Kumkum Bhagya 26th November 2021 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 26th November 2021 Written Update by H Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 26th November 2021 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Rhea threatening to commit suicide and keeps knife on her wrist. Pallavi and Vikram asks her not to do this. Ranbir tries to stop her. Rhea says don’t you dare say anything. Dida says you are stubborn and taking advantage of our goodness. Rhea gets angry. Pallavi says don’t say anything. Vikram asks her to be quiet. Rhea asks Dida to stay away and says I can’t be alone, and says if I stay alone then people’s thoughts will be proved rights, that Prachi and Sid betrayed us and left. Dida says who says this? Rhea says my friends say. Dida says leave such friends. Rhea says shall I die. She tells Ranbir that he kept Prachi in his heart, but she loves Sid and not you. She says Prachi is living with Sid and you are living in her memories. She asks what I shall do? She says you don’t want to move on, and not letting me move on. She says why are you stopping me to live the life? She says I am not killing myself, you are forcing me to die. Ranbir tries to snatch the knife from her hand and says we will make them realize that they can’t ruin our lives, and we will be happy without them. She says we will not do what society asks us to do? Rhea says if he will not marry me. She says I know you will not marry me and want to give a strong message to Prachi and Sid. She says I will not change my decision and will die. Ranbir snatches knife from her hand and throws it. She picks it again. Ranbir bends down on his knees and proposes her for marriage.

Rhea drops the knife and says yes, I will marry you. She holds his hand and hugs him. Pallavi and Vikram are happy. Dida is shocked. Ranbir says make the arrangements for marriage and goes. Dida says Ranbir…you. Ranbir goes out, while sad song plays. Rhea says I am sorry Daddy. Pallavi says its ok. Vikram says we want everything to be fine. Rhea says you are good parents, thanks for saving me. Dida goes to talk to Ranbir.

Prachi refuses to believe Sid and says Rhea lied to you. Sid says Pallavi Chachi liked Rhea always and rhea loved Ranbir, and that’s why they made the plan, to oust us from their lives. He says I came to talk to you, but Sushma aunty stopped me. He says then I went to Bangalore, and then tried to called you, but it was changed. He says I couldn’t tell you that Ranbir was not like he appears. Prachi says Rhea lied to you and says that incident was unfortunate, and Ranbir couldn’t think of this even in his dreams. She says if he will do this to separate from me. She says I might agree that Pallavi aunty might team up with Rhea, but Ranbir can’t do this. She says his heart was broken, and I felt his pain in his eyes. She says my Ranbir can’t do this. Sid says we can talk about Rhea. He asks didn’t you feel that Rhea has Ranbir in her heart. Prachi recalls the incidents, when she sees Rhea with Ranbir. She says it might be in Rhea’s eyes and not in Ranbir’s eyes. Sid says forget that you loved Ranbir then you will understand. Prachi says I will not hear anything against him. She says I love him still and he is my husband still. She says he loves me equally and will tell this himself. She says I am giving him time, as Maa says that time heals everything. She says I know that everything will be fine between us. Sid asks her to sit. Prachi says I am unwell and asks him to go. She asks the hotel staff lady to take her to her room.

Dida comes to Ranbir and says don’t do this marriage. She says I didn’t tell you anything, and says Prachi and you. He says I don’t want to talk about her. Dida says how can you marry her, as she threatened to suicide. She says this is blackmailing, how can you be happy. Ranbir says he is marrying for his parents’ happiness. Dida asks what about your happiness. He says it doesn’t matter, I did everything with my choice, what did I get? Dida says happiness was with me, but you misunderstood her. Ranbir says this is Prachi’s speciality and says we can’t accept what she has done, and says may be it is her magic etc. Dida says whatever you have seen was not right. Ranbir says forget it, and says that was betrayal and this is reality. He says you shall be happy and I can’t see you sad. Dida thinks I wish, I could do something for you and says I will not agree that Prachi has betrayed you.

Sushma talks on call and says she is in Bangalore. Prachi asks hotel staff member to take her to her Badi Maa’s room. Prachi runs to bathroom. The staff member asks if she shall call the doctor and tells about the medicine box. Prachi asks where it is? The staff member says it is in the drawer. Prachi says she is fine and asks her to go. The staff member goes.

Rhea comes to her room happily and recalls Ranbir’s proposal. She thinks I am getting married to the love of my life, and says she is getting married to Ranbir, it is her dream to become Mrs. Ranbir Kohli. She asks if it is dream and dances. Pallavi comes there and says its ok. She says I know you are very happy and you have all the right to deserve this happiness, you have sacrificed much. She says I am very happy for you and says everything is happening as I wanted many years ago, and says life is starting before Prachi had come in our lives. She says I called Pandit ji and he said that tomorrow’s mahurat is good and then after a month. She says marriage will happen tomorrow. Rhea recalls talking to Pandit ji and bribing him on call to tell that the mahurat date is tomorrow. Pandit ji says there is no mahurat tomorrow. Rhea asks him to tell Pallavi that mahurat is good and says he will get double dakshini. Pandit ji says I never lied. Rhea says Lakshmi mata is coming in your house and asks him to tell Pallavi that tomorrow is the best day. Pallavi says I called the designer and asks her to select her wedding dress. Rhea says thank you so much, you always supported me and taken care of me, but I emotionally hurt you. She emotionally blackmails Pallavi. Pallavi says I can understand. Rhea says you have taken care of me like your daughter, though my own mother don’t want my happiness. She says you are my true mother, and says we will have mother and daughter relation between us. Pallavi says works perfectly, and says you are already my daughter and says your and Ranbir’s marriage is necessary. She says I am happy for you both. She says I shall go and make announcement of your marriage and shall tell everyone that Ranbir is marrying with the girl of my choice. She says she will tell Sid, and then Prachi will know eventually. She says she will tell them that her children will be happy always after marriage. She goes to call Sid. Rhea gets worried.

Prachi gets restless and walks in the room. The staff lady gives her lemonade and goes to the washroom. She picks up the things kept there and says congratulations Maa, you are pregnant. She shows her pregnancy detection strip.

Precap: Prachi tells Sid, I didn’t faint because you told me about Ranbir’s marriage. I fainted because I am pregnant. Sushma hears it. Dadi tells Rhea, the day you fall, you will get hurt heavily and that day, you can have haldi applied along with mehendi. It will act as medicine on your wound. Rhea answers back saying let me get married once, then we will find out who gets hurt.

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