Kumkum Bhagya 18th July 2016 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 18th July 2016 Written Update by H_Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 18th July 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Abhi scolding Robin for the bad coffee. Robin apologizes to him. Abhi asks Akash, why did he cancel the recording? Akash says I thought you will not do recording. Abhi says he will do recording. Akash says okay. Dadi comes and asks Abhi, why is he talking to Akash angrily. Abhi says he has no relation with anyone except her. Dadi thinks to tell him about Pragya, then she thinks about Beeji’s request not to tell him anything about Pragya’s kidnapping else she will be in danger. Dadi thinks she is helpless, but God is not helpless, asks him to do something and save them. Pragya recalls Nikhil telling her that Abhi had signed divorced papers. Pragya thinks Abhi might be crying and thinking I didn’t meet him before sending the papers. She worries for him. Goon comes and scolds
Pragya for calling her husband. He says he has hidden the truth from Nikhil. He slips and wine bottle breaks. Pragya thinks it is inauspicious. She thinks how to reach him. Abhi imagines Pragya in the house while a song plays…….

Nikhil tells Tanu that Pragya was shocked to hear that Abhi had signed on the papers. Tanu says what she might be doing? Aaliya says she must be crying and says she is behenji, although she tried to be modern….laughs. She looks at the divorce papers and says she has waited for these papers since long. Tanu says we have suffered a lot. Aaliya says I don’t know why Abhi didn’t divorce her before. Tanu says I have never left me and be with him always. Aaliya says we shall not waste time and calls lawyer Motwani. She asks him not to waste time and complete the divorce formalities, and send the order. Tanu says I want to punish Pragya for her sins, and wants to sprinkle salt on her wounds. Aaliya says even I want to do, but I can’t go. She asks her to go and show live telecast to them.

Pragya thinks to cut rope through the glass piece. She thinks once I escape, I can tell him everything. She pushes her chair to reach the glass piece. Abhi is angry and break the things in the room. Pragya thinks she has to do this for her husband. Abhi picks the broken photo frame…..mujhko barsaat banalo plays……………She cuts the rope with glass piece. She sees goon coming, but he doesn’t see her. Pragya opens her rope and searches Pari. She thinks if I call her then the goons will hear me. Pragya goes to Pari and removes cloth from her mouth.

Pari about to say Maasi. Pragya signs her to be silent. She takes keys or something from goon’s pocket while they were sleeping. She tells Pari that they have managed to come out. They slip and shout, alerting the goon. One of the goon wakes up, checks the place and wakes up other goon. Pragya and Pari see the gate locked and climb and jump to get out. Pari says she is tired. Pragya says we have to win from goons, and have to run. She says you want to go to your mamma naa, and says she will lift her. She takes an auto. Pari asks where we are going? Pragya says she is taking her to her mamma.

Tanu tells Nikhil that she wants to see Pragya’s crying face. Nikhil says you can enjoy seeing her devastated. Just then goon calls Nikhil and informs that they have eloped. Nikhil gets worried and shouts at him. Tanu blames Nikhil for his flop plan and accuses him for hiring cheap goons. She says you would have gone there and sleep. Nikhil scolds her. Tanu says Abhi will not leave you if he came to know about you. Nikhil says he got an idea. He thinks Pragya might have taken Pari to Doctor’s house. Pragya drops Pari at Dr. Sheela’s house. Dr. Sheela thanks her.

Nikhil and Tanu see Pragya coming out of Dr. house and hit her with car. Pragya falls unconscious.

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    July 19, 07:34 Reply

    such a dumb soapie… for so long how can someone be pregnant and always evil getting away with everything. WHEN IS THE GOOD EVER GONNA COME… STOP THIS STUPID SERIAL.

  2. Fathima
    July 19, 07:24 Reply

    Please end this bakwaas serial. I’m sure there are more worthy shows that can be aired instead.

  3. anne
    July 19, 04:14 Reply

    everyone can say anything but writers directors dont care abt viewers or fans tanu’s track never end thy made a miscarriage n now abhi’s ML i cannot even c abhi crying than hw wil i c him get ML plssssssssssss my humble request dont make me cry alrdy 1 week i didnt c kkb i just read comments n updates but no use nobody wil understand hw i love to watch kkb bcause of abhi n pragya hopefully something positive wil happen i m really very sick hope something good wil happen so tht i can recover thanx i pray for good to happen pls hopefully tis msg is delivered to the ones concern i m stil in shock.tq

  4. Newpy
    July 19, 01:51 Reply

    It’s a year long since tanu can’t get expose after so many times pragya try to expose her even they have the proof. I think the writer have no sense what he/she is writing every time the evil wins. Even abhi looks like a dumb lead as he can’t find out What is truth after so many people already knows it.

  5. omida
    July 18, 15:40 Reply

    Daadi is the head of the family , she knows it wrong and yet cannot say anything, I do not believe that theses serials are based on true life in India , are the producers trying to make Indian family look dumb. because no family lives like that and certainly not that stupid . so please at least make it look real ….

  6. Mini
    July 18, 12:58 Reply

    for god sake please someone should Daadi together with the writer kidnap. What for a crap.

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