Kasam 13th February 2017 Written Update

Kasam 13th February 2017 Written Update by Sona

Kasam 13th February 2017 Written Episode

In the room, Divia was happy that Rano made Rishi and Tanuja divorce. Rano says she feels as if Rishi did this for Tanuja, how was Tanuja ready to leave Rishi so easily. Divia doesn’t understand, but Rano says only they two understand about it- Rishi and Tannu.
Tanuja enters the store room. The bulb in there begins to flash, Tanuja walks towards it and recalls about the past. She tries to fix the bulb when Rishi enters. He remembers Tannu as he walks with the suitcase. He stares towards her climbing up the steps with Tanuja. Both hands touch each other, he feels a similar current as with Tannu. Rishi forbids her to stare, as he fall in love with such eyes; when he first saw her he looked into her eyes and got lost. He reminds her about coming to store room, he also stood with her to fix the bulb
and fall in love with her there. Tanuja remembers his hand was also burnt, and smiles. Rishi wonders how Tanuja knows his hand was burnt. Tanuja was nervous at once, about what if Rishi discovers she is his Tannu and has recalled her past life. Rishi says this was a secret between him and Tannu, then who told her about it. Tanuja begins to cough and sends Rishi to open the window. He comes to open the door with Tanuja, and repeats his question. Tanuja says Ahana told her, Rishi wonders how Ahana know about it. Tanuja says Ahana told her about their love story when she came here. Tannu used to share everything with Ahana. Tanuja was upset that Rishi still loves her so dearly. Rishi wonders what Tannu must have felt, Tanuja says Tannu had realized then that her Rishi was there. Rishi laughs and gets excited about their talk, he says Tannu loved him dearly but never shared. He confirms if Tanuja ever considered him as ‘Lafantar’, and laughs loud. Divia and Rano pass by, Rano curtly asks Divia to go on. She was upset that Tanuja would again trap Rishi. Divia says there is a lot of time in one month. Rano decides she can’t let Tanuja live here. Divia suggests they shouldn’t let Rishi spend a second with Tanuja, as they might fall in love with each other again.
In the store room, Tanuja was shocked to hear about fixation of Neha and his marriage. Tanuja says she remembers each and everything, he really made her worried. Tanuja then explains Ahana told her about everything. Both look outside at the window where cold breeze came in, they get up and hit each other’s head. Rishi calls her closer and hit their heads again. He says when a head is hit with one another, they must do it again so as not to get horns. He laughs. Tanuja spots a glow worm, and recalls the time Rishi had gifted a glow worm to Tanuja in childhood. She again qualifies Ahana told her. She close the window pane and slips behind, Rishi holds her in his arm; she removes her dupatta off his face. He remembers the scenes with Tannu. They share an eye lock, then straighten up. Rishi takes a leave, Tanuja leaves way for him. Both smile and nod at each other in approval. Tanuja curses herself for speaking so much, Rishi returns to say a good bye.
The next morning, Rishi brings juice for Rano and takes the paper from him. Rano says any servant could have brought juice as well, and appreciates his care for her. Rano says she also did something for him, she spoke to a lawyer and has taken time for divorce hearing. Raaj questions why Rano is in a hurry, Rishi will take care about the matter. Rano was irritated about his interference. Rishi assures Rano he would go to the court and leave the room. Rano reminds him to take divorce papers along with him.

PRECAP: In the court, Tanuja was concerned as Rishi’s hand bleed. Outside, Rishi brings a rose to Tanuja and buy red heart shaped balloons for her as well. The balloon vendor blesses them to stay together always

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