Kumkum Bhagya 10th November 2014 Written Update

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Kumkum Bhagya 10th November 2014 Written Update by H_Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 10th November 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Abhi finishing his live performance and getting excited seeing fan’s praising. He says he wants to sing some lines from his new song and recites it like, instead of singing. Fans clap hearing the lines. Once he goes backstage, Akash praises his new song and asks when did he write it. Abhi reminisces him reciting his son to Pragya and Pragya reciting her song. He praises her and asks whom she is in love with. She points at him and then points at herself. Akash says whoever has written this is madly in love.

Suresh says Pragya that she looks like in love with Abhi. She says yes. He says he is happy for her.

Abhi gets Tanu’s video and is shocked to see it. Aaliya and Tanu look at Abhi and think today Pragiya will be out of house. The smirk seeing Abhi panicking. Abhi shows video to Akash and says he will have to stop daadi from seeing it. He toes to Tanu and Aaliya first. Aaliya acts as getting the same video. Abhi says Daadi should not see this. Aaliya says she is also worried about Daadi. Abhi goes and sees Daadi watching video, asks even if she saw that video. Daadi says yes and asks how can anybody send this. Abhi says he will find out who did this. Daadi asks him to stop panicking and shows his performance spoof video. Abhi gets relaxed. Daasi says she will slap the person who sent it. Abhi asks them to reach home via car and leaves.

Pragya gets Bulbul’s call who complains that she did not allow her to see Abhi’s performance and instead enjoying live performance herself. Pragya says even she did not go to concert and is watching it on TV due to her injury.

Abhi brings his whole family home. Tauji asks Taiji why did he bring us home before concert finished. Pragya comes down and says Abhi that his performance was superb and as he told, with his lucky guitar he performs well. Aaliya says she brought shame to their family, etc., and continues scolding her. Pragya asks what did she do. Mitali starts scolding then. Pragya asks again what did she do. Aaliya says she will prove us wrong even this time, so she will show it to everyone. She plays Pragya and Suresh’s intimate video on projector. Pragya says this is wrong. Aaliya says Abhi that this is her real character, for whom he even went to jail. She says daadi believes you so much and asks Abhi to kick Pragya out of house. Abhi drags her to his room. Aaliya and Tanu smirks.

Abhi drags Pragya to room. Pragya says this MMS is wrong and she cannot think of any other man except him after this marriage. He asks her to stop her drama and says he thought she is greedy but did not think she is characterless. Pragya asks if he believes the MMS than herself. He asks why did not she think about her character, self-esteem, self-respect before doing this. He says she betrayed him. Pragya pleads that she did not do this and asks him to look at her eyes and think if she can do this. He looks into his eyes and asks her to stop her drama and shut up. She says even he goes to some other girl’s house and sleeps with her, but she did not complain about it. He asks if she is taking revenge from him and says he loves Tanu and goes with her after informing her, but she did it behind him and is trying to deny it. He then says he does not care what she does to him, but cannot see her betraying daadi, he does not believe her as his wife. He shouts why did she betray daadi and says if anything happens to Daadi, he will destroy her life. Pragya starts crying vigorously.

Precap: Aaliya asks Pragya to pack her bags as even Daadi will not stop her this time.


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  1. Pragya
    November 10, 21:02 Reply

    O I hate when pragya cries it makes me cry too 🙁

  2. LJ
    November 10, 20:20 Reply

    This was another hard episode to watch…I also dislike the abuse hurled at Pragya. Looking at the bright side… we know from the concert that ( the song Abhi read) that he came to at least appreciate Pragya if even alittle. Remember how happy he was when he talked about the lyrics with Akash backstage… his face was very bright when he thought of the time spent with Pragya.. he remembered how Pragya gave him the lyrics… how she touched her nose telling him she loved HIM…
    he was soooo happy…his heart says yes but coz of the witches, his mind is saying no… At least a few times a week now we’ve seen their relationship draw closer… yes..it’s one step forward and two steps back.. but, there is movement in the direction of Abhi loving Pragya….let’s see.. knowing EK from PV, evil will not prevail…!!!

