Kumkum Bhagya 6th April 2017 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 6th April 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 6th April 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Abhi and Pragya’c conversation. Pragya says she is Mrs. Abhishek Mehra, and what will be tomorrow. Tanu asks Pragya to serve the food to everyone. Pragya serves food. Tanu asks what is this? Pragya says shahi paneer and palak paneer. Tanu says paneer is less and palak is not fresh and asks her mum if she shall get some other dish made for her. Tanu’s mum says she will manage. Dadi eats the food and says you have magic in your food. Dasi wishes that they get to eat food made by her daily. Abhi asks her to serve dal. Tanu thinks she has taught a good lesson to pragya and she became naukrani from secretary. Pragya is serving dal to Abhi. He says some more, some more…..and have an eye lock with her. Tanu gets upset and asks what is happening here. Pragya drops dal on Abhi’s
clothes mistakenly and tries to clean his tshirt. Tanu stops her and asks her to go and bring sweets. Tanu tries to clean his tshirt. Abhi says I will do and takes tshirt. Tanu is irked.

Dadi asks Tanu’s parents to have food. Dasi says they will have sweets now and taunts them. Tanu thinks I will make you insulted infront of Abhi and makes Pragya fall. Pragya falls and sweets dish falls on Tanu’s mum. Tanu’s mum goes to clean her saree. Tanu scolds Pragya for spoiling her mum’s saree and is about to slap her. Aaliya stops Tanu and holds her hand. She whispers in Tanu’s ears that Abhi got up to rescue Pragya. She asks Pragya to forget about this and bring another sweets dish. A fb is shown, Tanu and Aaliya recall compromising with the table and connecting it to the electricity wires. Tanu tells that she will get electric shock. Aaliya says if she touches it for a min then she will die. Abhi offers to help Pragya. Pragya says she will serve the sweets. Pragya feels current and shouts for help. Abhi holds her and gets current too. Raj switches off the electricity switch.

Pragya faints. Abhi tries to wake her up and gets worried. He takes her to room and asks her to open her eyes. He thinks why she lands up in trouble, asks her to wake up so that they can have dinner together. Pragya gains consciousness and says she is fine. She asks are you fine Abhi says I am fine hearing your voice. He hugs her. Pragya also hugs him.

Tanu and Aaliya are having drink and say cheers to each other. Tanu says it is fun to have her feeling current. Aaliya says I wanted her to get her hairs stand on her head, and then I would have click her pictures. Tanu’s mum comes there. Tanu asks her to celebrate with them. Tanu’s mum says she came to attend her marriage and not to see Pragya’s pain. She says you are celebrating rather than mourning. Aaliya says tomorrow she is going to marry, and asks her to enjoy. Tanu’s mum tells them that they will get 840 volts current now and says when Pragya was feeling current, Abhi was most affected and his feelings have become stronger. Tanu and Aaliya get tensed.

Abhi gives her water. Pragya thanks him. Abhi asks how you are feeling now. Pragya says better. Abhi asks her to tell. Pragya asks what? Abhi asks why did you do servant’s work. Pragya says you have called the guest and says she is worried about his reputation. Abhi asks if she don’t have any self respect. Pragya argues and says I care for you. Abhi asks if she cares him equivalent to love….Pragya looks on. Abhi asks her to tell what is in her heart and says I will tell you then what is my heart. He asks her not to hide that she loves him and says even I love you, I can’t stay without you. Pragya says I love you……………….I love you so much and can’t stay without you. She hugs him. Abhi hugs her.

Abhi asks Pragya if she remembers when she was in cold storage and when her breath stopped. Pragya asks what?

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  1. Brwon
    April 07, 06:19 Reply

    this better not be an imagination as i might break the screen

    • Brwon
      April 07, 06:28

      and i hope it comes to an end really soon because it has dragged much, Abhi and Pragya better end up together otherwise u will be sued 🙂

  2. nana
    April 07, 03:49 Reply

    dont be surprise !! Its just a DREAM……….

  3. Lizzy
    April 07, 01:44 Reply

    Today episode was epic my tears was flowing….. please let that be for real.. Just.. Love how the heart blow of the bed ..love them bad ….

  4. sportex
    April 06, 18:48 Reply

    first pray it is not a dream @ Mariya. In Nigeria where this show is aired by Zee World, they just started the pregnancy story. Imagine how I feel knowing that this show is 3years old and thats where they are!!!!!

  5. Rose
    April 06, 17:53 Reply

    I hope this is for real and finally they will be together. This show has dragged on long enough its time for a happy ending.

  6. Archana
    April 06, 14:57 Reply

    Crossed fingers as of now…hope this is not a dream sequence…if the director make it is a dream sequence I’ll sign off from kkb..eagarly waiting for tanu’s nose cut in muhurut mandap again…Please at least now unite my abhi and pragya…

    • sisso
      April 06, 17:40

      Really hope not, she should wrap up now as end of next week will be 3 years, from April 14 2014 to April 15 2017, 3 years I think this is enough. they should unite for good next week and humiliate the two evils and wrap up and end this show. If they move to another plan from the two evils then this producer really have a mental issue as well as the writers. Enough of this show just end it good for once and soon.

  7. Adhi
    April 06, 13:05 Reply

    Tell director to get Abhi and Pragya married and let them live happily ever after. And Tanu and Alia in jail for life and hang Nikhil by neck forever.

  8. Mariya
    April 06, 12:20 Reply

    Finally they get the chnace to say they love each other and confess each otehr love.
    Woow Mashaallah

    • Mariya
      April 06, 12:21

      I love them soooooooo Much that my words can’t even describe

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