Katha Ankhahee 2nd June 2023 Written Update

Katha Ankhahee 2nd June 2023 Written Update by Sona

Katha Ankhahee 2nd June 2023 Written Episode

Katha asks Aarav is he doesn’t have that equation with here. Aarav tells that Katha is his best friend but his mother as well, he didn’t know how to describe his relationship with Robin. Katha understands that Aarav trusts Robin, but he must share things with her as well.

Viaan receives photos of Batman friends gifting the shoes. Viaan adores those photos, calls Batman. Batman asks him about the pics, Robin asks him about the match. Batman has nothing to do there, it’s a match between sons and father. Robin doesn’t have a father as well; he wants to play basketball after watching these photos. He asks Batman to come to the club if he gets permission. Katha comes to Aarav, he asks for her permission, she says ok. Aarav sits back, Katha repeats. Aarav gets excited, she asks him to take Falguni. Aarav will convince Falguni. Katha plays a classic song, sings along than hears Aditya singing as well. She turns around to find him signing that song to her, he sighs, tells that he feels free today. Katha takes a few steps towards him, he asks her not to worry, he isn’t a ghost, and she knows. Katha asks why he never talked to her before. Aditya tells her that memories strictly bind the one we love; her love wouldn’t let him speak but today it got loosened so he feels free. Katha refuse, she didn’t let anything loosen up, asks him to help to let her heart make place for no one else. Aditya asks if the other person is Viaan, Katha sits back. Aditya questions her for not understanding her heart, sometimes people leave a strong imprint that’s unforgettable. Aditya was listening, Viaan replied well, the people get lost in their memories to see the reality. Katha questions him, leans towards him. She begs him to stay with her. Aditya tells that he isn’t here, there can be no worse breakup than a heartbreak. He recalls everything Katha said about being separated from him. Aditya knows that Katha is well aware of it. Katha bursts into tears, he sits beside her telling her that he is a memory from her that will stay there for her but as nothing more. He asks her to accept what lies in front of him, there is nothing wrong in accepting happiness. She cries, he stops her asking to remember him happily, his happiness lies in her. Katha loves him, the never-ending love. Aditya knows that everyone has a special place in life, like she has Dodo for advice. He tells that love never ends; it is forever growing. He wants Katha to think openly about herself, let Aarav collect all the love, let Katha open doors of her heart for people who deserve his Katha. Adtiya is getting late; he has to go and watch Aarav’s basketball match. Katha asks him to stay. Aditya assures being with her always. He reminds Katha that love can be found anywhere, one needs to recognize it. He says his goodbye and leaves. Katha breathes heavily, she cries.

Batman teaches Robin how to play basketball. Batman cannot be prefect regardless of his efforts; he doesn’t have Robin’s height to throw the ball. Robin knows that Batman will get tall as well, Batman hopes to have Robin as coach as well. Robin guides Batman how to position his body. Robin defeats Batman every time, he gets frustrated. Batman got the lead once; Robin motivates him to shoot. Batman hesitates, Robin lifts him up to shoot. They both celebrate afterwards. Batman wanted to go to the basketball tournament but is glad that he didn’t go. Robin asks him to call him if he is afraid to do anything, like skydiving or swimming with sharks. Batman asks Robin what he is afraid of. Robin is scared of a lot of things, the reason why he takes Batman everywhere. Batman asks him to make a promise. They both make a promise to make time for each other, stay friends regardless of new friends, never break their friendship, fight anyone who comes in-between and never break their friendship.

PRECAP: Katha is unable to get a cab, Viaan waits with her. She asks him to drop her. Aarav tells his family that Katha never ignored his calls, it’s the first time that she texted him instead saying to call back in a while. Katha was on seashores with Viaan. She tells Viaan that she eats ice cream in stress, Viaan’s excitement for ice cream resembles Aditya and Aarav. Reet tells Kavita that there is something going between Viaan and Katha.

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