  3. minnal
    November 10, 18:14 Reply

    why do I have a feeling again this mms will backfire on Tanu & Aliya. Even if Pragya is thrown out of the house for now. I think the truth will come out soon & expose Tanu & Aliya in front of everyone Specialy dadi & Abhi. You’d think Abhi has enough brain to know how very conniving his sister can be Specialy after she manipulated him into marrying pragya for her own stupid mistake.

    They can’t portray Abhi any dummer if they tried.

  4. ♥♥sumaira♥♥
    November 10, 17:10 Reply

    Lovely track
    Of course aliya n tannu must play some dirty trick
    Its the serial
    Without them
    T would be very boring
    I dont mind the trp n what people think but to me
    This serial is superb n amazing
    N pragya for me is the best
    To me there is no actress that can beat sriti jha
    Its just my opinion on loving this serial
    I know u all dont agree wid me but….

    • ♥♥sumaira♥♥
      November 10, 17:12

      ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥love u kumkum bhagya♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
      ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ And sriti jha (pragya)

  5. Tash
    November 10, 16:11 Reply

    I want Pragya to prove her innocence and then leave the house on her own. Then Abhi has to work to her her back.

    • Pragya
      November 10, 21:07

      Yeah u r rite

    • dvlakshmi
      November 11, 00:00

      Hi, T, I quite agree with you. But , would Pragya do it , is my question ?

    • outspoken
      November 11, 01:02

      Not only did Pragya shed copious tears today….

      She had a many cry with her, I must say…..

      With angry Abhi , her innocence, she had to convince….

      But would she be able to do , that to a dunce ?????

      Troubled times are here for Pragya , all would agree..

      Troubles, of all shapes and kinds , and varying degree ,

      Will she or won’t she , sort out all ,

      Will she come out or would she fall ?????

      Anyway, we can always hope and hope we will

      Hope for the best , that she has her joy to the fill….

  6. ♥♥sumaira♥♥
    November 10, 15:15 Reply

    I think this was very very interesting
    Love u pragya
    U r the best
    Its make me cry when u cry
    Ut be strong pragya
    U hava 24 hours
    U can do it
    Prove ur innocence
    Ah love yuh soo much
    Ignoring all other comments
    Amazing episode
    Just love thus serial
    Will support kb in good n bad times

    • ♥♥sumaira♥♥
      November 10, 15:17

      From ur biggest fan SUMAIRA
      Wish u all the best sriti jha n kumkum bhagya
      N abhigya jodi (mind blowing superb amazing jodi)

  7. Aissetoudiakite
    November 10, 14:43 Reply

    moi je veux que Pragya et Abhi Reste marié pour que les 3 sorcière vont mourir de jalousie

    • Pani
      November 10, 16:27

      Pour ca il va falloir que Abhi ouvre bien grands ces yeux or maintenant il reagit betement a tout. Moi j’aimerais plutot que Pragya quitte la demeure familial pour un certain temps je crois que ca va provoquer Abhi a bien reflechir.

    • Bulbul
      November 10, 21:08

      What r u guys blaberring in french

    • zaara
      November 10, 21:11

      oh bonjour guys or bonsir 🙂
      i also knw hw to tlk in French 🙂
      tres bien!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆

  8. Devga
    November 10, 14:16 Reply

    Wow abhi is not betraying dadi by living wid tanu

    • ♥♥sumaira♥♥
      November 10, 15:19

      Pragya said it right
      I with suresh n u with tannu
      We both same to same
      If dadi finds out ether way she will get unconscious

  9. sugan
    November 10, 13:47 Reply

    Oh god enough is enough this show is becoming abosolutely irritating
    Cv’s must wake up

  10. ashwini
    November 10, 13:15 Reply

    Even I stopped watching the show. Just read updates . This show will surely loose all Trps to my knowledge. Writer’s pl wake up show us sum thng new .

    • LJ
      November 10, 20:10

      REading the update is not as exciting as watching the episode
      I learned that a month ago when I was going to stop watching it… so sick of the witches.. and now there’s a 3rd… crazy greedy Mitali

  11. Nadz
    November 10, 13:06 Reply

    Seriously thinking to stop watching this show!

