Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 2nd February 2017 Written Update

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 2nd February 2017 Written Update by MA

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 2nd February 2017 Written Episode

Suhana calls Sona and says she will not sleep until she return home. Sona says even she wants to come home soon, but is stuck in job. Suhana says she will sleep only after giving goodnight kiss to her. Sona asks not to get adamant and sleep. Suhana says okay and disconnects call. Asha says Suhana that she has become very obedient. Bejoy says until Sona returns, they will play truth or dare game.

Dev plays luudo with family. GKB in her broken English says Neha went to US and even Nikki went out of Delhi and comes only on holi ke day. Vicky says it is holiday. Everyone laugh. Dev asks Ishwari to join them. Ishwari says it is okay, she is happy seeing him happy. Dev says he is happy always and asks Golu is he right. Golu says yes.

Sona checks duplicate keys

in office and does not find them. Suhana plays truth or dare with Bejoy and Asha. Bejoy says we all know she loves mamma/Sona, if she misses papa. Asha says Bejoy…. GKB loses ludo and yells that this game is not good, pandavs lost it long back. Elena says there is difference between ludo and gambling and takes Golu to make him study. Dev says even he will leave. Sona enters Dev’s cabin and checks his files, says this is scam. Suhana says she misses papa and wishes if she could talk to him, go out to have sushi with him. Bejoy says who eats raw fish, there is no question of missing it. Suhana says exactly, she did not see papa at all, so there is no question of missing him. He asks why she lied then. She says just to cheer him up. Asha’s turn comes next. They all laugh.
Sona finds fire alarm and thinks if she creates fire and smoke, alarm will ring and someone will come and break lock. She thinks how to set fire and smoke.

GKB tells Ishwari that whenever she plays ludo, she loses and Dev wins, how. Ishwari says Dev wins since childhood, he used to win over his sister, and Neha used to cry. Dev used to tell even if he tries, he cannot lose. GKB starts brainwashing why did he lose against begalan/Sona. Ishwari says she does not want to talk about Sona, Dev was getting back to normal after so many years, when Dev told Sona’s presence doesn’t affect him, she should believe him and not talk about Sona.

Ishwari then goes to kitchen and asks GKB where is grocery. DK tells GKB only diet grocery is at home. Ishwari sees brown rice and asks what is it. GKB says brown rice, everyone is eating diet food, so she took out other items. Ishwari asks DK to get ghee and besan. GKB orders DK to bring it. Ishwari says Dev is happy after so many years she will prepare his favorite halwa and feed him from her hand.

Dev sits in garden. Vicky walks towards him. Golu comes and asks Dev to play with him. Vicky asks to bring ball and sends him. He asks Dev he helps everyone always. Dev says this time he wants Sona to beg. Vicky asks what did he do. Dev says he locked her in and wants her to beg. Vicky starts yelling what did he see in Sona and marry her, she is greedy and married him for money, she must have slept with somany people for money. Dev angrily kicks table. Vicky asks what happened, he hates Sona. Dev says he hates, but if Golu hears his words, he will spoil. Golu comes and asks what are they talking about.

Sona calls Asha and says she will be late. Asha asks not to worry and then tells Suhana and Bejoy make her lie always. Suhana says she wants mamma to work tension-free.

Ishwari prepares food with stove on floor. DK asks why is she cooking on floor. Mamaji enters and says he will not understand, it is a celebration when Ishwari cooks. GKB comes and asks if she should help. Ishwari says no need, she wants to prepare halwa for Dev alone. Vicky tells GKB that Ishwari and Dev will spoil their plan. GKB asks not to worry, she will plan something.

Sona sets fire in dustbin. Fire alarm starts ringing. Next office employees try to break lock and call fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers come and break lock and get her out. They then set off fire and ask Sona who did it, they will take him to police station. Sona says nobody, it is an accident. They say lock is broken, she should get a new lock. Sona says yes and smiles. Dev waits for Sona’s call.

Precap: Guard informs Arjun that yesterday fire broke out in office and Sona had to be rescued by breaking lock. Sona has new lock keys. Dev scolds why did not anyone inform him. He calls Sona, and she rejects it.

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