Katha Ankhahee 8th August 2023 Written Update

Katha Ankhahee 8th August 2023 Written Update by Sona

Katha Ankhahee 8th August 2023 Written Episode

Vanaya brings Katha coffee asking her to forget everything. she and Viaan should hold each other’s hand putting everything else aside. Katha cannot do that; they have families and Viaan wants to have everyone together. Aarav deserved a better explanation for all of this as well. Neerj agrees, Aarav is silent, Katha must talk to him after the storm clams down. Viaan calls Katha.

He knows that she isn’t well, no one is well. Teeji isn’t doing good as well, she is torn apart. Viaan apologizes, Katha questions, he wasn’t at fault here. Viaan knows that Aarav would be most effected from all this. Katha will talk to Aarav herself. Aarav listening everything from aside decides to text Robin.

In Garewal mansion Yuvraj asks his father to stop infuriating, it was Katha’s b birthday. Kavita asks Mr. Garewal to come out of this trauma, Katha admitted her love herself. Mr. Garewal denies Katha having feelings for Viaan, she said it in heat of moment, Katha only loves Aditya. Kavita agrees, but Aditya is not here anymore. Yuvraj asks Mr. Garewal to think sensibly, Katha deserves a second chance in love, it wasn’t right of them to fight mother of the man who can fill Katha’s life with love and happiness. Kavita wants to talk to Teeji. Mr. Garewal refuses to believe that Teeji and Viaan deserve Katha, he leaves. Yuvraj wonders about his father’s obsessive reaction. Kavita tells that Mr. Garewal is never ready to move on, he is doing the same to Katha as he did to Aditya.

Robin comes to meet Batman at the sports club. Robin was called there by Batman, he apologies for everything. Robin didn’t know anything about Katha being Batman’s mother. He was waiting for the right time to tell him. Aarav’s happiness matters the most to both Viaan and Katha. Reminds him about the friendship rule, friends over everything. Aarav addresses Robin as uncle, refuse to continue the friendship. Viaan questions him, they as Robin and Batman can resolve everything. Aarav has to do this because of everything that happened last night, he left saying that they are no longer Robin and Batman. Aarav left Viaan in despair and while an evil smile on his face.

Neerja asks Katha not to worry, consider everything a blessing in disguise. Instead of explaining themselves everything came out in open at once, now they should live happily. Katha thinks that they need elders blessing for a happy life. Neerja reminds that Mr. Garewal didn’t support her and Aditya’s marriage. Katha worries about Teeji. Neerja considers her a grown up capable of handling her emotions. Neerja suggests Katha to make her relationship with Viaan strong and solid. Katha asks about Aarav, he left for cricket practice unable to let Katha talk to him. Aarav comes to her, Neerja leaves them alone to talk. Katha tells that she has something to talk about, Aarav expression make her sense something odd.

Ehsan was shocked to know that Aarav was Viaan’s batman. Ehsan wants to the know faults in his friendship that he had to be friends with a kid. Viaan is not ready for joke, he was lucky to find Aarav, get to know him. Aarav came today to break their friendship, he feels void. Viaan blames himself for breaking everything. Ehsan calms Viaan, Aarav is a smart kid, he needs to time to contemplate everything. Viaan worries about being considered a betrayer and liar for using Aarav to get to his mother. Viaan considers himself a fool because he kept bragging about the love of his life to her son. Icing in the cake, everyone told him about it. Ehsan calms Viaan, he has never seen Viaan this hyper. Viaan can not calm down. He is ready to beg Aarav instead of letting him get hurt. Katha calls Viaan, she wants to discuss something with him, its important.

Farah pushes Teeji into a coffee shop though she doesn’t want coffee. Teeji sees Mr. Garewal, gets infuriated. Farah makes her sit. Mr. Garewal has no interest in talking to her. Farha arbitrates their difference, asks them to do this for their children. Farah knows that despite all the differences Mr. Garewal and Teeji share common interest of not letting Viaan and Katha be together. They both agree.
Viaan meets Katha in the library. Viaan sees Katha, immediately begs her to talk to Aarav. Their friendship is important for them, he wasn’t using him to get to Katha. She was smiling. Viaan questions her for taking their friendship childish. Katha asks what Aarav said to him. Viaan tells that Aarav broke their friendship. Katha agrees with him, Robin, and Batman’s friendship needed to be broken. He cannot be a part of friendship where a third person cannot exit. Viaan was in shock. Katha calls him a bigger monkey than Aarav. Viaan’s life hasn’t fallen apart, it’s just moving around its own axis. Katha clarifies that Aarav wants to build a different world for them where they can all live together. She recalls Aarav telling that he wants Robin and Batman’s friendship to have a cat woman. He wants Robin in their life, will bring Katha a cat woman’s dress as well. He sent Katha to bring Viaan.

Viaan was relieved. Katha apologized for troubling him, it’s like son like mother, Katha was only following Aarav plan. Aarav is waiting for Viaan at home, wants to see them together with him, in a new world. Viaan struggled to stop himself from hugging Katha.

Farah tells that whatever happened brough Viaan and Katha’s relationship to the next level. Their biggest issue to break the news to their families is over owing to that fiasco. There is nothing Mr. Garewal and Teeji can do to undo the publicly announced relationship between tow consenting adults. She is suggesting that they put their differences aside and collaborate.

PRECAP: Aarav feels cold from the empty side, Viaan sits there. He asks Viaan to sleep on his other side. Teeji texts Katha and Mr. Garewal messages Viaan to meet them respectively.

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