  12. nalini
    November 10, 12:47 Reply

    Hope very much Raj wife is exposed for her crime

  13. SA
    November 10, 12:32 Reply

    Absolutely stupid, have enuff seeing these Mental sick woman get away wit their stupid DrAma, Mitali instead worrin about her husband in prison is canniving, pls STop this crAp against Pragya

  14. Kubs
    November 10, 12:30 Reply

    Really!Terribly disappointed.The 2 leads are so awesome together.But the whole family dynamic is terrible.Actually I know that the evil doers will get away with all of this,and even if they r caught they’ll be forgiven,whatever nonsense.Come On ,that is the dynamic of most of these shows.

  15. ishani
    November 10, 12:21 Reply

    Kitne niche gir sakthe ho aliya and tanu.. I really hate them a lot and every time pragya has to suffer…and abhi misunderstands pragya…!! However this has to happen in every serial…!!!

    • jenny
      November 10, 12:23

      Right its almost happening in every series..!!:-)

  16. Babe
    November 10, 12:17 Reply

    Pls. I can’t even believe zee tv still allows this show. I really need to ask do they watch the programmes on their channel and compare with other channels? Just asking

  17. Pani
    November 10, 12:09 Reply

    oh boy!

    Here we go with a whirlwind of tears and mourning from Pragya.


    Thats all we get from this serial. Pragya sad Abhi insulting Aaliya and tanu conniving etc etc etc

    What is NEW?!!! Oh for crying out loud get on with it.

  18. amir
    November 10, 11:45 Reply

    You all friends think about the future wats in betwen the abhi and pragya after this drama, and i think its intresting in the next two three episodes.

    • Bulbul
      November 10, 21:10

      Yeah he will start dreaming about pragya

  19. xyz
    November 10, 11:39 Reply

    helo.. Anyone der!

  20. anonymous
    November 10, 11:36 Reply

    i really hope Pragya is able to prove herself

  21. kumkum
    November 10, 11:34 Reply

    can any girl can go this much low to insult other women..

    shame on aliya.. and tanu and raj wife

  22. Ri
    November 10, 11:31 Reply

    Now I don’t watch this anymore I only read the synopsis. You got a story alright at the beginning but now the plot is becoming ‘cheap’. Soon I will probably even stop reading about it, unless you either change naive Pragya to fight back or the dumbo Abhi to be a man with his own mind!!!You may use these HTML tags and attributes:

  23. kris
    November 10, 11:31 Reply

    So getting fed up of this show now, this entire story will be based on misunderstanding and nothing good and entertaining, only good for people who like to live a confusing lifestyle

  24. Ri
    November 10, 11:29 Reply

    Now I don’t watch this anymore I only read the synopsis. You got a story alright at the beginning but now the plot is becoming ‘cheap’. Soon I will probably even stop reading about it, unless you either change naive Pragya to fight back or the dumbo Abhi to be a man with his own mind!!!

    • kumkum
      November 10, 11:35

      exactly……..hero and heroine are dumb.. co actor only speak.. no more kumkum

  25. Gargi
    November 10, 11:21 Reply

    Grrr…I wonder how the truth will be revealed. Because it seems as though Tanu and Aaliya really accomplished their goal this time!

    • LJ
      November 10, 20:12

      REading the update is not as exciting as watching the episode
      I learned that a month ago when I was going to stop watching it… so sick of the witches.. and now there’s a 3rd… crazy greedy Mitali.

    • LJ
      November 10, 20:14

      wrong reply .. wanted to say here’s hoping somehow Raj and Mitali’s children will come forward to say they heard a scream and Suresh ran out of room… that would be a start.

  26. vish
    November 10, 11:21 Reply

    i am so tired of this show absolute nonsense its so boring that i just read the written update and realize i aint miss nothing interesting. Someone please ask producer its months this show has been going on and it same nonsense when will this story line finally change. I am not interested anymore.

    • Tash
      November 10, 11:26

      Yeah. I haven’t watched for the last week — just reading the updates as well.

  27. Aayushi
    November 10, 11:18 Reply

    Stupid track! its not entertaining.. instead it spoils mood..!!! plzzz change d name to KuMkum DuRbhagYa..!!! it really suits dis stupid serial!!

  28. Mahi
    November 10, 11:02 Reply

    Ugh load faster must read all. I want to know if she gets kicked out.

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