Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 17th September 2012 Written Update

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Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 17th September 2012 Written Update by PurpleFairy

Nidhi gets a call late at night while she is in bed with a sleepless night. It is Heeramal Kaka informing her Ashu has not come back home yet. Nidhi is puzzled to learn that her husband is missing. She tries calling him again and again but he doesn’t answer his phone. She recalls Ashu telling her that it would be better if he doesn’t come in front of her. She is worried. She calls up Anji. Nidhi tells her Ashu is missing. Anji tries to calm her down. RN takes the phone from her and says that maybe Ashu is in the surgery but Nidhi insists he is not because Kaka has called the hospital. RN and Nidhi agree to meet at the hospital.

At Kotnis, RN and Nidhi are investigating about Ashu. Nidhi is paranoid and angry at Ashu for not even informing if he has an emergancy. RN and Anji both try to calm her down and comfort her. Anji wants to take Nidhi home with them but she refuses and says she will stay at the hospital. RN and Anji want to stay with her but she tells them to go home.

Nidhi roams around the hospital tensed and worried. She checks Ashu’s cabin for clues of whereabouts but doesn’t find any. She leaves him a message making no attempt to hide her angry and worry.
DB is disturbed in her sleep as Nidhi calls her to inform that she is not home but in the hospital. She doesn’t tell her that Ashu is missing though. She hopes and prays that Ashu returns in the morning. She calls Kaka but no luck on either side. Nidhi considers the possibility of Ashu going to another hospital for an emergancy but doesn’t sound to convinced. She asks Kaka to call her as soon as Ashu gets home.

Nidhi is having a tough and looks hell worried. She messages Ashu again to call her and that everyone is worried for him. Nidhi recalls her good times with Ashu with ‘Bhare Naina’ playing in the BG. Defeated, she gets back to her cabin suddenly remembering their last confrontation where Ashu says it’s better they don’t come in front of each other. ‘Sam’s Theme’ from New York is playing in the BG alternating with ‘Bhare Naina’. She knows nothing will happen to Ashu and assures herself of the same. She messages him again and apologises for her behaviour and promises that she will never give him another chance to complain.

By morning, Nidhi is in panic. She keeps on messaging to Ashu desparately asking him to contact someone, if not her. She is on the verge of a breakdown. She gets a ray of hope when her phone rings but it is Yuvraj. She can’t control her tears and tells her father that Ashu is missing. Yuvraj is shocked and so is DB. Yuvraj suggests that they should inform the police and Nidhi agrees to meet.
The police says they’ll take a while to trace Ashu’s phone. Nidhi is shattered.

Meanwhile, Amar asks Sister to give a letter to Nidhi since he can’t face her. Another nurse comes and tells her that Nidhi has gone to the police station since Ashu has been missing. Amar is taken aback and is sure that this is his brother’s doing. He gets up but meets Dr. Priyanka on the way. She orders him back to his ward but he runs away clutching his abdomen. He mounts on a bike and rides away.

RN gets a call in the police station from Priyanka that Amar has run away from the hospital. Nidhi is shocked. The police taunts them saying they should’ve never sheltered a criminal and let the police question him. He is sure that Amar is related to Ashu’s disappearance. RN and the police get into a mild argument when the policeman is informed that Ashu’s mobile has been traced. Everyone leaves for the location.

Upon reaching, they find Ashu’s car banged to a tree. They all rush to it. The police says that no one must touch anything. They watch as the police investigate the car. Nidhi and the others, meanwhile, do their bit by asking people around about the car and it’s occupant. But they bear no fruitful results. The police put forward their theories about what must’ve happened. Just then, Nidhi spots Ashu’s glasses on the ground.

Nidhi is beyond shocked and calls for the inspector and shows them the glasses. The police are now certain that Ashu has been kidnapped and that too by Amar. Nidhi immediately recalls how apprehensive Ashu was about Amar and how he didn’t want her in any danger. Nidhi swears to kill Amar if he has a hand in this.

Precap: Amar calls Nidhi and tells her he knows where Dr. Ashutosh is. Nidhi is taken aback.

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