to leave. Nivi comes in party and sees Devika on dance floor with Ravi. Ravi holds Devika’s hand and pulls her closer, he closely dances with her on Tu safar mera. They sensually dance together, all look on. Nivi is stunned, Devika says MR. Garewal this is last dance of yours in this house, he what you mean? she says have patience, you will know, enjoy dance for now. They emotionally look at each other and dances, Dance ends, everyone claps. Shweta comes to Nivi and says control yourself, its your sangeet, people should not see you like this, you must feel bad but remember when you threw me out of house without doing mistake, i felt bad too, i have to see how you will throw this Ambika who is luring your fiance, will you kick her out? you can great Nivi, go and throw her out now. Devika comes to Nivi with Ravi and says to Nivi that congratulations, its your sangeet today, Nivi sees Devika and Ravi holding hands, she says Ravi seems like your fiance doesnt like us holding hands, she makes Nivi hold Ravi’s hand and says you both hold hands and just like that get out of my house. Nivi says what? Devika says you are stupid, you remember stupid stuff and forget important stuff, let me remind you that this is my house and you have to leave but you people have guts to have sangeet in my house and didnt even invite me, you thought i would remain silent? i warned you people to go out of this house, but you people didnt leave, even my mom thinks that you ungrateful people deserve to be out of this house, you insulted me alot yesterday so now leave with your guests and decoration, have sangeet somewhere else, as owner of this house i dont allow you to have any function here, i want possession of this house now only, Ravi says you cant do this, Devika says you will tell me what to do? work has already started, look over there, they see people taking decorations out of house, Devika says before i kick you people out too, leave now. Nivi says how can you do this? you are my friend, people are here, what they will think? Devika says when i was insulted here, you would have thought that time, you should have thought this when you arranged sangeet without even asking me, i had to bear alot because of you Nivi, now pack your stuff and leave this house.
People are packing stuff. Manju says what they are doing? Vikas says you didnt understand that Ambika have come to end this party, its her house, she is doing everything as she wants, your great Nivi is gone. Manju asks man what they are doing? man says owner of this house ordered us to throw everything out of this house, you can talk to Janki if you want. Vikas says to Shweta that you might leave this house again, Shweta says so what, i will be happy wherever i go with you, i can live in my mom’s house but think about Nivi, she doesnt have any place to go, atleat someone came to throw her out, i want to see her cry, she acts like lion, she doesnt have any relative here.
Nivi says to Amvbika that stop all this, i thought you were not serious about throwing us out, Devika says you thought i am your best friend so i wouldnt do it? but you didnt think to invite your best friend in your sangeet? leave all this, thing is that we are legally owner and we can live here anytime we want, this is our right, i dont want your sangeet here, you can do your sangeet or wedding anywhere, i dont care. Ravi says you are taking revenge that we didnt call you in sangeet, Devika says i wont take such big step for petty thing like this, Nivi says i hope you are not doing this for that, Devika says you have seen my friendship, now you will see how i act like enemy, i might look stupid or hurt but i will take revenge. Manju comes and says how can you do this? Devika says i can do it, stop this drama, i know how much you love me, dont forget that i know your reality, go and see your stuff, you have lost this house now atleast look after your stuff, go and handle your puppy, Manju goes. Devika says Nivi your family doesnt value people but she is worried for dog, Nivi says as per law you have to give notice seven days before asking us to leave, DEvika says i gave you notice, she shows her notice and says as per postal department, i had sent notice 7days back, Ravi says we didnt get any notice, Devika says but i am showing you notice, i bought all proofs, Nivi and Ravi are shocked. You all have to leave this house now. Nivi looks on shocked, Devika asks them to go and pack. Reporter asks Nivi if she is thrown out of house? your sangeet is being cancelled like your engagement too? Devika asks her to tell, reporter asks Nivi to speak, Nivi slaps her, and says how dare you to ask me this? Ravi pulls her from there. Devika asks reporter if she is fine? she nods and leaves. Devika thinks that Nivi was bragging to media but now because of her madness, she will be celebrity again, my one more revenge got completed, this is start of her end.
Janki says this devil is behind my daughter, he can take her from there, i have to do something. she tries to Devika but she doesnt pick up.
Devika asks her men to do work fast. Nivi says stop it, Devika thinks that i know you would throw anger on me, you would shout on me and this will prove more that you are mad, your screams will make me happy, you snatched my husband from me, i will snatch everything from you, i will be happy to see you cry.

PRECAP- Nivi locks door of room. Devika asks what are you doing? Nivi says i have always won, i never saw defeat so whoever came in my way, i threw them out of my league in minutes.

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