Kumkum Bhagya 17th June 2014 Written Update

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Kumkum Bhagya 17th June 2014 Written Update by navya

Kumkum Bhagya 17th June 2014 Written Episode

Pragya is heading to her home when Suresh comes out. He says he heard she’s getting married and hopes she’s happy. She says life has taught her that too much happiness or too much sorrow is not good, but she is happy enough. It’s a good family and a good guy, what more a girl would wish for. He says correct and wishes her the best for her future. He forwards his hand, but then is taking back. Pragya forwards her hand as well and shakes hands with him. Both look at each other and then Pragya leaves.

Aaliya tells Dadi that Pragya’s family told her engagement is tomorrow and marriage after 3 days. Dadi asks how so son. Aaliya says Pragya’s mum stays ill these days, but if it’s too early, then she can tell no to them. Dadi says it’s okay, she wanted Abhi to get married as soon as possible as well. Dadi asks Aaliya since when she started showing so much interest in Abhi’s marriage. Aaliya says she’s very stressed after dadi’s reports and once Abhi gets married, she will feel better. She comes out and says in her mind, she has started planning for Abhi’s marriage long time ago, and for drama after marriage as well.

Aaliya then comes to Abhi and tells him about his engagement. She then asks what’s status on Purab. Abhi says he’ll get a call. Purab’s phone rings and his chacha informs him that chachi is sick. Purab says he will take next flight and will be there. Aaliya asks Abhi how he found out about chachi being sick. Abhi says she wasn’t sick, she’s made sick. He told everything to Purab’s chacha and he took Abhi’s side. Aaliya praises Abhi’s plan and says everything will go according to their plan now.

Pragya’s family is doing engagement preparations. Pragya is not showing any interest. She says she will wear what she wore last time. Her mum says she won’t wear that. Pragya says ok, she will wear whatever her mum wants. Her mum hugs her. Purvi asks Bulbul, and she says she has some important work. Pragya asks more important work than her engagement? She convinces her to come and both get emotional and hug each other. After Pragya leaves, Bulbul tells her mum every time Pragya’s alliance broke because of her, but this time it won’t happen like that.

Preparations continue in both houses. Pragya’s mum asks her to select saree. Dadi asks other Abhi’s family members to involve in preparations. They wonder how all happened so quickly and they don’t even know who the girl is.

Aaliya calls Tanu and tells her how difficult it was to convince everyone. Tanu says she will come to the engagement as well. Aaliya tells her to come and she will introduce her to behenji Pragya. They both will make her fun together and she will have no clue whether they are joking with her or making a joke out of her.

It’s engagement time. Pragya and her family arrive to Abhi’s house. Pragya hopes nothing wrong like last time happens today. No one is there to welcome them. Taiji sees them and says ill about Pragya. Aaliya comes and tells Taiji to think before she speaks, Pragya is the one whom Abhi is marrying. Taiji is surprised. Aaliya apologizes to Pragya and her family. She welcomes them in. Dadi greets them and then takes Pragya with her to introduce her to the relatives.

Taiji is not happy seeing Pragya in the family. She takes Dadi on a side, but Dadi supports Pragya and says she supported the truth and wanted to bring Akash on right path. Taiji tells her she at least had to look at their status. Dadi says they were poor once as well and Abhi was a simple person as well. She chose Pragya only because that simplicity can come back in Abhi. Taiji is still not convinced. Dadi tells her to stop complaining now, if she has to say anything, then give blessings to Pragya.

Abhi is looking Pragya interacting with the guests from upstairs. Aaliya teases him and laughs. So many girls were after him and he chose Pragya. Abhi wonders what Purab saw in her. Aaliya says she must have used same trick which she used to impress Dadi. Tanu comes and congrats Abhi. He takes her to a side and says it’s all because of her. Tanu says he’s doing this for Aaliya as well. He says yes, and he would have never done this with any girl, but Pragya deserves it. She looks so simple, but is so smart. She only loves money. Tanu calms him down and says it’s for a year only.

Aaliya and Tanu now go to Pragya. They converse with her, and at the same time taunt her as well.

Dadi forcefully takes Abhi to Pragya asking him to stand with her. Abhi says in his mind with what kind of people, he has to stand. Tanu can’t see Abhi with Pragya. Aaliya asks her to relax.

Dadi asks Abhi to talk about something else how they would know each other. Aaliya comes and says daadi is right. Dadi and her go away. Abhi wonders what he should ask Pragya.

