Kasam 3rd April 2018 Written Update

Kasam 3rd April 2018 Written Update by Sona

Kasam 3rd April 2018 Written Episode

Rishi announces for some fun in Bedi house. Raaj Rano performs first, followed by Rishi and Manpreet. Rishi then asks for Tanuja’s hand, they dance on Mein Phir Bhi Tumko Chahunga. AK watches them dance with each other. Tanuja rolls to him, he continues the dancing with her. AK signals Rishi to take her and dances with Tanuja cheerfully. Rishi was irked and comes to beat AK badly. The family tries to stop him while AK fell on the floor and was hit at the back of head. Tanuja takes Rishi upstairs. Raaj tries to calm everyone down and continues with the party. Nehtra was happy about the drama.
In the room, Rishi was furious over Tanuja for dancing with AK. Tanuja says he is her close friend and has been with her when she was left all alone in the world. She has lived with him since seven years and aren’t

any teenage friends. Rishi tries to convince Tanuja that it was preplanned by AK, he wants to plan against him. Tanuja wasn’t convinced. Rishi says can’t Tanuja sacrifice a single thing for him. Tanuja cries she could have sacrificed her life and Rishi won’t even realize.
In the room, AK was happy that it went according to his plan, Tanuja would now feel the pain for him. Tanuja comes to him concerned for his injury. Maira tells Tanuja she must not worry, AK and Rishi are friends and its AK’s mistake that Rishi reacted. Tanuja goes to get pain killers, AK was angry over Maira and says she must go to London.
Manpreet tries to convince Rishi that he shouldn’t have been a villain in front of AK. He has a dual face, Rishi must handle him in his way. They turn to face Tanuja there. Rishi leaves the place angrily. AK stood at the door when Tanuja comes there, she asks if he got the pain killers? AK assures he feels better. He apologizes Tanuja as she and Rishi fought with each other. Tanuja says they only argue a little in love. AK thinks Tanuja might be a little hurt as he is creating misunderstandings, but he would surely give her all the happiness when she is back to him. Maira meets AK and tells him about having booked her seats back.
Ahana comes to Tanuja who was upset. Ahana wonders why Rishi fights with her in his misunderstandings and fights. He wants her to break all her relations with AK, she will do it now. She can even cease to live if Rishi wish so. Even she fought with him. Ahana asks if she told Rishi she could leave everything for him. Sometimes it’s important to say our heart out, our loved ones know we love them but like to hear it. She asks her to call Rishi, then decides to give them some privacy.
Outside, Rishi wonders what she must do to bring AK’s reality to Tanuja. He gets a call from Tanuja, both apologize. He complains that she denied fulfilling a little wish for him. Tanuja asks him to return home, she even wants to say something to him. He insists on her to tell him now. Tanuja thinks she wants to tell Rishi she doesn’t want to get away from him.

PRECAP: The house was on fire, Tanuja asks Rishi why he left her alone. Rishi says he only walked outside. Both hug each other.

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