Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 5th October 2018 Written Update

Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 5th October 2018 Written Update by Tanaya

Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 5th October 2018 Written Episode

Sikander holds setus hand and keeps money and says please tell me the truth, setu says this is the amount,setu throws money in water, Sikander says dont you have value for money,setu says we poor have more value than you,please stay away, Sikander says what have I done,setu goes inside and locks the door, Sikander says im right outside and won’t go, till i find the truth.

Lovely tells cutie that nihalo had seen her during accident,what will i do now,mom do something,send her out. Nihalo waiting outside. Cutie says relax baby only money can save us.Amyra and Kulfi at door,kulfi says. Scared of your granny,amyra says we are friends now,she won’t do anything. Nihalo tries to open the door on cuties instructions, but unable too.Amyra and kulfi leave after waiting long,nihalo

opens door, Kulfi leaves amyra says why it took so long, and enters. Nihalo shouts at Amyra who are you, amyra says how dare you its my Granny’s house.
Kulfi about to ring bell but remembers cuties scray face and says i wont go in, cutie comes out and amyra says who this villager is, cutie says no baby go in take what you want, nihalo says oh your grand daughter she is so sweet where your daughter is, cutie says she is out and now you have to leave too,nihalo asks any problem, why are you asking me to leave,cutie says you have to reach chiroli,cutie Says you will be receiving money but you have to keep shut and not reveal truth go in now, nihalo says how can i deny,and thinks something is fishy here.

Kulfi says I shouldn’t be scared and go in and rings the bell, nihalo opens the door but scared Kulfi hides,nihalo sees no one,amyra says shh its my friend holds Kulfi hand abd leaves. Sikander waiting out in sun exhausted for setu to come out, a duppata falls on him which reminds him of nimrat.

Amyra says how did you make such good drawing,kulfi says mom use to sell duppata and we use to make designs on it. Setu sees Sikander and remember nimrat and says should i tell Sikander that kulfi is his daughter but what about his other daughter. Tevar gets food,kulfi and amyra show him slides they prepared. Tevar says this wont work because you drew on wrong paper, kulfi says we can still work applying oil or ghee makes it transparent.amyra says so smart.

Cutie says remember no questions just keep quite, or you won’t be given money,nihalo says i just want money, and it was good to see your grand daughter,nihalo leaves.lovely breaks down, and says all my fault,i messed my life on my own. Sikander gets call from amyra, Kulfi says oh Sikander sir,amyra says yes come lets talk. Setu standing behind Sikander.

Pre cap: Sikander begs to setu to tell him who is kulfis dad,setu points at Sikander.

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1 Comment

  1. Desiree
    October 05, 12:29 Reply

    Yes now sikander and kulfi will get justice and lovely will see jail time or she will leave the house.

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