Dadi keeps looking at him. He asks Pragya if she’s educated. She asks what? and says yes. He asks what she studied. Pragya starts telling about degrees and doesn’t stop. He interrupts and says, that’s good enough. She says ok. He then asks her which of his song she likes the most. She says she never listened them carefully. He gets surprised. She says she took CD from Purvi yesterday, but didn’t get time. Abhi starts taking his song names. Pragya says she likes one of those. Abhi praises that song and says it’s a big hit. Pragya says, yes, very popular. Daadi smiles. Pragya asks about the lyrics. Abhi explains to her. Aaliya and Tanu laugh. Abhi says in his mind, she’s so dumb, God knows how she got so many diplomas.

It’s ring ceremony time. Aaliya sends Tanu to Abhi with ring. Abhi says he feels like killing Pragya and he’s getting a ring. Tanu tells him she’s waiting. Aaliya nods him to go ahead. Allah waariyaan plays… both exchange the rings. Everyone claps. Abhi looks at Pragya.

Precap: Tanu tells Aaliya she doesn’t need to be afraid of Pragya. Abhi will never like her. Other hand, Dadi gives blessings to Pragya and Abhi.

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  1. Sonya
    June 19, 13:55 Reply

    Very nice serial. So different and good cast.

  2. Zainab
    June 18, 02:02 Reply

    Actually when will abhi know the truth? I’m hoping soon! Aliya thinks pragya is purab’s girlfriend fool!
    Like someone here suggest that aliya should marry suresh Gosh so funny! Hehe

  3. sanvi
    June 17, 22:08 Reply

    Nice episode.

    Cv’s please let aaliya n abhi aware of purbul’s love.as I don’t want abhi being vengeful on pragya.
    Prabhi co vo scene was really very cute.
    As pragya quite embarrassed n shyly accepted she doesn’t well known of abhi’smusic.
    Her respite reciprocation was too cute to c when abhi narrated that song.

  4. purbul pragbhi avraj
    June 17, 20:10 Reply

    Aaliya thinks she’s smart but she’s really dumb.
    Find the thuth befor doing something
    But I love this serial sooo much

  5. Miss Unbelievable
    June 17, 17:21 Reply

    this alliance wont break

    because Purab will see Bulbul and wont end up at the engagement party 🙂

    they will stop outside fight clear their misunderstandings and get all lovey dovey

    and Purab will take his ring off and place it on Bulbul fingers and say I love you and we will get married 🙂

    IN YOUR FACE LOSERS (aliya and tannu)

    • sanvi
      June 17, 22:02

      Lol agree mu.

  6. christy
    June 17, 16:00 Reply

    it would b nice to see Aaliya get married to Suresh and become a behenji herself!!!

    • bella
      June 17, 16:14

      heh heh excellent idea.

    • Abisola
      June 17, 19:20

      Lol Christy very good match….. Aaliya and Suresh…. lovely

    • sanvi
      June 17, 22:03

      Agree .

  7. rabulfan
    June 17, 14:16 Reply

    misssssssssssss uuuuuuuuuuu purab……….. 🙁 miss uuuuu a ton… 🙁

  8. arti
    June 17, 13:58 Reply

    I like the progression. aaliya is one very selfish girl as I mentioned many times before. She comes bk telling dadi – pragya family arranged engagement and marriage all within 3 days and did the opposite with pragyas family. im not a fan of abhi but excited to see where this is leading.

  9. noorie-2
    June 17, 13:30 Reply

    Hey you guys may be thinking why my name is so close to our friend noors, well I’m noors younger sister. Noor won’t be able to co e on this site anymore due to college an soon she’ll be going to uni. She told me abt this site so I thought I’d co!e here to fill in for her haha.
    Well I dnt need to give an intro as it would be the same as my sisters but I’ll tell u a bit abt myself:
    *My personality is a carbon copy of Roshnis aka noor
    *I also loooove sonam kapoor but more than noors
    *I’m 13 so pretty young
    *I am very mature for my age so plz don’t call me little angel or any shit lyk that
    *I love starting arguments
    *I’m a fun an bubbly girl
    Feel free to ask more

  10. M@hi
    June 17, 13:29 Reply

    Hello everyone. See what I said yesterday guys. Bulbul thinks that her presence may cause Pragya’s alliance to break.

    • M@hi
      June 17, 13:33

      Like it happened in the past.

    • rabulfan
      June 17, 14:08

      yeah… ur r8 m@hi… :)bt pragya also vry pretty…. 🙂

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