Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 4th November 2016 Written Update

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 4th November 2016 Written Update by MA

Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi 4th November 2016 Written Episode

Sona happily hugs Dev that he sent a surprise gift to her parents without informing her. Ishwari sees them and coughs. Sona nervously says Elena left. Mamaji says let us burn crackers. They all burn crackers. Ishwari says Dev let us go to temple. Dev gets car. Sona steps on cracker and shouts in pain. Dev worredly gets out. Mamaji says she must have stepped on cracker. Dev lifts Sona and takes her to their room. He worriedly looks at her burn and says it must be paining a lot. She says if he hugs pain will go away. On the other side, Mamaji says Ishwari that poor Soona got injured during diwali celebrations. Ishwari says Dev is with her to take care of her. Mamaji says let us go and distribute blankets among poor. Ishwari says no need for that. In room, Dev
says Sona she got a burn unnecessarily. She says it is first diwali gift. He says she finds positivity in everything. They both smile. Kuch rang pyar ke….song..plays in the background.

Ishwari leaves in car alone. Dev comes calling her if they can go now. Watchman says she left already in car. Mamaji asks what happened. He says maa left alone to temple. Mamaji says he thought she wiill not go, not to worry driver has gone with her. Dev waits for Ishwari and once she comes asks why did she go alone, going to temple had become a ritual for him. She ays poor people would have left and says rituals have to change. She asks how is Sona now. He says she is fine now and slept. She asks him to go to room and be with her. Dev goes to his room and pampers sleeping Sona.

In the morning, Dev gets breakfast for Sona. Sona says injury is good for her. He asks who injures themselves. She says she read in fairytale story to get attention from one’s love. He smiles. Their chatting continues and they both smile and enjoy breakfast.

Dev gets down after getting ready for office. Ishwari asks him to sit for breakfast. He says he finished with Sona in room. Kichu gives him envelope. He opens envelope and is shocked to see a legal notice. Ishwari asks what happened. He says Ranveer has filed mental harassment case on Neha. Ishwari says there must be mistake. Mamaji says no, Ranveer has said that Nha is trying to separate him from his family.

Elena repeatedly calls Vicky and he rejects call. He finally picks and asks why did not he pick her call. He sitting in office says he is in hospital. She asks what. He says she is worried for him so much. She says she will come there. He says doc told wound is infected. She says what. He says he was joking and says she should accept he likes her. She says no, she hopes he gets infection for sure and disconnects call. Vicky gets happy that Bengali fish is trapped. Elena also smiles.

Ishwari wanders in room reminiscing Rajveer filed mental harassment case on Neha. Sona brings food for her. Ishwari says she is not interested. Sona says she should eat even without interest and says they should solve Neha and Ranveer’s issue away from court, lawyer and court don’t know Ranveer and Neha better than them. Ishwari asks her to keep food and go. Sona asks what happened. Ishwari says she is having headache and wants to be alone. Sona feels sad. Kuch comes and informs that Ranveer’s bhabhi has come. They both go out and ask bhabhi to come in. She says she will not come in after they did so much wrong. Ishwari asks what did they do. Bhabhi says Dev get Ranveer out of job even after knowing that Ranveer has responsibility of his family. Ishwari says her son knows responsibilities and cannot do this. She yells that she should ask Dev itself, Ranveer is self-respected man and Dev is wrong. Neha says what about Ranveer sending mental harassment case. Bhabhi yells everyone knows who started first and leaves yelling they have all fallen down in her eyes.

Sona confronts Dev and asks why did he get Ranveer out of job, Ranveer supports his whole family. Dev says Dev did so much wrong to Neha even then. Sona says they would have solved issue, but now… Argument continues. Dev shouts whoever tries to harm his family will have to face dire consequences.

Precap: Sona asks Dev what love is this that is forcing him to ruin someone’s life. He says Ranveer married his sister and ruined her life and whoever will mess wit his family will have face only bad. Neha hears their conversation.

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